Prayer For Homeless People

God, my Father, our church has seen the homeless and the hopeless up close and met them in person and it so breaks our hearts to know that we cannot do more than our food pantry, clothing, and personal hygiene accessories supplies will allow. Sometimes all we can do is give them these things and then offer them is a ride to a shelter but how often God have these shelters already been full. Father, come quickly; send Your Son in righteous judgment as I know you will execute justice upon all who have oppressed the poor. I feel helpless to help the hopeless because when their hope is dried up, they have nothing left. Many of these hopeless and homeless are veterans who have not been able to make it due to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and it makes me literally weep for these men and women who served their country only to have their country not serve them. Our nation has let them down God and it breaks my heart for them. I pray you come quickly oh Lord and in Jesus' name I pray, amen.

Great God, there are so many out there who have not only no place to sleep but nothing to eat. Help guide them to a place like a shelter or clothing and food pantry so that they might have something to fill their stomach. I know that You will come to help those who are unable to help themselves and those who receive no help in the coming kingdom. Until then, please give me discernment to know what do to for someone that's homeless. Perhaps take them to dinner or buy them a sleeping bag and a gift card for food. Oh Lord, I look forward to the day when there will be no more pain, sorrow, suffering, death (Rev 21:4), and certainly hunger. Speed that day my God and for those who are hungry and lost, fill them with the Word of God and bring them everlasting life in Jesus' name I pray.

We reverence you as the God of mercy, grace and provision. We thank you for the strength you give us each day. Lord, we intercede for those that do not have shelter of their own. Lord, bless them with protection from the elements, bless them to have sufficiency of food and clothing, bless them with joy and peace of mind. We know you are able to protect your people and supply our every need. Deliver the homeless to have their own residence and to bless them with the security of your love and protection each day.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

Dear God Almighty, Lord of hosts we praise You today for Your overarching goodness and mercy, specifically and graciously located in Your Son and our Savior Christ Jesus.

Because of Him, we confidently believe that whether we live or die, we will be with You. On this particular day in which You have called us to live, we lift up to You those who are hungry and malnourished, as well as those who are without shelter. Lord, have mercy upon them. Use Your people to assist them in receiving exactly what they need today. And, in Your mercy, provide the means to sustain them with the necessities of life from this day

We are confident that You hear and will answer our prayer, for we lay it before You in the name of Jesus Christ.


Merciful Heavenly Father,

Make your compassion known to those who are suffering from lack. Remember especially the young, aged, and otherwise vulnerable among them. We pray most of all that they would experience your love toward them and secondly that you be their protection and provision in time of need. Fill their hearts with the warmth of your hope and the light of your love.

Move on us, Lord, to be agents of your provision. Stir the hearts of the more fortunate among us with the knowledge that when we feed and clothe those in need, we are clothing and feeding Jesus (Mt 25:34-46).


Father, we ask you to open our eyes and be sensitive to your spirit. Help us to have the heart and mind of Christ. Teach us to be aware of the needs of your people.

Father, one person can make a differance and help us to be that one. When we feed and clothe your children, we are feeding and clothing Jesus. Bless all the ones who labor to make a difference in this world.

Most of all, we thank you, God, for caring and loving us and sending your son to die on the cross for each and everyone of us.


Shelter us, O Lord, and give us the compassion and knowledge to help others in their search for shelter.

Help us to be a compassionate presence to those who enter Room at the Inn.

Continue to bless us, O Lord, with night sites that make comfort and joy realities for our families and volunteers who radiate God's love.

And, as Mother Teresa says: Each time people come into contact with us, they must become different and better people because of having met us.


Hear our prayer today for all women and men, boys and girls who are homeless this day.

For those sleeping under bridges, on park benches, in doorways or bus stations.

For those who can only find shelter for the night but must wander in the daytime.

For families broken because they could not afford to pay the rent.

For those who have no relatives or friends who can take them in.

For those who have no place to keep possessions that remind them who they are.

For those who are afraid and hopeless.

For those who have been betrayed by our social safety net.

For all these people, we pray that you will provide shelter, security and hope.

We pray for those of us with warm houses and comfortable beds

that we not be lulled into complacency and forgetfulness.

Jesus, help us to see your face in the eyes of every homeless person we meet.

Empower us to work for justice and peace through words and deeds,

and through the political means we have.

Give us open hearts to greet and meet the homeless people in our neighbourhoods.

in your name we pray. Amen.