Prayer For Losing Weight

Lord, I confess I gave into temptation and strayed off my new diet. Please forgive me. I know that I cannot do this alone. Please send an angel to walk with me on my weight loss journey so I may overcome any more obstacles I face. In your name I pray, Amen.

Lord, thank you for bringing this new diet into my life. This is the help I need to lose weight. I am tired of not seeing results and am ready to finally get my weight in order. Please give me the enthusiasm to continue this diet each day even when it is difficult. Amen.

Lord, please give me the strength to step on the scale in front of me. No matter what the scale says, help me continue on my weight loss journey. Grant me the energy to be active and make better food choices. Make my heart heavy with Your love but my body as light as an angel. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I love you.

Thank you for giving me an earthly body to serve You and others. Today, I offer it up to You and ask that You help me in my weight loss journey.

I've reached the end of my rope, Lord. I've been trying so hard, but my self-control runs out and when I mess up, I just feel like a failure and want to give up.

But you tell us to run with endurance, so I will keep on trying, leaning on Your Almighty strength along the way.

My stretch marks, belly, muffin top, aches and pains, and arm flaps can be so frustrating to me. Let them never distract me from the fact that my body is so very valuable to You.

You created me and You never make mistakes. You lovingly and carefully knit every part of me together. This broken vessel of mine feels weak and embarrassing sometimes, but You created it to be a temple of the Holy Spirit.

Let me always remember the gift that it is and teach me how to care for my body better.

Lord, I know you will love me whether I am 100 or 500 pounds. You don't judge me based on my pant size or my outward appearance.

But you care that this extra weight makes life harder with pain, health issues, physical limitations, and so many insecurities.

Help me to lose this weight, Lord.

Help me to glorify You in my food choices and worship You in my exercise.

I don't want to view healthy eating and exercise as a punishment. I want to be a good steward of this body, so empower me to reach for foods that will nourish my body and movement that will nurture itand to genuinely enjoy them as ways to bring glory to You!

God, I don't want to be a slave to food, giving in to emotional eating and binging on junk food. I want to experience your life-giving freedom, breaking every chain with Your mighty power.

I am a master of beating myself up with guilt after I make a mistake. Remind me to choose grace over guilt so that I can keep moving forward in Your footsteps instead of staying stuck rehashing my failures.

Help me to build a support system in my life that will bring me accountability and encouragement. Let them speak words of life to cheer me on in my successes and support me through the hard days.

Above all, use these things to draw me nearer to You. My desire is for more of You and less of me. Allow me to rest in the comfort of Your unfailing love and Your new mercies every morning.

Today, I offer my whole self to You as a living sacrifice.

I love You so much and I pray all of these things in Your Son's holy name.


Father, in the Name of Jesus, I thank You that You desire for me to be healthy, strong and full of energy. I thank You that Jesus bore the curse for me so that I might live free from the curse of sickness, disease and anything else that would attempt to afflict my body.

Your Word says my body is Your temple, and I am responsible for stewarding this gift. I choose today to make right choices regarding the foods I eat. I will not eat more than my body needs in a day, and I will not fill my mouth with foods that are unhealthy, such as excessive sugar and carbs. I refuse to live the life of gluttony, but instead put on a garment of self-control and healthy living to be at my best for Your service.

Father, right now, in the Name of Jesus, I ask You to give me supernatural ability in this area. Help me to say no where I've struggled and help me to be excited about healthy choices. I rebuke all temptation right now in the Name of Jesus and declare that I am losing weight right now.

Thank You, Lord, that I am losing weight even now. Whatever I have not been able to accomplish on my own, I believe I am accomplishing now by the power of Your Spirit.

I praise You and thank You for it, in Jesus' Name.


Today I pray to You to grant me the strength to stay away from anything that is unhealthy alcohol, junk food, carbohydrates and mycotoxins.

I pray that this will help me lose the weight I have gained. Help me stay focused on being healthy and fit, dear God. I believe that I can do all things through Christ, your Son, who truly strengthens me.

May this enable me to steer away from all the unhealthy choices that I face each day. I pray that this strength will keep me focused on disciplining my body and do my workouts religiously. I pray that anything I do, eat or drink only be for Your greater glory.

I pray for a support group to push me towards the finish line. I ask for all these in this prayer, O Lord. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Lord, I come to You today to ask for affirmation. I have done all things and stayed away from all the food I am not supposed to have. Bless me, Father, for more strength to keep it this way.

Give me the grace to be stronger and encourage me to keep pushing on. With you, my God, nothing is impossible. I believe that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Thank you, Father for listening to my plea. I pray this with all Your angels. Amen.

Guide me lord, as I strive to lose weight
You are my light and my anchor, and with
you I know all things are possible.

Help me this day to make healthy choices and
give me the strength to fight against destructive
cravings that negatively effect my health.

You said, The LORD upholdeth all that fall,
and raiseth up all those that be bowed down.
As I bow before you today, raise me up
help me towards my goals.

I have been taught that anything that replaces
God is an idol. Help me to reject any unhealthy
habit in which I seek false comfort. For you
are my one true comfort and salvation.

In your name I pray, Amen.