Prayer For Hurricane Florence

Lord, as we watch the storm grow and listen to the calls for evacuations we pray for those preparing for the landfall of Hurricane Florence. Our concern deepens for those who are already vulnerable. We pray for those living paycheck to paycheck for whom days without work or purchasing supplies is a real hardship and no mere inconvenience. We ask particular care for our brothers and sisters who are sick, elderly or disabled. Lift up friends, neighbors and Good Samaritans to step in and step up for your children already on the margins of our society.

We ask your protection and strength for all those in positions of leadership making difficult decisions and for the many mobilized helpers who will go wherever they are sent. We give thanks for all those who put their lives on the line to save others.

As we anticipate the worst and hope for the best, not knowing for sure what the impact of this storm will be, we trust that you, Lord of all Creation, will be with us, our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. May our reliance on you compel us to help one another, not only in the face of Hurricane Florence, but daily and always. Amen.

Triumphant Father, thank You for hearing our prayers concerning Hurricane Florence. Thank You, in advance, for reducing the power of this weather system. Lord, Your glory is higher than the heavens. You are great, and Your power is absolute! Your understanding is beyond comprehension. Lord, Most High, You are awesome. You are the King of all the earth.

Eternal Father, using the authority given to us in the Name of Jesus, we speak to Hurricane Florence, and we command peace, be still! We command that the storm-force winds be muted and that the steering currents accelerate to a rapid forward speed in order to minimize flooding. By faith, we declare that this storm will not bring the predicted destructive winds, excessive flooding, electrical shortages, harm or devastation to the region of the Carolinas and the Mid-Atlantic states. We speak Shalom in Jesus' Name!

Holy Spirit, we ask You to touch the heart of every believer in this region and throughout the United States to pray against this system. Calm the fears of every citizen who live in the projected path of the hurricane. Touch their hearts to follow the instructions of the local authorities. Protect all persons, property and pets. Father, Your Word helped with hurricanes and tropical storms in the past; please cause it to help with this storm. We are standing on Your Word, by faith!

Merciful Father, please forgive us for all acts of sinfulness. Father, have mercy on every urban and rural community in the path of Hurricane Florence. Holy Spirit, remind us of those we need to forgive and help us to forgive.

Holy Spirit, help us all not to yield to temptation but deliver us from this impending weather system.

Lord, You are worthy to receive glory and honor and power. You created all things, and they exist because You created what You pleased. In Jesus' Name, Amen

We offer our deepest sympathy to those who have experienced tremendous and unbearable loss. We pray that everyone affected will experience God's loving and faithful care as they return to their homes, assess their losses, and start rebuilding their lives again

Loving God, the source of strength and restoration and healing,
we pray together for all who suffer in our communities today.
In the wake of wind and waves, destruction and flooding, make your presence known through our generosity to our neighbors, near and far.
Give us the vision and patience to live and labor faithfully
through this season of response and recovery.
As we clean up and rebuild, give us your joy and peace.
Give us above all the love for one another that is your best gift always.
In the name of the Triune God, we pray. Amen.

Lord God almighty, creator of the universe
Ever-present, ever caring, you are always with us
Closer than a friend in times of trouble,
Our shelter in the midst of all disasters.
In the quiet and the storm you surround us,
Your love embraces and comforts us.
Lord God almighty, faithful and trustworthy One,
In this time of storm, of flooding and disaster
be with all who are vulnerable.
Hold them close
as the winds blow, the oceans rage and the land slides.
Place your arms around them as the trees fall and rivers rise.
Keep them safe from wind and rain and fly debris.
Lord God almighty,
Guide those that put their lives at risk to help.
Keep them safe.
Be with rescuers and firemen,
With electric workers and emergency crews,
With all who reach out to neighbours with your love and compassion.
Protect and guide them in the midst of danger and of strife.
Lord God almighty
Go before, and behind,
Be beside and above,
May all find shelter in the embrace of your love.

Lord our God, we pray that Your protecting hand will be over all of the people who are being affected by Hurricane Florence. Grant safe passage to all those who are evacuating. Calm nerves. Provide sustenance. Grant them safe shelter, and return them safely home after the storm has passed. For those who are living in areas that will be affected by this storm, relieve their anxiety and comfort them. Protect families, homes and businesses. Also be with the first responders and rescuers who will be out working and helping others during the storm. Help us, save us, have mercy on us and protect us, O God, by Your grace. Amen.

Lord, as we watch the storm grow and listen to the calls for evacuations we pray for those preparing for the landfall of Hurricane Florence. Our concern deepens for those who are already vulnerable. We pray for those living paycheck to paycheck for whom days without work or purchasing supplies is a real hardship and no mere inconvenience. We ask particular care for our brothers and sisters who are sick, elderly or disabled. Lift up friends, neighbors and Good Samaritans to step in and step up for your children already on the margins of our society.

We ask your protection and strength for all those in positions of leadership making difficult decisions and for the many mobilized helpers who will go wherever they are sent. We give thanks for all those who put their lives on the line to save others.

As we anticipate the worst and hope for the best, not knowing for sure what the impact of this storm will be, we trust that you, Lord of all Creation, will be with us, our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. May our reliance on you compel us to help one another, not only in the face of Hurricane Florence, but daily and always. Amen.

Dear Believer,

Stand in your front or backyard, extend your hand in the direction of the Atlantic Ocean and speak to Hurricane Florence. In Mark 4:35-39, Jesus Christ spoke to the weather and commanded it to be calm. So, as believers, we are following His example. Pray with the authority that has been given to you in Jesus Christ and pray in faith. Please pray this prayer out loud and with fervency and determination. God has placed His power in our verbal expressions, so lift up your voice. Believe that your prayers will produce results in Jesus' Name. Please pray this prayer.

Thank you, in advance, for standing on the wall for those who are in the path of Hurricane Florence. Please forward this prayer to everyone who believes in the power of prayer.

Pastor Suzette Caldwell
Windsor Village Church Family and The Prayer Institute

A Prayer Against Hurricane Florence

Triumphant Father, thank You for hearing our prayers concerning Hurricane Florence. Thank You, in advance, for reducing the power of this weather system. Lord, Your glory is higher than the heavens. You are great, and Your power is absolute! Your understanding is beyond comprehension. Lord, Most High, You are awesome. You are the King of all the earth.

Eternal Father, using the authority given to us in the Name of Jesus, we speak to Hurricane Florence, and we command peace, be still! We command that the storm-force winds be muted and that the steering currents accelerate to a rapid forward speed in order to minimize flooding. By faith, we declare that this storm will not bring the predicted destructive winds, excessive flooding, electrical shortages, harm or devastation to the region of the Carolinas and the Mid-Atlantic states. We speak Shalom in Jesus' Name!

Holy Spirit, we ask You to touch the heart of every believer in this region and throughout the United States to pray against this system. Calm the fears of every citizen who live in the projected path of the hurricane. Touch their hearts to follow the instructions of the local authorities. Protect all persons, property and pets. Father, Your Word helped with hurricanes and tropical storms in the past; please cause it to help with this storm. We are standing on Your Word, by faith!

Merciful Father, please forgive us for all acts of sinfulness. Father, have mercy on every urban and rural community in the path of Hurricane Florence. Holy Spirit, remind us of those we need to forgive and help us to forgive.

Holy Spirit, help us all not to yield to temptation but deliver us from this impending weather system.

Lord, You are worthy to receive glory and honor and power. You created all things, and they exist because You created what You pleased. In Jesus' Name, Amen.