Prayer For High School Graduates

Heavenly Father, give my son peace as he steps into the beginnings of something different and new. Help him with each challenge he may encounter, give him the wisdom to solve it and allow him to overcome any conflict that may come his way. Encourage him daily to have faith in himself, his teachings, and his abilities. Through all of this though Lord, most importantly, keep him close to You. Make sure his values stay guarded, and his faith becomes stronger. In Your name, I pray. Amen.

Dear Lord, You are the way, the truth, and the light. I ask that my child always remembers this as she leaves my side. Be with her every second of every day. Never leave her, and always keep her safe. Lord, no matter what, keep her safe. Provide her with new adventures and bless her with wisdom. Lord, give her an amount of wisdom that will reach to the skies. I need her to be wise. If she is wise, she will always do what's right. If she always does what's right, she will always be close to You. In your name, I pray. Amen.

God Almighty, please be with my son as he leaves this small scene of high school and travels into the door of a big, bright new world. Hold his hand and only lead him to places that will keep him safe and secure. Help him to make good choices, please be generous with his work, let his skills be appreciated, and allow him to be successful. I ask these things in Jesus's name. Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father, I ask that You bless my child as she takes on the challenge of a new beginning. Take her on wonderful journeys, show her new ideas, and help her to explore new adventures. Encourage her as she grows, and continue to remain steady in her life. Keep her feet firm on Your foundations and remind her daily that You have blessed her with plans for the future and hope for tomorrow. In Your name, I pray. Amen.

Thank you, Lord!
For the reaching of this end
And for this new beginning
For the joy in finished aims and goals
And the evidence of winning

Have mercy on these graduates
As they bask in their successes
Please guide them to their destinies
And show them love that blesses

We ask for You to lead each one
Through missteps they may suffer
On the road to gaining wisdom
Finding faith and hope that buffers

Please touch each heart with joy and peace
As Commencement gives promotion
And fill each life with love's increase
Of strength and deep devotion

For this eager class of graduates
Beribboned with degrees
Please bless them at this starting gate
With all the keys they'll need.

Thank you, Lord.

Let us unite our hearts in prayer
and entrust to the hands of the Lord
those who will be graduated tomorrow.

May God who began this good work in you
carry it through to completion,
enabling you to use your talents to the fullest.

May God give you the grace to make wise choices
and to be faithful to your commitments,
always confident in the support of those who love you.

May God bless you with discomfort at easy answers,
half-truths, and superficial relationships,
so that you will live deep within your heart.

May God bless you with anger at injustice,
oppression, and exploitation of people,
so that you will work for justice, equality, and peace.

May God bless you with tears to shed for those who
suffer from pain, rejection, starvation, and war,
so that you will reach out your hand
to comfort them and change their pain into joy.

May God bless you with the foolishness to think
that you can make a difference in the world,
so that you will do the things
which others tell you cannot be done.

May your integrity be a gift to the world
and may the Spirit of God be with you always.

Creator of all that is

Bless and approve our offering here today,

The degrees that we've earned as proof of our deep questing,

The fruits of our long academic, physical, and spiritual labors.

In the days, months, and years ahead,

Grant that we may come to know more clearly

The purpose that our labors, our learning, our degrees

Will play in your divine plan,

To your greater glory.

And may our boats be filled to overflowing.

In your name we pray,

Gracious and caring God, our source of light,
we ask for your almighty hand to be upon these graduates as we send them forward.

With their classes and grading now complete,
may they strive toward excellence in all they do.
With the applause quieted,
may they celebrate and lift up those around them.
with the speeches concluded,
may their voices rise up to pronounce peace and justice in the world.
with the fanfare ceasing,
may they find bliss in future endeavors and adventures.
with advanced degrees and credentials in hand,
may their achievements grow and enrich their communities.
As Jesuit educated,
may they discover Holiness in the midst of life's blessings as well life's challenges.
As their careers commence,
may they conduct their life's work with exceptional skill and integrity
inspired to Go Forth and Set the World of Fire
from this day onward.