Prayer For Healing Past Hurts


I admit that my confession has been at best fruitless and often even damning to myself and others. I receive Your salvation from the curse in every area of my life. My eyes are set on You and my ears are tuned now to Your voice. I choose words that agree with Your Word. I choose to call things that are not as I thought they were, words of faith and not fear. Today, I will shout joyful things like: This is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice in it! and, The Lord's right hand has done mighty things! If my neighbors hear any shouting from my home, it won't be arguing or strife or frustration. It will be joyous sounds of praise to You. Help me overcome negativity and bring You in!


Oh Lord, the One who is a Father to the fatherless, You see my pain and You know my grief. You bore all these sins before they even happened, and not a wound was inflicted without striking pain in Your heart as well.

There are memories I don't want to relive, but I can't shrug them off either. They pounce on me when I least suspect it, and the weight of the emotions threatens to undo me. Father God, hear my desperate plea. I need You, oh I need You.

You promise to make everything beautiful in its time, and I wish that time were right now, but in the in-between, would you carry me in Your arms? Hold me close to Your heart. Let me rest my head on Your shoulder, as a lamb carried by her Shepherd.

Hold me when the grief seems to overwhelm me, like waves crashing into me. Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I. You are my refuge. My strong tower. My shelter in the midst of the storm. In You I am safe, not only from the past, but from haunting memories as well.

I can't forget, but You can heal. You can bring life out of ashes, and I'm asking for nothing short of a miracle here. Heal these wounds, Lord, but leave the scars. I want to always remember Your goodness, Your healing, and Your restoration. I want to be able to look back on what was and see what you are doing. You promise that You're doing a new thing in me; help me believe that and fix my gaze forward instead of dwelling on what was in the past. Help me to entrust the past to You and to step forward into the future that You're fashioning for me.

You will be faithful to complete this good work that You started in me, and I can't wait to see how You'll do it!

I love You, Lord.


Heavenly Father, we live in a fallen world and are surrounded with so many men and women as well as boys and girls, who have suffered emotional damage or are going through emotional abuse, and I just want to take a few moments to lift up all those that are experiencing this type of trauma, and pray for Your healing touch on their lives.

Lord, You know every one who is in need of emotional healing and the hurt and pain that they are going through, and I ask You to meet each one at their own point of need. May they find their strength, support, comfort and hope in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Refresh those that are weary, strengthen those that are weak, help the afflicted, deliver the needy, comfort the sorrowing, heal those that are hurting and draw very close to all who are in need of emotional healing. This I pray in Jesus' name,


Heavenly Father, my hope is You alone, for You have promised to draw close to those that are broken-hearted, distressed and abused. Father, You know the on-going and increasing emotional abuse that I am receiving at the hand of my spouse.

Lord, I know that this is not Your will for my life, and I come to You for strength and courage, for I have no-one to turn to for help but You. Protect me I pray. Protect us all from this escalating violence and help me to know what to do

Give me wisdom and courage I pray, and place a hedge of protection around us all. And Father God, I ask that Your Holy Spirit would do a mighty convicting work in heart of my spouse, for it is not Your will that any should perish but that all should come to repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus. This I ask in His name,


Lord, the pain is so deep that I hardly know how to pray. Please examine my inner being and reveal to me any areas of unresolved emotional pain, resentment or unforgiveness. Touch me I pray with Your love, and begin the precious healing process within, that only You can accomplish.

Flood me with Your healing and wholeness, and if there are areas in my heart that need to be confessed, or for which I need to repent, I pray that You would bring them to the forefront of my mind and set me free from the bondage of this deep and traumatised hurt.

I know that the Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit, and I simply want to rest in Your love and allow Your streams of healing and strength to flood my heart my mind, my body and my soul.

Thank You, that You are the divine Physician and the God who heals all our pain. Keep me under the shadow of Your wing and to You be all praise and glory for ever. In Jesus' name,


Loving God, I have been going through some painful memories which I just can't seem to get rid of, no matter how hard I try. They keep on returning to haunt me, and I thought that Jesus would just take away all the hurt within. Please help me God

I know I am a sinner and I believe in Jesus Christ and that He died for my sins to pay the price that I ought to pay, so why do I still feel so bad? Why do I still feel so full of guilt and bitterness, anger hatred and resentment?

Help me Lord, to forgive all those that hurt and betrayed me. Heal me I pray, of all the negative emotions that well-up inside of me. Enable me to stop thinking about the painful memories of the past and concentrate on all the beautiful things that Jesus has done for me, and the wonderful things that He has prepared for me in heaven and to start to enjoy them this moment on.

When painful memories arise in my heart, help me to stop thinking about them and to fix my mind on all that Jesus did for me. Help me to be more like Jesus. Help me Lord, to forgive those that have hurt me and not to build up resentments. Take away the bitter feelings of anger and betrayal inside, and show me how I can best live my life. Teach me how to love others in the same way that Jesus loved me and gave His life for me, so that I can change my thinking and concentrate on the lovely things in my life, the good relationships I have and all the happy memories too.

I ask this in His name,


Oh Lord, I feel that both my heart and my life has been shattered into a thousand pieces and I don't know what to do or which way to turn. I feel that I have no strength left and that everything in my life has become an utter failure. Have mercy on me I pray, according to Your great goodness and abundant grace.

Lord, I know that Your Word says that You will give strength to the weary and hope to the distressed and I feel both weak and in distress, and ask for Your help and strength.

Help me to wait on You, abide in You and rest in Your love, because I know that You have promised that those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength and rise up with the wings as eagles.

Thank You also, that You have promised to heal the broken-hearted and restore those that are hurting. Heal my shattered heart I pray, and restore to me the joy of my salvation. This I ask in Jesus' name,


Gracious Lord, You know me better than I know myself and I need Your healing touch on my life today. You know all about the emotional pain that I have been going through, and oh Lord, I need You to come into my heart and to bind up the brokenness within me. I feel that I have been battered and bruised emotionally and am almost gasping for breath, due to the pain that has been stabbing my heart.

Lord, You know that I have no one in whom I can confide, because no one really understands the searing wounds that have shattered inside me and the deep anguish I am going through. Oh Lord, I come to You to heal my emotions, heal my wounded heart I pray. Heal the anguish that is deep inside.

Lord, flood every corner of my being with Your soothing balm and Your healing love, and root out all the negative emotions that are bubbling inside me, like a smouldering volcano. Release into the aching void within, Your love and Your peace, Your hope and Your gracious presence, and gently carry me as a kindly Shepherd would carry a frightened, little wounded lamb. Lord, I am trusting in You, because I know that You alone can be trusted.
