Prayer For Luck And Prosperity

Dear God, I present to you all my worries. You are my God who will remain exalted here on earth and above in heaven. I pray that you will grant me and my family financial freedom. I pray for good fortune so that I can continue to support my family and help others. I thank you for your unconditional love that has sustained us this far. I pour my heart out to you Lord God. Bless me with sufficient wealth, good health, and above all, bring happiness to my family. I pray in Jesus's name.


Heavenly father, I come before you at this moment as your humble servant. I know you hear my prayer, and that you are honest in answering. I first want to thank you for everything that you have given me. It is not by my own strength or power, but by your grace and mercies. Lord, I present to you my current financial situation. You know very well how I have been trying to make some aspects of my life better. I come to you because I know that nothing is impossible for you. I surrender all my concerns to you and pray for good fortune. Find me a way. I don't ask this just because of financial reasons. There are a few things in my life that could be better. Bless me abundantly so I may have this request. I pray that the Holy Spirit may guide me in all my undertakings so I may not deviate from the right path. Thank you for hearing my plea.


God almighty, I come before you confessing my sins. I pray that you may forgive me and renew within me a new light. I pray that you may bestow my life with good fortune. Let financial breakthrough, good health, and a humble spirit come my way. I ask that you provide me with divine guidance so that I may be able to remain calm. Bring good fortune into my life so that I may be able to support my family. I know that you understand all my pains and shortcomings. Help me Lord so that I can be a better provider to my family. Above all God, help me remain righteous so I'm able to enter your kingdom. In the name of our Lord.


Mighty father, in the name of Jesus I approach you in this time of need. I ask that your favor follow me wherever I step with the sole of my feet. In my interaction with other people, I ask that I will receive favor. Wherever I step, may your goodness and mercies follow me all the days of my life. I ask that you may allow my feet to, once again, find the path and deliver me from my misfortunes of life. May good luck be by my side wherever I go. I hope that no spirit of bad luck, rejection, and misfortune shall befall me or my children. As your mercies are new each day, so do I ask for the renewal of your love upon my life every day break. I decree that whatever I will place my hands on it will prosper because am your disciple. I ask for good luck in my career, business, and family. Sanctify me from every form of sin that leads to misfortunes. Thank you for listening to my petitions. I believe and trust that it is established in Jesus name.


I pray that the greed of money would not entrap my heart but I will only hunger and thirst after You and Your righteousness. May I shrewdly use what You have provided for me.

Help me to remember that as I am blessed, I should bless others as well. Remind me to lend a helping hand to those who are less fortunate. In Jesus' mighty name, I declare my financial breakthrough is here!! Amen.

Heavenly Father, Your name leaves my lips daily in reverence of Your strength and unconditional love. Your undivided attention has been on me since I was in my mother's womb and because You favoured me so, I was delivered into this world safe and sound. Lord, I ask that as You have been caring for me, You continue to do so. I want You to take the wheel of my life because nothing but Your blessings, favour, and love can suffice again. Lord, I ask for the double of Elisha's blessing and I want to be Your favourite amongst millions. Be with me Oh Lord and let Your gaze waver not from me/my household. I glorify You El-Shaddai and In Jesus Name I've prayed, Amen.

Father, I'm here before You today because I want You to perform a miracle in my life. At this point, I cannot do it alone and even if I could, it cannot be compared to Your deeds. I walk in Your sight and I can personally testify to the other miracles in my life. God, I pray for financial release in the form of employment/my business. I pray that You lift my head so that I may stand proud as one of Your children. I want You to make me a living testimony and shame the enemies who doubted Your great works in my life. I thank You Oh God My Father, and In Jesus Name, Amen.

Father above, I pray to You in total subservience today about my life. Lord, I need Your divine help in granting me financial independence. I pray that you remove me from the clutches of incapability and thatYou provide me with all the earnings that I'll use to take care of both myself, my loved ones, and all of Your Beloved for the rest of my life. Father, I need You to fix my life so that I'll not be caught wanting. Instead, I'll fulfill my roles in all needed areas of my life. I thank You God for the opportunity to have this prayer and for the forthcoming blessings, I exalt Your name and In Jesus Name, Amen.