Prayer For Lost Faith

Jesus, my Savior, your word says that you chose us before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless in your sight. Jesus, my friend is living contrary to your word. She has chosen to walk in the way of sinners. Jesus, help her. May she come to the end of herself by knowing the truth that is found in your word. Save her soul from the lies of the enemy. Show her that you are the way, the truth and life. Jesus, I pray to you, for you are doing something new in her life. In your glorious name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Our Father God who is an ever present source of love and comfort. Today we come before you as your humble servants out of love for our friend. They have lost their faith and have begun to stray from the path of righteousness that you have lain before us all. We ask, in the name of Jesus, that you intercede on their heart and restore their lost faith so that they can know your Glory once again.

Heavenly Father, I come before Your majestic throne through the glorious name of the King of kings and the Lord of lords to open the eyes of the blind who don't yet see. They are held captive by the god of this world (Col. 2:8) because the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God (2 Cor. 4:4). Only You can open the eyes of the blind and open their ears to hear so that they might receive eternal life in Jesus Christ, in Whose powerful, omnipotent name I pray. Amen.

Father God, it is through the strong name of Jesus that I pray and for the answer to this prayer to be for His glory that the lost can know the joy of their salvation and have the hope that is found only in You. As the world grows more and more wicked, the time of Your great Son's coming is approaching, and then it will be too late for those to repent and trust in Jesus (Rev. 20:12-15). The glory that Your Son deserves will be all the greater when many more can fall before Him and worship Him on the great day of His visitation, and millions can worship Him Who alone is worthy. It is for His glory that I pray in His precious name, amen.

Righteous Father God, I beg with You to send Your Holy Spirit to convict those who don't yet know You to see their need for the Savior, that they might see their sin and know that their sins have separated them from You (Isaiah 59:1-2), and that their one and only hope is in Jesus Christ alone (Acts 4:12). I know that it is not Your desire that any should perish and that only You can grant repentance to the lost (2 Pet. 3:9), so I am praying for those who don't yet even know that they have sins that need to be forgiven. Only Your Spirit can reveal to them that they have the wrath of God on them if they refuse to believe in Jesus (John 3:36b). In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.

Lord, you are God Almighty, maker of Heaven and Earth.

I know this to be true.

You are the Author of my days, my hours, my minutes, my seconds.

You know the number of hairs on my head.[1]

You are all-knowing, all-seeing, all-hearing, all-saving.

You number the stars and call them each by name,[2]

Yet you invite me to bring my every care to you.[3]

By your breath, you called all things into existence,

And it was your Word that breathed life into my dead soul.

Like Job, I first heard of you and my eyes have also seen you.[4]

You have done miraculous things in my life for your glory and for my specific good.

Forgive me for allowing the memory of those works to fade.

Forgive me for questioning your desire to do good after what I have seen and known of your goodness.

Lord, I believe; help my unbelief.[5]

I am ashamed of how faithless I still seem to be.

Forgive me for worshiping at the altar of fear instead of the altar of faith.

I know every letter of your Word to be true,

But my wayward heart still seeks comfort in lesser things.

My sin makes me feel like I am still your enemy, an object of your wrath.[6]

It makes me doubt the promises of your Word are true for me.

Remind me of my salvation.

Remind me that though I fall short, I have been justified by your grace through Jesus.[7]

Remind me that I have been born again into an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, unfading.[8]

Lord, make my mouth gape again at the wonder of who you are.

Make me tremble at your awful righteousness,

But make me rejoice all the more that you are slow to anger and full of mercy.[9]

Teach me that you are a God who is love and has wrath;

You are not a God who is wrath but can love.

Teach me to believe that you are not slow to fulfill your promises.

What I see as slowness is actually your great patience toward me and others.[10]

Teach me not to allow what I see and experience to determine my faith.

Teach me what it means to walk by faith instead of sight.[11]

Lord, create in me an utter disgust toward sin.

Help me to seek the way out of temptation that you promise to provide.[12]

And on my best days, remind me that my most righteous acts are as filthy rags.[13]

Indwell me with a spirit that is ever dependent on and ever thankful for the cross.

Teach me to pray in submission to your good and perfect will.

And teach me to trust that your answers cannot be anything other than good and perfect.

Circumcise my heart so that I will love you with all of it, and with all my soul.

Hold me fast to the life that promise brings.[14]

In Jesus' name, Amen.

O God, as I come before you today, my heart is weary from waiting. And I wish you didn't feel so far away, so silent in our time of trouble. I know that you will answer, but LORD, it is so hard to wait when the money gets tighter and tighter, and still we wait. And the only things I can see with my human eyes, with my limited understanding, are the troubles mounting at our door.

O LORD, I need your strength today- to just put one foot in front of the other and keep walking in faith. It is so hard to look at our situation with these human eyes and have a quiet and restful faith, to have a mind kept in steadfast peace. I can only have those things in You. Lord, thank you for giving us your Word and the model of David- a man after your own heart who wrestled and asked hard questions. It gives my heart hope and joy to know I can be honest with you- I can pour out my heart- I can tell you my fears, and when I am hurt by your silence.

Thank you that you love me despite my doubts. I place my heart in your hands again, and I give you this broken spirit and ask you to revive me according to your Word. Strengthen my steps, that I may serve you and honor your everlasting and glorious Name. You are worthy of my praise, today and every day, and forevermore. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Lord, You are mighty and worthy and full of perfect love. Everything I'm not. When You said in your word to, Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4 NIV), that passage doesn't mean You'd give me everything I asked for when I asked for it. It means that if I take delight in You, You'll fill my heart with the desires You want me to have. Next time I come to you in prayer, build my faith. Open my eyes to the way You see things whether my prayer is answered the way I want or not. Change the way I think. Make me more like You. And thank you for taking care of me in the very best way, even if sometimes I don't understand your decisions. In Jesus' Name, Amen.