Prayer For Media

Creator God, your Son told his disciples that the Truth would set them free.
Help us to seek after Truth in all we do.
As communicators, may we pursue Truth with diligence and passion.
As readers, listeners and viewers, may we discern Truth from falsehood, and always seek the good of others.
As followers of Christ, may we grow more into His likeness, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We need to pray for the media and those working in the industry. Arguably we need to pray for ourselves as consumers.

In this era of fast-paced consumption, we need to pray that media professionals refuse to sacrifice accuracy for speed the need to be first and to carry the message rather than market it.

Collectively we need to be relentless in the search for truth and objectivity.

We need God in this. He's bigger than us the ultimate influencer.

Lord, keep us steady; stop us relentlessly career-building and judging ourselves on followers, likes or the numbers in our networks. Help us see the truth and work for its promotion. Forgive us our human self-absorption. Keep at the forefront of our minds the need to understand and respect those we broadcast to and write for. Set us on a path to promote the common good and to help the poor and vulnerable in society.


God of grace, news of your Son spread first amongst the villages of the Galilee, was gossiped about in the streets, ruminated about in the places of debate, sometimes with wonder and intrigue, at other times as fake news, and has since spread to every corner of the world.

May your Holy Spirit equip all who work in the media to be seekers after truth, so that our world's headlines and news feeds may draw nearer to your ways of justice, mercy and humility that we see in Jesus Christ.


Father God, I praise You and thank You for the privilege of serving You through the mass media, and for the magnificent tools You've provided for us to communicate, educate, and inform. I pray your blessing and favor upon all those who minister the Gospel through the broadcast, internet, and print media; may You continue to utilize their God-given gifts to draw the unsaved unto Yourself, and edify the saints until the day of Your return. And, as so many servants of the Good News are now facing hard financial timeseven, perhaps, the last days of their media ministriesI pray that you might sustain and preserve their important work in our communities, and for Your Kingdom. And for every one that lifts a pen, opens a microphone, sits before a camera, or otherwise makes a living in the media--sacred or secular--I pray that each would come to a saving knowledge of, and transforming relationship with, Your only begotten Son.

Lord Jesus, Pilate once asked you, What is truth? Today we ask the same.

Fake news? Spin? Poetic licence? Or the desire to reach to the very heart of things:

To inform, teach, reflect, ponder this messy business of being human.

Guard, guide and protect our journalists. Make them harbingers of truth.

And for those who know you as their Lord, heralds of the Gospel of truth.

May your Kingdom come. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, you speak and bring all that is seen and unseen into being: we give you thanks for the gift of the media to reach the far flung places of the earth with messages of hope and life.

We give you thanks for those who risk their security and even their lives to expose injustice and to bring news of hope.

May they strive to be the bearers of good news that all people may come to
know the abundant life for which we have been created; and yet more wonderfully redeemed in Jesus Christ.

We offer our prayer in your name, in the power of the Holy Spirit for the glory of the Father. Amen.

Lord, thank you for all those in a position to help point our lives in the right direction' and for your Holy Spirit who strengthens us in this endeavour. Thank you for all those working in our local and national media and we ask you to guide them to bring truth, knowledge, wisdom and insight into our personal lives and our national life. Guard them against any who would wish to use them for ill and empower them by your Spirit to stand up for what is good.

Lord, we thank you that we have come to know you as one who speaks in a multitude of creative ways in a world which so often fails to hear you, and because of that, so often believes the lies which surround us.

We pray for those in the media who are your followers, that you would enable them to offer truth to overcome the lies, light to shine in dark places, refreshment to those who are thirsty and food to those who go hungry.