Prayer For Losing Hope

Father, I want to praise and thank You for the living hope that I have in Christ Jesus my Saviour. Thank You, that He is the same yesterday, today and forever and that I have been placed in union with Him. Thank You for the confident assurance I have in Him, knowing that my eternal future is secured for me in heavenly places, in Christ Jesus my Savour.

Thank You, that my hope in firmly anchored in Him and eternally secured to Christ, the Rock of my salvation, and I pray that day by day I may hold fast to the blessed hope that is set before me: looking to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of my faith, knowing that my Lord Jesus Christ is the mainstay of my soul, and Who is both sure and steadfast, faithful and true. I praise and thank You for my wonderful hope in Christ, Who died for me so that I might have an abundance of hope in this world, and in the ages to come, life everlasting. To Him be all praise and glory, world without end,


Thank You, Father, that our hope, which is rooted and grounded in Christ Jesus, is not for this world only, but has a most glorious and eternal perspective. For as Paul told the Corinthian believers, that if we were only to hope in this life, we would be pitied more that anyone else. But praise be to God, that our hope is in Christ, Who has been raised from the dead and in so doing, has become the first-fruits of those who die in the Lord.

Thank You, Father, that our citizenship is in heaven and Christ Jesus is that blessed Hope, for whom we all eagerly await, knowing that when we see Him we shall be changed into His likeness. What a glorious hope we have in Him, a hope that is secured for us in heaven, for which we praise and glorify Your holy name.

May we set our heart and minds on things above, knowing that Christ is seated at the right hand of God, that our life is hid with Christ in God, and we are complete in Him. Father, thank You for this spiritual hope that we have in Jesus, knowing that He is our eternal and abundant life and that when He appears we too will appear with him in glory. Praise Your holy name. In Jesus' name,


Thank You, Father, that my eternal future is built upon Christ Jesus, my Lord and I pray that I may hold unswervingly to the hope I have in Him, knowing that He Who died on the cross to pay the price for my sins, and drew me with His cords of everlasting love into His family, is faithful to complete the good work that He started in my life, for His Word stands fast for ever and ever.

May I never forget on Whom my hope is founded, knowing that He became sin for me so that I might become the righteousness of God in Him. May I stand firm on the confession of my faith and develop a living hope that stands fast in the day of trouble, knowing that in Him I can face all that this life throws at me. My hope is indeed built on nothing less than the Lord Jesus Christ and His righteousness. Thank You for the living hope I have in Him. In His name I pray,


Heavenly Father, my hope is in You alone as I face the many storms of life that constantly seem to be battering at my door, with increasing intensity. Lord, they seem like billowing waves beating against everything that has spelled security in my life up til now, and causing me to realise that without You I would be overcome in a moment of time. Help me Lord, to look to You and maintain that hope that I have in You, knowing that without You I am nothing, but with You at the helm of my life I have all I need to stand firm in the faith.

Lord, thank You that by Your grace I have been made a new creation in Christ and thank You for the promise of hope that is set before me in Him. Thank You, that my hope was founded on You the moment I first believed, but forgive me Lord, for over the years I know I have drifted far away from You as I tried, in my own strength, to be the captain my own life and negotiate through its little surges and swells by my own skill and cunning. Lord, I ask Your forgiveness for being so careless with my relationship with You, for You alone deserve my praise and thanksgiving for You alone are the source of my life and the sphere of my hope. You are the faithful Shepherd of the sheep and the Rock upon Whom my hope is founded. Lord, I pray that as the intensity of life's storms increase all around me, that I may cling ever closer to You, and rest all my hope upon You, for You alone are worthy. In Jesus' name I pray,


Father God, in a world that is ever changing and in a society that has all but rejected the truth of Your Word, I thank You that You are our never-changing Saviour, Who knows the end from the beginning and has the universe in the palm of His hand. Develop in me an unwavering trust in the hope that is set before me, knowing that in Christ I have already received Your gift of eternal life, by grace through faith in Christ Jesus my Lord.

May I learn more and more of Your divine character and perfect attributes, for the more I know You the more I trust You, and the more I trust You the more I come to love You. Develop in me an unwavering hope in Your promises, knowing that despite the evil and wickedness that seems to be suffocating all that is good and pure, Your plans and purposes for mankind will one day be brought to fruition. On that day, Christ will be all in all, and the whole world will be brought into submission under His feet as He rules and reigns on earth as King of kings and Lord of lords. May I hope in Him unswervingly and live my life to His praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray,


Heavenly father, I am your humble servant,
I come before you today in need of hope.
There are times when I fell helpless,
There are times when I feel weak.
I pray for hope.
I need hope for a better future.
I need hope for a better life.
I need hope for love and kindness.

Some say that the sky is at it's
darkest just before the light.
I pray that this is true, for all seems dark.
I need your light, Lord, in every way.

I pray to be filled with your light from
head to toe. To bask in your glory.
To know that all is right in the world,
as you have planned, and as you want
it to be.

Help me to walk in your light, and live
my life in faith and glory.

In your name I pray, Amen.

Dear heavenly Father I know your watching over me.. Please help me carry a little miracle. I've began to lose hope. I know it's selfish when there are so many others, but we're so ready to share our love and continue your wishes for me to create and raise a new life.

I've been told it's impossible but I just know you can help me. Please pray and help me. I'm feeling very low and there's no other option left but to continue to pray and ask others to as well. Thank you I'm greatful for your help.

Gracious God, I bring all those who think that they are a hopeless case and that there is no way out of the terrible addiction which has entrapped them. Lord, there are so many people who have become enslaved to various forms of addiction - yet we know that there is wonderful hope for everyone, no matter what level to which they have sunk, for Christ died for all. His death paid the price for every addict and all they have to do is to believe that Christ died on the cross to take the punishment that they deserve and rose to give them life. If they will only believe..

Look down with Your grace and compassion on all who are so entrapped in their addictions and I pray that You will bring many out from this terrible existence, which is so harmful and so degrading.

Bless all Father and may Your Holy Spirit seek out and save many such souls who turn to Christ as Saviour.
