Prayer For Healing Of The Throat

O Lord Jesus Christ, you commanded your apostles to put their trust on you when they were in trial before governors and kings. You promised them the Holy Spirit who would speak in their behalf and instill in them the courage that they need for the day. For this reason St. Blaise spoke fearlessly, declaring that he would not give up his faith in exchange for his life.

O St. Blaise, give us your conviction that our Catholic faith is the most precious treasure that we have, and that we would never give it up for anything in the world. May your example instill in us the courage to live our faith and enable us to respond to the moral demands of our faith. May the love of Jesus make us stronger everyday. Amen.

O Lord Jesus Christ, you left the Eucharist as your constant presence in the world. Your presence though sacramental is real but we can only touch and feel you if our faith is strong enough. You commanded your Church to continue with this daily offering so that everybody may experience your presence. The Eucharist was the love of St. Blaise, as he hid from his persecutors, celebrating it in the cave along with some of his trusted friends.

O St. Blaise, look kindly on us your devotees who at times find it difficult to experience Jesus' presence in the Eucharist. We lack faith because we want to see in order to believe. We sacrifice easily our Sunday masses for other activities. Inspire us then to renew our faith in the Eucharist and to participate on it with full mind and heart, attentive to Jesus' presence. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, you predicted that your first followers would face terrible persecutions in the hands of the Romans. For three hundred years, your followers were massacred, beheaded and eaten by the lions, and the blood of the martyrs became the seed of Christianity. Your Church continued to grow. In the Church of Armenia, St. Blaise is the most prominent martyr.

O St. Blaise, your courage to face death in the name of Jesus became the light of the Church in Armenia. As a bishop, you led the way inspiring others to be faithful to Jesus. You preached the gospel most effectively when you chose to die rather than betray your Lord and Savior. Share with us your courage that we may witness to Jesus' presence in our world. Let us always love when we are invited to hate, to forgive when we are tempted to vengeance. Inspire us to do Jesus' commands at any circumstances. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, you said that your disciples would only be worthy of you if they are able to carry their cross. You asked them to be faithful till the end, even if it means shedding their blood for your sake. You are pleased by the offering of life done by your servant St. Blaise. His death sealed his loyalty to you, and for this reason, you love your servant St. Blaise.

O St. Blaise, Christians down the centuries have asked your intercession for their throat ailments, and you have proven your closeness to Jesus by the long list of miracles attributed to your name. We come to you with our petitions and problems hoping that your closeness to Jesus will enable you to help us. Listen then to our prayers and bring them to Jesus. Amen.

St. Blaise, gracious benefactor of mankind and faithful servant of God, who for the love of our savior suffered many tortures with patience and resignation; I invoke your powerful intercession. Preserve me from all evils of body and soul. Because of your special merits, God has given you special graces to help those who suffer from ills of the throat. Relieve and preserve me from them, so that I may always be able to fulfill my duties and with the aid of God's grace, perform good works. I invoke your help as special physician of souls that I may confess my sins sincerely in the holy sacrament of penance and obtain their forgiveness. Amen.

St. Blaise,
gracious benefactor of mankind
and faithful servant of God,
who for the love of our Savior
did suffer so many tortures with patience and resignation;
I invoke thy powerful intercession.
Preserve me from all evils of soul and body.
Because of thy great merits God endowed thee
with the special grace to help
those that suffer from ills of the throat;
relieve and preserve me from them,
so that I may always be able to fulfill my duties,
and with the aid of God's grace perform good works.
I invoke thy help as special physician of souls,
that I may confess my sins sincerely
in the holy sacrament of Penance
and obtain their forgiveness.
I recommend to thy merciful intercession
also those who unfortunately concealed a sin in confession.
Obtain for them the grace to accuse themselves sincerely
and contritely of the sin they concealed,
of the sacrilegious confessions
and communions they made,
and of all the sins they committed since then,
so that they may receive pardon,
the grace of God,
and the remission of the eternal punishment.

O Blessed St Blaise, you received from God the power to protect men from throat diseases and other maladies. Take away the illness that afflicts me, keep my throat healthy and perfect so that I can talk correctly and be able to proclaim and sing praises to God.

I promise you, St Blaise, that the words coming from my mouth will always speak:

the truth and not lies;

justice and not calumnies;

goodness and not harshness;

comprehension and not intransigence;

forgiveness and not condemnation;

pardon and not accusation;

respect and not disparagement;

conciliation and not intrigue;

calmness and not irritation;

unselfishness and not egotism;

edification and not scandal;

enthusiasm and not defeatism;

conformity and not complaint;

love and not hate;

joyfulness and not sadness;

faith and not disbelief;

hope and not despair.

St Blaise, keep my throat free from illness so that I can praise God, my Creator, and thank you, my protector.

O God, deliver us through the intercession of Your holy bishop and martyr Blaise, from all evils of soul and body, and especially from all ills of the throat.

O Lord, grant us the grace to make a good confession in the confident hope of obtaining Your pardon, and ever to praise with worthy lips Your most holy name.

Through the merits of Saint Blaises suffering and martyrdom, we also pray that all who are suffering be healed by God's unconditional love and boundless mercy.

Through Christ our Lord.
