Prayer For Health And Prosperity

Dear God the Father, I praise and glorify you. I pray that You help me in my studies. I know that You want me, Your child, to prosper in all my endeavours. Give me Your knowledge and wisdom as I study for my lessons and exams. Let me learn my lessons properly and understand them completely. I pray that I overcome all my academic weaknesses. Take control of my thoughts. Bless me with this, O Lord, for your greater glory. Let me be a blessing to my family that I love so much. I thank You in advance for answering my prayer. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Our Heavenly Father, God, I come to You in the Name of Your Precious Son, Jesus Christ, who is my Savior. I ask You to forgive me of
all my sins and let the Holy Spirit fill me to overflowing with God's unconditional agap love so that it might meet all my energy and love needs and flow back out to others that I come into contact with each day. Let me always be a blessing in some way to those people that come my way. Please meet all our needs today, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, and please give me, my family, and friends, perfect health, perfect wealth, and true happiness.
Help our world to find complete peace.
Thank You, dear God.

"The person that dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the Shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is our Refuge and Fortress, our God, in Him we will trust. Surely, He shall deliver my family and me from the snare of Satan or any traps that are set, and from all sicknesses, diseases, plagues, and pests of every kind that exist. He covers us with His Divine Security, and under it we will be safe. His truth is our shield and protection. We will not be afraid of night or day terrors. We will not be afraid of sicknesses, diseases, plagues, or pests of any kind that exist, or any evil or harm. Others might be affected, but we will only watch and see the reward of wickedness. Evil or harm will not even come near us at all. Because we have made the Lord, who is our refuge, even the most High, our habitation, there shall no evil or harm befall us, neither shall any sicknesses, diseases, plagues, or pests of any kind that exist come near our homes. For God has given His angels charge over us to keep us safe in all our ways. They will bear us up in their hands lest we dash our feet against a stone. We will tread upon any obstacles that we come across in life and overcome them all. Because we have set our love upon God, therefore He will deliver us. He will set us on high because God knows our names as His children. We will call upon Him, and He will answer us. God will be with us in troubled times and will deliver us always. He will honor us and bless us with great prosperity in our lives. With long life will God satisfy us and show us His Salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ."

Heavenly father,

I thank you for all you abundant blessings upon my family and me, i ask these special favors from you for my parents to have good health, i pray for peace within my home and relationships, i pray for love in my life and in my heart and prosperity in all that i desire, if it is your will Jesus, so it will be granted to me, In Jesus name,Amen.

Heavenly Father, Your name leaves my lips daily in reverence of Your strength and unconditional love. Your undivided attention has been on me since I was in my mother's womb and because You favoured me so, I was delivered into this world safe and sound. Lord, I ask that as You have been caring for me, You continue to do so. I want You to take the wheel of my life because nothing but Your blessings, favour, and love can suffice again. Lord, I ask for the double of Elisha's blessing and I want to be Your favourite amongst millions. Be with me Oh Lord and let Your gaze waver not from me/my household. I glorify You El-Shaddai and In Jesus Name I've prayed, Amen.

Father, I'm here before You today because I want You to perform a miracle in my life. At this point, I cannot do it alone and even if I could, it cannot be compared to Your deeds. I walk in Your sight and I can personally testify to the other miracles in my life. God, I pray for financial release in the form of employment/my business. I pray that You lift my head so that I may stand proud as one of Your children. I want You to make me a living testimony and shame the enemies who doubted Your great works in my life. I thank You Oh God My Father, and In Jesus Name, Amen.

Oh Lord in Heaven, I come before You today for the sake of prosperity and protection. You're the protector of Daniel and the benefactor of the Israelites. Father, bless me so that I may prosper in all the things I do in my life. I shall prosper financially, spiritually, and health-wise by Your will. Oh God, I pray You also protect me so that I will live a long and fruitful life In Jesus Name. All the blessings You shower upon me, no manner of enemy will collect it because I have Your divine protection. I thank You for Your presence today, and In Jesus Name I've Prayed.

Father above, I pray to You in total subservience today about my life. Lord, I need Your divine help in granting me financial independence. I pray that you remove me from the clutches of incapability and thatYou provide me with all the earnings that I'll use to take care of both myself, my loved ones, and all of Your Beloved for the rest of my life. Father, I need You to fix my life so that I'll not be caught wanting. Instead, I'll fulfill my roles in all needed areas of my life. I thank You God for the opportunity to have this prayer and for the forthcoming blessings, I exalt Your name and In Jesus Name, Amen.