Prayer For Hearing God's Voice

Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ, your son, and according to James 1:5. I am seeking wisdom for _____________(your request).

In the name of Jesus, according to Matthew 28:18 and Luke 10:1920, I take authority over Satan and his fallen angels and command that they be rendered deaf, mute, and blind to my prayers, and removed from my presence.

I submit my own voice to the shed blood of Jesus and command that my own thoughts be taken captive to the obedience of Christ, according to 2 Corinthians 10:5.

I ask, Father, that only your Holy Spirit will speak to me now as I wait on you for wisdom, insight, and direction. And whatever you show me or direct me to do, I pray that I will quickly obey.

In Jesus's mighty name, amen.

Dear St. Jude, please help me in this time of need with my hearing lossto make me cope and allow me to hear my loved ones and the world around me made full of beautiful sound by God. I pray to you St. Jude me hear and be strong at this time of need. I truly know you can and am grateful to you over all the times I have prayed to you. Amen.

Father, in the Name of Jesus, I thank You that You desire to speak to me every dayguiding me in spirit and in truth to obey Your Word and enjoy an abundant life. I thank You that You have called me Your friend and that I may come boldly to the throne of grace to find help whenever I have a need in my life.

Lord, Your Word says that when we draw near to You, You will draw near to us. So, I draw near to You today. I seek Your face, Your truth and Your word for my life. I want to know You more, hear You more and obey You more.

Your Word says Your sheep know Your voice and we will not follow the voice of a stranger. Help me to know Your voice and not be deceived by any other voice. Help me to guard my heart from the influences of this world and the people around me. Help me not to be deceived by the devil and his lies, but to view all thoughts and decisions through the lens of righteousness.

As I seek to hear You today for instruction, correction and guidance, help me to confirm Your voice through Your Word. You said if I ask for wisdom, You will give it to me liberally, so I am asking for wisdom in the Name of Jesus to hear You clearly and consistently today and every day.

Help me to feel confident in knowing that I hear Your voice.

I praise You and thank You for it, in Jesus' Name.


Lord Jesus Christ, I thank You for always listening to me and guiding me in spirit, to follow Your Word and to enjoy what You have given to me in this life from Your providence. Lord God, I pray that I hear Your voice today as You guide, guard, protect, direct and govern me.

Lord God You have told us that You will draw close to us when we draw closer to You. I therefore draw closer to You so that I can hear from You, know You more and obey any instruction that You will whisper into my ear.

We are Your sheep and You are our shephard. Let us hear Your voice alone and not be deceived by a stranger. Help me to avoid the voice of temptations of this world from people who do not know You.

I seek to hear from You today any correction, instruction or guidance. Give me wisdom to discern Your voice and act on it. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I confess there have been times when I thought I knew best. I trusted my own wants and desires over your will. I have even been guilty of taking my problems to you in prayer but expecting you to answer a certain way or at a specific time. And when you didn't answer according to my expectations, I became discouraged. Forgive me Lord, for not trusting you in all things.

As I prepare to hear from you, I will let go of my expectations and allow you to work according to your will and your ways. Your Word says, We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps (Proverbs 16:9). I want your will to be done, not mine. Let my wants align with your will, Lord. I know I won't be able to hear from you if I am focused on my own desired outcome or timing. I release my expectations and thank you for speaking into my lifein your way, at your time, and for your purpose.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Your Word says I will seek you and find you when I seek you with all my heart (Jeremiah 29:13). I long to hear your voice, Lord. But I know that in order to hear you, I need to spend time with you. Help me to desire your presence more than anything else. More than answers, more than direction, more than blessings. Your presence is a gift, and I will show gratitude for that gift by making time to seek you in prayer each day. Whether it's for five minutes or an hour, I know you will meet me there.

Father, forgive me for letting my life get so busy that I have forgotten to prioritize our time together. Thank you for the second chance. Thank you also for reminding me of the danger of trying to face life's challenges in my own strength. Time in your presence brings peace, comfort, and renewed hope.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Your Word says I can bring my problems to you in prayer and that your peace will guard my heart and my mind (Philippians 4:7). I struggle with this, Lord. I try to stay focused on you when I pray, but so often my mind wanders back to those problems I've already prayed about. The cares of the day distract my thoughts. Focusing my mind on you is a difficult task, so I am asking for your help. God, I want to hear your voice. Help me push away distracting thoughts and set my mind on you. Thank you for giving me authority as your child to take thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). I pray today for the strength and wisdom to continue taking each wayward thought captive and refocusing my mind on you in prayer.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

Father, in the Name of Jesus, I thank You that You desire to speak to me every dayguiding me in spirit and in truth to obey Your Word and enjoy an abundant life. I thank You that You have called me Your friend and that I may come boldly to the throne of grace to find help whenever I have a need in my life.

Lord, Your Word says that when we draw near to You, You will draw near to us. So, I draw near to You today. I seek Your face, Your truth and Your word for my life. I want to know You more, hear You more and obey You more.

Your Word says Your sheep know Your voice and we will not follow the voice of a stranger. Help me to know Your voice and not be deceived by any other voice. Help me to guard my heart from the influences of this world and the people around me. Help me not to be deceived by the devil and his lies, but to view all thoughts and decisions through the lens of righteousness.

As I seek to hear You today for instruction, correction and guidance, help me to confirm Your voice through Your Word. You said if I ask for wisdom, You will give it to me liberally, so I am asking for wisdom in the Name of Jesus to hear You clearly and consistently today and every day.

Help me to feel confident in knowing that I hear Your voice.

I praise You and thank You for it, in Jesus' Name.
