Prayer For Him To Want Me

I have suffered a lot to find a good man, Lord, if he is good for me, please, in his heart for me and make my love in his heart permanent until we become one. Let him be proud of me anywhere he is.

Make my heart be filled with joy and happiness. Let my matter be important in his heart. Lord, you are the highest, please let my love in heart be the best. Let him see no other woman save me.

May your name be glorified forever. God almighty, to you, belong all that is easy, to you belong all that is hard. Put my thought, love, passion, and sympathy in his heart so that he can care for me like a child and pamper me like his daughter and play with me like his wife that I am.

I bless His holy name; He who created love as a passionate bond between a man and a woman, He who does everything and is capable of stopping any movement. Let your power be manifested in my life and put an endless smile on my cheek, joy in my heart through the love of the man I love.

Dear Lord, I know you see my heart. I am in no way or form trying to manipulate people to my side, I will not say this person I love should fall in love with me. I will only ask that you open his eyes, to see the qualities that you have deposited in me. He seems carried away right now, but you can help me to make him focus with direction.

Dear Heavenly Father, please be with Mark Nally. I have already given him my heart. For we both have sinned, I have chosen him, to be my bad and my good. I love him so much, it's not his fault he can't love me like I love him. I want him to find the answers he's looking for, and to get his life together for himself, and not for me. I know it's for the best that we both remain apart for now. I pray to you that he finds his love for you, and with that he will learn from his mistakes, as I have. I will keep my love for him in my heart, until your righteousness path leads me elsewhere. With him finding your godly love I hope he can someday love me as I love him. He does not respect me, a man of god respects a woman who has given her all to him. I'm giving all my faith and hope to you lord. I have full faith in you my lord. God please keep the tiniest seed of love planted in marks heart, for it to one day grow, and blossom. I ask this all in your precious name Heavenly Father amen.

Dear Heavenly Father

I pray that B will start communicate with me again like we used to for the past 3 weeks we started texting. I met B online and last Friday he called me on the phone. We had such a good conversation that I don't understand why I haven't heard back from him since then. I texted him last Sunday and no response and another on Tuesday and still no response. I want to hear from him again and start meeting in person and continue to have more dates and get married. I pray that you give B the strength and wisdom to respond to my text and be a man and apologize for not responding and to realize that that was wrong and that there was absolutely no excuse for that. I pray that you bring us back together and that from now on we are going to work things out when an issue arises. I would like to hear from him again and I feel like crying when I think about him and what happened. Please help me to no longer focus on what happened and for B and I to give ourselves another opportunity to make it right.


Oh mighty god please help me I'm obsessively in love with this man and I wish he felt the same way for me. I wish he would love me. Please bring him back to me and get him to talk to me again. I really miss him and I'm sad and depressed without him, sometimes I cry thinking about him. Please lord get me and Nery back together, and please get him to love me and think about me the way I think about him and love him. Please hear my preyer.

Theres never a second that I dont think about him. Nery Velasquez is always on my mind. Please mighty god put Nery Velasquez in my path and bring him back to me please make him love me. I wish he would talk to me and love me. Please do a miracle and Get Nery Velasquez to come to me and love me. I really want Nery to be my boyfriend. Lord get Nery to talk to me. please get him to be my boyfriend please lord. Amen!