Prayer For Healing Pics

My Jesus, as You told us to do, I continue to pray, and not lose heart that I will be finally healed. I come to You, my Righteous Judge, and keep coming, keep asking, and keep seeking and knocking. I come to You in shameless perseverance for the healing that You have promised. I keep my eyes fixed on You, dear Jesus, the Author and Perfector of my faith. Amen.

Oh Lord, You are to me a God of deliverances! Please lead me out of this prison of disability and into a life of prosperous health and full mobility. I thank You, O God, that You provide in Your goodness for the weak and impaired. I ask You to bless with a plentiful rain of healing. You have never failed me, and I trust in Your love and grace. I am Yours, and You are mine. Amen.

Oh God of my salvation, I call upon Your Name, as I face this dread disease. I thank You that Your grace abounds in these deepest waters. I humbly ask You to place Your healing hand on me, for I am desperate. As wax melts before the fire, may these tumors shrink into oblivion, and all symptoms of cancer disappear. I bless Your Name, Lord, for You daily bear my burden. My soul rests in Your embrace. Amen.

Oh, Jesus, my Great Healer, You are high and lifted up, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end. There is no one like You. I fix my eyes on You, and I ask You to grant healing and life to me. May I live life in all its abundance. May the works of God be displayed in me. The thief has come to steal, kill and destroy, but thank You, Jesus, that You came to give abundant life. I thank You, dear Savior, for pouring out blessing after blessing. Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your deep and boundless love, that You sustain me on my sickbed. I trust You to restore me and raise me up to full health. Thank You for sending Your own Son as a sacrifice for my sin and sickness. Since You are for me, I know that nothing can be against me. Overwhelming victory is mine through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Dear Lord, You are the God of the Impossible! There is nothing You cannot do. I come to You now, desperate for a healing miracle. I ask for Your complete and total healing of every cell in my body. I believe that You are going to do this, to the glory of Jesus' name. This sickness has brought many days and months of suffering, but joy comes in the morning. Hallelujah! Amen.

Dear Jesus, I come to You in faith for the healing of this disease, and I count on Your answer. I believe I have received what I am asking for. Lord, I believe my healing has already happened. I pray with perseverance, and I will continue to pray until all the symptoms leave my body. My faith will strongly persist in prayer until Your answer comes. Thank You even now, for restoring me to perfect health. Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father, I come to You with this very serious illness, asking for You to do a healing miracle in my body, for Your Son Jesus said that everything is possible for one who believes. Help me overcome any vestiges of unbelief and purify my faith so that I lean in on You in firm confidence that You will heal me, to the glory of my Savior. Amen.