Prayer For Lectors

Lord, open my lips,
that my mouth may declare your praise.
Open Your people's ears,
that they may hear Your Words, not mine.
Open their hearts for Your Word is all holy and true.
Help me proclaim not just with my lips,
but with my whole heart and soul.
Free me from excessive concern over my performance.
Convert my feelings of nervousness and
turn all my apprehension into energy
for proclaiming Your Word with power and authority.
May your Spirit live in me and
fill the Holy Word that I proclaim.

May all I do and say, Lord, be for Your greater glory.
St. Dominic pray for me.
Mary, patron of preachers, pray for me.

Praise to you, Lord God,
king of the universe,
and all glory to your name.
I praise you and thank you for calling me
to proclaim your word to your beloved people.

Open the hearts of all who worship with us,
so that they may hear your voice when I read.
Let nothing in my life or manner disturb your people
or close their hearts to the action of your Spirit.

Cleanse my heart and mind,
and open my lips so that I may proclaim your glory.
All praise to you, heavenly Father,
through the Lord Jesus in the Holy Spirit,
now and forever. Amen.

Lord, invest me with Your Power
as I prepare to proclaim the marvel of Your Message.

I have prepared my reading,
I have tried to take within me the meaning
of what I am about to read:
help me, I ask, to read not just with my lips
but with my whole heart and soul.

Lord, make me a hollow reed so that Your Voice
will be heard by all who hear me.

Free me of excessive concern over my performance,
over the impression I create in this Sacred Action.

Convert my feelings of nervousness,
turn all my apprehensions into an energy for proclaiming
Your Word with power and authority.

May Your Spirit fill me as it fills the Holy Words
that I am about to proclaim. Amen.

Dear Lord, empty my mind of any thoughts about myself. Help me take myself out of this reading I'm about to proclaim, and fill me with your Holy Spirit so there's no room for any self-centered thoughts to infiltrate my mind and heart. Let me be a pure and unblemished conduit for your message so it touches the minds and hearts of my brothers and sisters in a way that pleases them, and especially you.
?In Jesus's name I pray, Amen.

Praise to you, Lord God, King of the universe, and all glory to your name. I praise you and thank you for calling me to proclaim your word to your beloved people. Open the hearts of all who worship with us, so that they may hear your voice when I read. Let nothing in my life or manner disturb your people or close their hearts to the action of your Spirit.Cleanse my heart and mind, And open my lips so that I may proclaim your glory.All praise to you, heavenly Father, through the Lord Jesus, in the Holy Spirit, Now and forever. Amen.

Dear Jesus, thank You for calling me to be a lector at Your Eucharistic celebrations. Let me take this role seriously and diligently prepare myself for it by studying the sacred texts before mass, and by striving to be a better Catholic Christian. By my physical action of reading, I AM the instrument through whom You become present to the assembly in Your word and through whom You impart Your teachings. Let nothing in my manner disturb Your people or close their hearts to the action of Your spirit. Cleanse my heart and my mind and open my lips that I may worthily proclaim Your word.

Lord, invest me with your power as I prepare to proclaim the marvel of your message. I have prepared my reading, I have tried to take within me the meaning of what I am about to proclaim, not just with my lips, but with my whole heart and soul. Lord make me a hollow reed so that your voice will be heard by all who hear me. Free me of any excessive concern over my performance. Convert my feeling of nervousness and turn my apprehension into an energy for proclaiming your word with power and authority. May your spirit live in me and fill the holy Word that I proclaim.

Lord, I thank you, for granting me the privilege to serve you in this
most honored Ministry of Lector. I ask that you guide me so I might continually learn to better proclaim your Word in a way that is pleasing to you, and enlightening to our brothers and sisters in the body of your church. If I approach this ministry too carelessly, remind me Lord, that I was called by you, and that I owe you nothing less than my absolute best effort. I ask you to guide me and all lectors throughout the body of your church. Let your spirit fill our hearts as we serve you in love; in your son's name I pray, Amen.