Prayer For Healthcare Providers

Father, in Jesus our Lord, we praise and thank you for your most precious gift of human life and for forming us in your divine image. Keep us, the dwelling place of your most Holy Spirit, ever healthy in body and soul.

Jesus, Divine Healer, pour your grace upon all those afflicted with illness or disease. Protect from all harm those who are vulnerable due to sickness, suffering, frailty, poverty or age, whether elderly or unborn.

Holy Spirit, touch the hearts of all who serve human life in medicine and science, so they will protect the dignity of each person, from conception to natural death, and remain faithful advocates of all entrusted to their care.

Grant those who are called to serve as health care providers renewed conviction in their ministry, and increased wisdom to treat the whole person, and not merely the illness.

Protect the right of health care providers to serve their patients without being forced to violate their moral and religious convictions. Guard them against discrimination, that they might be free to follow you faithfully while fulfilling their professional duties.

Grant our lawmakers the wisdom and courage to uphold conscience rights for those called to the ministry of healing, and help them resist the pressure to become collaborators in the culture of death.

Give us strength to be bold and joyful witnesses to the truth that every human life is sacred.

In your goodness, guard our freedom to live out our faith and to follow you in all that we do.

Father, we ask this in Jesus' name, through the Holy Spirit. Amen.

O Holy Spirit, we thank you for the advancements that have led to improving the health of so many. We beg you to inspire new breakthroughs in overcoming the coronavirus and all serious flu viruses. Protect, we pray, health care professionals from the illnesses they are treating, and make them instruments of your healing. Amen.

Loving God, on this day we remember healthcare workers here in our own facilities and everywhere.
We pledge our prayerful support to all who give of themselves daily in the healing ministry of Jesus. As they work to cure, speak to soothe, and touch to heal in the power of the Holy Spirit, may they be renewed in their commitment of service to the healthcare ministry. Lay your gentle hand upon each of them as they touch others with your presence. We pray in your holy name. Amen.

Dear God,

We come before you seeking guidance. We acknowledge that wisdom and power are yours; that you give wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. You know what lies in darkness and light dwells with You. Please grant ____ your wisdom and knowledge in this situation. Please bring to light the things that should be known and guide ____ to the right next step. We ask for your peace as they wait for your leading and also the courage to take the next step when it is time for ____ to move forward.

In His name,


Dear God,

You are the creator of this Earth, and all belongs to you. You have instructed us not to worry about our life, what we eat and drink or what we wear, reminding us that God provides for the birds of the air and the flowers of the field, and that he loves us even more than these. And yet, it is hard not to worry when the numbers don't add up the way we think they should. Please help us to trust your provision. Help us to seek your Kingdom first and look to you to provide for our needs. We ask specifically for your help with____. Please provide ____ with wisdom to know the path forward, faith to believe you will provided for their needs, and peace as they hope in you.

In His name,


Dear God,

We lift up ____ as they go through ____ procedure. Please guide the minds and hands of the medical team before, during, and after the procedure. May they be blessed with wisdom and knowledge to perform the procedure with excellence and in a way the supports the best outcome. We ask for your presence to fill the room and your peace to be surround all involved. Please comfort their loved ones as they wait. Help them to put their hope in you, and to know how to love and support ____ after the procedure. We trust in your unfailing love.

In His Name,


Dear God,

We seek your help and intervention on behalf of ____. We pray for all the physicians, nurses, and health care providers involved in their care. Please grant the medical team wisdom to know the best course of action to relieve pain and promote healing. And if our knowledge falls short, we ask that you would close that gap, and provide wisdom and insight and guidance into this situation. We know that you are good and that you love ____. Please comfort them in this difficult time and we ask that you would ease their pain and give them hope and peace.

In His name,


Dear Lord,

Today, we pray for your peace. We pray that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard the hearts and minds of ____. We also ask for courage. We remember that God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind. Please, grant ____ your spirit of courage. Grant them a sound mind as they make decisions. We pray for all the physicians, nurses, and health care providers involved in this situation. May they be blessed with the wisdom and grace needed to provide the best care possible.

In His name,
