Prayer For Loss Of Baby

Oh Lord, I have just had a miscarriage, and it is tough for me to accept what has happened. I was very excited about bringing my first child into the world. There are so many exciting things that I wanted to do for and with my child. Lift me safely in your arms and help me to accept what has happened. Lord, I remain confident in you knowing that I will see your goodness in the land of the living. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Lord, you are the one that gives life and takes. Even though my child has gone to soon before I could see them physically, all hope is not lost because I will get to see him or her when I come to heaven. Heal my heart for I feel devastated and broken. Touch me with your hand and let me be comforted in my inner being. Bring healing to my heart and soul and help me to look forward to another bundle of joy in time to come. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Dear Lord, I am overwhelmed with sadness because I have lost the baby that was growing in my womb. I was so excited about bringing her into the world. Now I will not be able to enjoy and share those beautiful moments with this child. Even though I don't understand, I trust in your word, which says that all things work together for good. So I know that all things are working out together for good. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Abba Father, We long to be with our dear beloved child, our hearts are heavy with deep sorrow and our breath is shallow. Please carry us, for we are overwhelmed by the pain of our grief. Words can not express the depth of our loss or the heartache we feel. We know you are with our dear beloved son (daughter), your heart is overjoyed by him. His breath is new life in Heaven. Please come and nurture our precious one. Thank you for the hope of eternal life that he has now received. Lord, you will keep him safe until we meet. We entrust him into your care now. Amen.

Lord, help us to trust you with the feelings that overwhelm us in moments so dark we can't see a way out. Let us remember that you know our hearts already. We can confess all our feelings to you and know you will still be holding us tightly. Make us strong in the face of what seems to be defeat. Help us to call out to you for our needs.

Father, we live in a society unaccustomed to having things taken away. When it's our children who are taken too soon, the shock and sadness can seem unending. Give us strength in these times to know that you love our children more than we do, for they are yours first. Our hallelujah may be broken, but it is honest and real. We may barely lift our eyes to you but our hearts stand firm in knowing you work all things together for good for those who love you.

Lord, we come before you as friends and family searching for healing, comfort, and strength for ones who have lost a child. Our hearts are broken for them, and we long to see them restored. Help us to remember that we can stand strong when they are weak, encourage them when they are down, and remind them that this is not the end. We will see our loved ones again; we will hold our babies close to us. Let these powerful words in Romans flow from us like living water, so that our friends who grieve might look up and be reminded of the love of Jesus through us. Amen.

Dear God, why oh why? I only had my baby for such a very short time, and now my little one has gone. My sense of grief and loss is such that it surpasses normal sadness, for this little life was taken away so early that it seems so senseless. Lord, I don't understand.
For my part, I feel pain at my loss and anger that it should not have happened and could been prevented. I feel helpless to do anything and have such a deep-rooted sense of not understanding. But so often we don't understand the reason that things that happen in life, do we? Lord, I really don't understand, but please help me I pray.
Who else can I go to at this time except You Father God. Who else understands what it is to lose a child that you love and care for so dearly, but You faced deep sorrow too and You were well acquainted with bitter grief, for You lost Your own dearly beloved Son in such a cruel and senseless way, on Calvary's cross.
Lord, I don't understand but I do want to trust You, knowing that You will one day wipe away every tear from our eyes. Help me to come to terms with my loss, and although I know that I will never completely forget my pain, I pray that through it I may grow in such a way that I may become a support to others who are going through similar sadnesses and are experiencing their own deep sense of loss. So Father, into Your hands I commit my life. In Jesus' name,