Prayer For Loss Of Daughter

Lord, I don't know why this happened to my family. Fill my empty heart with your love and peace. Help me to rise again and soar like eagles. Ease my pain and strengthen my relationship with you during this trying time. Quench my heart with your love and let your grace sustain me during this mourning period. Thank you for the time that you gave me with my child. May you secure those memories in my mind till we meet again. In Jesus' loving name, I believe and pray. Amen.

Dear Lord, my heart is broken because of the loss of my only child. He was my special gift from you. His death has left me very confused, but I thank you for the chance you gave me to be his mother. Please mend my heart and remove all the anguish and pain that has broken it. Lord Jesus, help me to walk in your love every single day as I come to terms with what has happened. Remind me that death has been defeated on the cross, and it has no sting over my family and me because to be absent in the body is to be present with the Lord. As we grieve, help me to remember that all is not lost. In Jesus' all-knowing name, I believe and pray. Amen.

Loving Father, grant me peace, for I am full of fear and anxiety. I rest in your warm embrace, for I know that you will never let me go. Cover me with your wings of love and grant my family and me the peace that surpasses all understanding during this trying moment as we mourn the loss of our child. Heal our broken hearts and bind our wounds. Remind us of your promises about heaven and eternity, for we know that our child is in your presence right now. Lord, help us to find a path of healing so that we can move on from our pain and continue serving you. In Jesus' holy name, I believe and pray. Amen.

Father in heaven, let your grace be sufficient for me during this mourning period. Lord, knowing that I have to face each day without my child, is tough. But this is the confidence that I have, my child is in your presence where there is no sorrow or mourning. Help us to grieve as true believers of Jesus Christ, for we know that this is not the end we shall see each other in heaven. When we go through difficult times, remind us of the good times we had with our child and the joy that she brought in our lives. I honor you highly, for you are a loving Father. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray. Amen.

Father God, You are my refuge and strength a present help in time of need. Lord, I need you right now. I don't know how to cope with the loss of my child. I feel so lost it is like the whole world has crashed right before my eyes, and I don't know where to put my next step. My heart hurts, and nothing makes sense to me. But I know you love me too much and you're protecting me. Be my refuge now more than ever. Help me to accept what has happened and to hold onto the fond memories that I shared with my child instead of the pain, for I know I will see them again when I come into your presence. In Jesus' mighty name, I believe and pray. Amen.

Dear God, I bring every grieving parent into your throne of grace. Lord, they are going through a lot of pain after the loss of their children. It is not an easy thing for a parent to bury their child. Father comfort them. Help them to continue being faithful to you even through the pain. Lavish them with your love and fill the void left in their hearts with your unconditional love. In Jesus' powerful name, I believe and pray. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I am crying to you in my trouble. Deliver me from my distress, for I am empty and lost. I don't know what to do or how to cope with life after the demise of my child. I loved my baby so much she was my world. Lord, give me the strength to go on and help me to take one step at a time as I come to terms with what has happened. Father, hold me and console me for it is only in you that I can find the strength to go on with life. Thank you, Lord, for answering my prayers. In Jesus' holy name, I believe and pray. Amen.

Heavenly Father, my heart is grieving over the loss of my precious daughter. Father, I don't know how to pray or even what to pray but I know that You have promised to comfort those that mourn and to give Your special succour and strength to all of Your children in their times of deep sorrow and affliction.
Please put Your comforting arms around me at this time, I pray. My darling daughter has been taken from me before her time and I am left to sorrow over her departure. How can I bear this grief that has cut at my heart, and yet I know that our times are in Your hands. Her times were also in Your hands and I do believe that even in this, You will bring about some good from this sadness.
According to Your abundant loving-kindness and tender mercy, I pray that You will overshadow me with Your great compassion and grace so that I may face the future knowing that each day is a gift from You, to be spent in Your will and for Your greater purpose. Thank You that You weep with me and I thank You also, that Your promised joy will come in the morning. In Jesus' name,