Prayer For Humility

Father, how we thank You for the wonderful example of true humility that is seen in the life and ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who despite being God incarnate, lived His life in humble submission to You, learning to be both submissive and obedient by the things that He suffered.

Thank You, Lord, that in union with Christ we have the mind of Christ, as we also submit to the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

Help me to develop the beautiful spiritual fruit of humility that is so important in the lives of all Your children, if we are to grow in grace and to mature into a deeper knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Lord Jesus.

Help me not to do anything out of selfish ambition or foolish vanity, but rather may I develop the godly grace to regard the needs and desires of others as being more important than my own. Teach me I pray, to live as Christ lived, in the power of the Spirit and to Your praise and glory. In Jesus' name I pray,


Heavenly Father, I confess that my natural tendency is towards pride in its many guises and disguises. I have always wanted to show that I am self-assured and self-confident in front of other people, and yet I now begin to realise that I am in fact displaying pride in the form of selfishness and self-indulgence. Forgive me Lord, for I now realise that I have been relying on myself for all I need instead of trusting my life into Your hands.

Lord, I see now that I have been feeding my old sin nature, instead of allowing my new life in Christ to grow and flourish.

Lord, I live in this mortal body and have a fallible mind, but I desire in Your strength, to be clothed in humility and grace. I now see that the strength to do this only comes from You, and not as I thought, from me trying to act humbly in front of other people. Change me Lord and teach me to submit to Your working in my life.

Help me I pray, to clothe myself in humility and truth, by allowing the Holy Spirit to work in me so deeply, that people will start to see Jesus in my life, and not the old prideful person I used to be. I ask this in Jesus' name,


Thank You, Father God, for the wonderful grace that You have bestowed on all Your children, which enables us to live by Your grace, and to grow in grace. Grace which empowers us with sufficient strength and abilities from above, to live and work to Your praise and glory.

Lord, it was by Your grace that we were saved and brought into Your family, forgiven of our sins, given access to Your throne of grace and imputed with Christ's righteousness.

It was by Your grace that we were given eternal life, indwelt by the Holy Spirit and awarded a heavenly citizenship with an inheritance that is imperishable, and will never pass away. And it is also by Your everlasting-kindness that You give grace to those that are humble and oppose those that are prideful and arrogant.

I pray that I live in humility of spirit and meekness of mind, so that I may reap the divine benefits of Your gift of grace, which You have promised to bestow on all who humble themselves before Your holy Presence. In Jesus' name I pray,


Dear Lord, I am coming to realise how dangerous pride is in the life of a believer and how important true, godly humility is to the heart of God.

I read in Your Word that pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall, and I am beginning to see the devastating and destructive nature of pride and the true blessing that comes from a heart that is humble and contrite in spirit.

Keep me from falling prey to the many temptations that pride seems to scatter in my path, where I want to be the centre of attention and desire to receive all the acclaim and glory that rightly belongs to You.

Teach me Your ways and show me how I may clothe myself in godly humility, for Peter teaches that, "God opposes the proud but shows grace to the humble. Thank You for opening up Your Word to me and helping me to see the beautiful truth about humility. I ask that You would work a good work in my life day by day, until I am more like Christ and less like me. In Jesus' name I pray,


O our Lord and God, restrain our thoughts, so that they do not wander amid the vanities of this world. O Lord our God, grant that I may be united to the affection of your love, unworthy though I be. Glory be to you, O Christ. Ascend into the chamber of your renowned light, O Lord; sow in me the good seed of humility; and under the wings of your grace hide me through your mercy. If you were to mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand? Because there is mercy with you.


Dear Lord, please make me so sensitive to Your holiness, that I might indeed be aware of my vileness and fall before You in humility and confession. For You, O Lord are holy.


Dear Lord, I am coming to realise how dangerous pride is in the life of a believer and how important true, godly humility is to the heart of God.
I read in Your Word that pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall, and I am beginning to see the devastating and destructive nature of pride and the true blessing that comes from a heart that is humble and contrite in spirit.
Keep me from falling prey to the many temptations that pride seems to scatter in my path, where I want to be the centre of attention and desire to receive all the acclaim and glory that rightly belongs to You.
Teach me Your ways and show me how I may clothe myself in godly humility, for Peter teaches that, "God opposes the proud but shows grace to the humble. Thank You for opening up Your Word to me and helping me to see the beautiful truth about humility. I ask that You would work a good work in my life day by day, until I am more like Christ and less like me. In Jesus' name I pray,

O Lamb of God, who, both by your example and precept, instructed us to be meek and humble, give me grace throughout my whole life, in every thought, and word, and work, to imitate your meekness and humility. Mortify in me the whole body of pride; grant me to feel that I am nothing and have nothing, and that I deserve nothing but shame and contempt, but misery and punishment. Grant, O Lord, that I may look for nothing, claim nothing; and that I may go through all the scenes of life, not seeking my own glory, but looking wholly unto you, and acting wholly for you.
Let me never speak any word that may tend to my own praise, unless the good of my neighbour requires it; and even then let me beware, lest, to heal another, I wound my own soul. Let my ears and my heart be ever shut to the praise that comes from men.
Give me a dread of applause, in whatsoever form, and from whatsoever tongue, it comes. Deliver my soul from this snare of hell; neither let me spread it for the feet of others. Whosoever perishes thereby, let their blood be upon their own head, and let not my hand be upon them.
O giver of every good and perfect gift, if at any time you please to work by my hand, teach me to discern what is my own from what is another's, and to render unto you the things that are yours. As all the good that is done on earth you do it yourself, let me ever return to you all the glory. Let me, as a pure crystal, transmit all the light you pour upon me; but never claim as my own what is your sole property,