Prayer For Husband To Get Job

Lord, I pray that you would direct and guide my husband this morning and throughout the day. Fill his heart and soul with Your love. Help him to live out your command to love God and love others. Thank you for his caring and loving spirit. I pray for his protection and that you would speak to him throughout the day, guiding his path along the way. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

God, please guide my husband. Help him to find employment. Guide his path and connect him with the right people who can lead him toward the opportunities You have for him. Please keep my husband in positive spirits as he searches for an opportunity that will bless our family. Please protect him and all of us. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Dear Lord, I want to offer this prayer for my husband. Please guide him at work. Help him to deal with difficult personalities. Please guide his interactions and bring him success. I pray that you would guide him through each day with Your grace and love. Help him to learn and grow and to come alongside others to help them do the same. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Dear God,
You know my needs. You know my desire for a job, for work I enjoy doing, for the next step in my career to present itself. I pray that you would guide me as I continue on this job hunting journey. May I focus first on your will for my life, putting your desires and your plan above my own wishes and wants. Open doors to new opportunities that you desire for me, and equip me with the skills, knowledge, and wisdom I need to take steps forward in this process. As I craft my resume, write cover letters, submit my applications, connect with new companies and potential employers, and go on interviews, give me the words to speak and the courage to share who I am and what I can do. Give me confidence that can only come from you, and give me humility too. I trust you, Lord-- my life is in your hands. Your will be done. Thank you for being near to me every step of the way and thank you for always providing for my every need. May this all be for your glory.

In your name,

Dear Lord I come to you in the name of Jesus! Father as I lay here reading all these prayers I feel joy in my heart because among all the trouble and pleading I see your mercy and the love you play in each and every one here now asking for your glory and blessings. Please Lord I ask you to come in to their hearts and grant each of them their hearts desires according to your plan. Give them patience while they wait for your divine plan you have for each of them. Humble their hearts each step of their way. Pour your love in their homes and restore happiness and faith into their hearts. Let them see your glory in the dark and let them walk by faith and not by sight. Thank you Father for your love thank you for the troubles and tribulations that we go through each and every day. Thank you Father for without them there would be no compassion. Thank you for my family and friends thank you for this day thank you for your forgiveness for we are undeserving. Father I ask for this place to be used only for prayers. I rebuke the enemy IN THE NAME OF JESUS! FOR YOU ARE THE ONLY WAY! Glory be to you my Lord and to YOU ONLY my LORD! In the name of Jesus I Pray AMEN!

Dear Lord, please watch over my husband. He went for his second interview for a job last week and is waiting for a response from the company. He was laid off from his job over two years and had become very depressed.

He then worked for a family member and he laid my husband off over the phone. He now feels he must have done wrong in his life to have this happen. We had to sell our home and I also am without a job now.

Please hear our pray to grant him this position. I am worried about how this will effect him if he should not be offered the position. If he should be blessed with this job, we will be able to help others again as we use too.

We thank you for everything you have given to us. We just need this job. Please watch over us and our family and friends.

Lord please help my husband in this his time of need.he needs you to help him find a job where he is happy and stable.Lord help him to find a job soon in a quick way.I know you answer prayers as quickly as possible.I have my trust and faith in you and ask for your help with a heavy heart.I love you father with my whole heart and soul.In Jesus name Amen.

Dear Lord,

Mitch will interview for a new job this week. The position would draw on his experience but stretch him in new ways, too. Thank you for giving him this opportunity.

Thank you for caring about his needs and desire for career advancement. And thank you for preparing him for retirement, too. I know you are with him this week, looking out for his best interest.

Before my husband meets the interview panel, ready the meeting place and time. Set the tone for the discussion. Since first impressions matter, help Mitch be the man you created authentic, natural, and relaxed. Help the interviewers see through any tension that exists.

The Measure of a Man, by Gene A. Getz
Give my husband peace, Lord. Call to mind the wisdom and knowledge that's already there.

And whatever the outcome, let the process bless Mitch and his interviewers.

I know you will work things out for good for my husband's benefit and your glory (Romans 8:28).

I've seen you open many doors for Mitch. If this new opportunity is right for him, let nothing stand in the way of a job offer.

However, if this job is NOT your will, make it clear to everyone involved in the interview process. Close the door and show Mitch the next step. He loves you, Lord, and he is willing to work wherever you lead him.

Bless my husband as he answers the tough questions this week, and bless the people who will conduct the interview. Give them wisdom to choose the right person for the job, and give Mitch peace to accept their decision.
