Prayer For Healing Heart Broken

Lord, please heal my broken heart. Fill me with the peace and joy I know can only come from You during this hard time. Walk closely beside me during my journey to healing and recovery that I know is possible through Your power alone. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Dear Loving Heavenly Father, I come to you a broken-hearted sinner. I come to You in brokenness of heart, for I am beginning to understand what the Lord Jesus Christ actually did for me on the Cross. I realise that I am a sinner not only in the terrible things that I have been engaged in, but in my very heart, which is overburdened with sin. I now understand what it means in the Bible when it says there is no one that is good and that all man wants to do are bad things all the time. I see myself in that verse.

Lord, I am so sorry and I just want to repent and turn away from all the evil that I have been engaged in. My heart is broken to realise that the punishment that I deserve was placed on the Lord Jesus, and that He paid the price for my sins. All my sins have been washed away and He has even clothed me with His own goodness and righteousness.

Father God, I know that I am a sinful person and that I deserve nothing but hell separation from You for eternity and yet because of Christ my black soul has been made pure and clean.

Thank You Father. I believe and trust in Christ my Saviour and thank You that Jesus Christ died for us all.


Dear Lord, how could he have done this to me? How could he forget his promises? How could he throw away in a moment all the things we have built all these years? How could he break my heart?
Was it my fault? Was it me, Lord? Tell me where I have gone wrong. For I do not understand how all these things can be happening right now. I do not understand how something so good can suddenly end up the way it is today.
We were so happy, Lord. We were so in love we have not a care in the world. It was just him and me, the two of us, and it was enough, probably more than enough. I thought he was Your gift to me, and I to him. We complement each other, we share so many things in common, it is to him that I opened up my heart. It is he, Lord, whom I trusted with all my heart.
How then can he break it so? How can he betray our love? How can he suddenly say he doesn't love me anymore?
It seemed not so long ago when we would simply walk hand in hand along the beach, when we would share a slice of pizza and be satisfied just the same, when we would gaze at the evening sky and count the stars, content of what we had, certain that it would last forever like the millions of stars in the sky.
I believed in forever. Now I don't know anymore. I know nothing anymore. Can love be lost in an instant? Can true love really just fade away? I am so broken deep within me, Lord, I do not know if I can still piece together every shattered part of me.
My friends say that it will heal in time. They say I should busy myself with this and that, date with this guy and that guy.
But I don't know, Lord. Are these the things that can make me believe in love once again? Are these the things that can relieve this pain I feel in my heart?
I am not only hurting, Lord. I feel so angry that I couldn't do anything to avenge myself for this kind of suffering I do not deserve. Do I not deserve true love, Lord? Do I not deserve loyalty, sincerity and respect?
He makes me feel so bad, Lord. He makes me feel so bad about myself. I built my whole world around him, and he took it all away. I built my self esteem upon his admiration, and he trampled upon it as though it were trash.
How can he not feel guilty for what he has done? How can he suddenly be so happy now in the arms of another woman? How can I ever build my world again? How can I ever be happy once more?
Please help me Lord, I really don't know what to do. Only Your words can comfort me. Only Your embrace can soothe my pain.
I have given everything I could, my Lord, and there is nothing more I can give. I kneel before You now, crushed and broken, empty and afraid to be alone. Hide me under Your wings, hold me in Your loving arms. Say unto me again how much You love me. Say unto me that You have called me Yours and You will never ever let me go.
Though men may fail, You remain faithful, steadfast and immovable as a rock. Though men may judge me for all the faults they see in me, You see my heart and reveal to me the beautiful soul You see in me.
Help me to let go of my pain, teach me to forgive those who do not even ask my forgiveness. This burden is something I shouldn't carry in my heart. This trouble is not something I should trade away my peace for.
I know that I have been done wrong, the things that have happened had been so unfair. Sometimes life's like that. Many things in this life really seem so unfair. But let me not continue being unfair to myself. Let me not punish myself anymore for the things others have done.
I offer unto You my wounded heart, my broken heart. I know it is You, my Lord, who will uphold me in the end.
Let me not lose hope. Let me not cast away everything that's good and beautiful in this life. I know that there is so much more in store for me. I know how much love I can still give away because You will fill me with everything that I'll ever need.
You are the one who loves me truly, eternally, unconditionally. You are the one who has always been there for me and always will be there for me. You are my one true love. You are my forever. You are my strength and my peace and my joy. Surely in Your presence Lord, I do not need anything more.

Father God, in Jesus' name, please create in me a clean heart. Renew a right spirit within me. Take away my old, broken heart of stone, and give me a new, bright heart. Take away my old spirit and fill me with Your Spirit. Fill me with Your light, Father, and create in me a bright heart. Thank You, Father.

Heavenly Father God, I come to You in Jesus' name. Lord, I need You. Please keep me as the apple of Your eye. Hide me under the shadow of Your wings. Shut out the oppressive thoughts and situations I am facing, and help me to be aware only of Your presence.

Father God, please help me to sense the warmth and safety that only You provide. Holy Spirit, fill me with Your peace, and comfort me. Thank You. Amen.

Heavenly Father, in Jesus' name, please help me to abide in Jesus today. Help me to set my mind and keep it set on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Help me to cast down every high and lofty thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ, and keep my eyes on Jesusthe Author and Finisher of my faith.

Father God, please help me to be aware of Your presence all day today. Help me to think about Jesus all day long. Like Jesus, help me to only say what You say and do what You do, and to keep Your commandments in all things.

Thank You, Father. In Jesus' name, amen.

I'm not going to fight your hands for they are the ones that hold me at my weakest. I will be still as you work this situation out for me. I await you patiently. I trust You, You will heal me, Majestic King, and my suffering will end today. Help me to fully experience your love and Holy presence as you make all things work together for my good. In Jesus' Holy name, Amen!

Heavenly Father, there is a pain implanted in my heart that doesn't seem to go away. It has crushed me, it aches, I can no longer bear it. This pain of the past consumes my thoughts daily. It hurts so much, Father, these tears that fall long to see joy once again. Give me peace in my heart, please, I'm crying out to you: hear my prayer.