Prayer For Loving One Another

Holy Spirit, would you move in us to see our role as an ambassador of the gospel. We are God's mouthpiece, his representative to the world. There are so many around us in need of reconciliation with others and, more importantly, reconciliation with you. By your grace, we have the answer for them. We ask that you would give us the words to appeal and implore others to be reconciled.

God, we want to be humble proclaimers of your grace. We pray that you would keep our own sin and our own need for you at the forefront of our minds so that we would not boast in ourselves as we tell others about you. We pray that we would go to others as beggars showing other beggars where to get bread. Keep us from getting prideful; keep the truth of the gospel always before us so that we can better love others.

Jesus, you came to serve, not to be served. We want to be like you. We want to serve those around us so that they will see the selfless love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Jesus, we want to be like you, washing the feet of those around us. As we do that, may we proclaim you, the humble servant king.

God, we know you are calling us to go. Some you call to the nations, some just to a neighbor's house. You are calling all of us to say, Here I am, send me. God, send us to those who are in need of hearing your love story, whether it is a parent, coworker, child or checkout clerk. Whoever and whenever, open our spirit to listen to your voice when you tell us to go.

Father, so many of our friends and family feel condemned by the mistakes they've made and the sins they've committed. Some believe there is no way God or anyone could ever really love them. Jesus, we pray that you would help us to show the love of God to our brothers by withholding judgment and condemnation. We pray that through this love your Holy Spirit would speak the words, You are forgiven, now go and sin no more.

God, you have done incredible works in and through our lives. You have done incredible works through the lives of those around us. We pray that you will help us to tell others about the amazing things that we have seen and heard. We want it to be natural for us to desire to share all that you have done in our lives with others. Make us like the early church that could not help but speak!

Father, we want to smell like you, look like you, sound like you, and touch like you so that those around us can experience you. Jesus, make us a sweet fragrance to those who are being saved. When our love smells rotten to those who are perishing, help us to love and pray for them. Help us remember that no one is outside the reach of God's grace.

God, I want to lift up my friends and family who have not yet seen their need for a savior because they do not see their own sin. Open their eyes to the hurt they cause you and others. Open their hearts to the depth of their need for saving. May they see that there is no one righteous, not even one. Remove the scales from their eyes so they can see clearly.