Prayer For Hralth Healing

Lord Jesus Christ, someone I love needs your help at this moment in time. You said that anyone who is feeling weary and burdened should come to you and you would give them rest. I pray that you would give them rest instead of weariness and strength instead of weakness. Your yoke is easy and your burden is light, in you we can find true rest for our souls. I ask that you restore them with your gentle healing touch. Help me to bring comfort to this situation in your power. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Faithful God, you created all things and you sustain all things. My loved one needs your healing touch. Ease their pain and strengthen them when they feel unable to carry on. When they feel deep anguish would you hear their cry and draw near to them. In your mercy Lord, hear my prayer and turn your face towards them. Your unfailing love towards us can overcome any trouble. May they know your presence throughout this struggle and grow in their faith and experience of your grace. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

God of all hope, I look to you in times of need. You are the healing God, please bring healing to my loved one. You are the saving God, please save those who I care about so deeply. You are worthy of all praise, help us not to turn our back on you but to approach you with thanksgiving. You are the spring of living water, help us find life in all its fullness in you. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Gracious heavenly Father, when confronted by health problems, I am reminded how dependent we all are on your sustaining power. I turn away from the worldly wisdom that says I can be in control and turn to you instead. I bring my loved one before you now. You can bring health to their body and nourishment to their bones. You can restore their strength, you can give them hope in their struggle. Thank you that I can entrust everyone I care about in your loving hands. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Heavenly Father, you say that I should ask you for whatever I need. To those who ask, it will be given. To those who seek, it will be found. To those who knock, the door will be opened. I ask you for healing for my loved one right now Lord and pray that you would answer my request. You are a loving, good Father who gives good gifts to his children. You love to give good gifts to those who ask. As your humble child, I ask for the gift of healing today. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Heavenly Father, your word says that if anyone is in trouble, they should pray. If anyone is happy, they should sing songs of praise and if anyone is sick, their brothers and sisters in Christ should pray for them in the name of the Lord Jesus. I want to pray for the healing of my loved one. You say that the prayer that is offered in faith will make the sick person well so I offer this prayer in faith to you. My faith is not in the strength of my prayer of in anything that I can do but my confidence is in your character and power. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen

Lord Jesus Christ, King of Kings, you say that the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. I often pray with little faith because I am thinking about my own unrighteousness. Remind me that my sins have been atoned for and I am clothed in your perfect righteousness. I pray based on confidence in your righteousness, not my own. Your power is great enough to heal any illness and I bring my loved one before you now and ask you to extend your healing hand. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Creator God, you made a world with no sickness, pain or death but, because of sin, we now live in a world where we experience those things. We can not control the things that happen to us, we need to cling onto you. Thank you that you care about the people that I love. You love them more than I do. Help them to look to you in their time of need. May we all find peace in the hope that you will return one day to rule over a new creation with no more sadness, pain or tears. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.