Prayer For Grandchildren

God of Love, I magnify Your Name because of who You are. I have known and relied on the love that You have for me and I pray that my grandchildren do the same. I pray that they will know that You are love and that genuine, pure love comes from You. Whoever lives in love lives in You and You in them. Father, live in them each day, shape them with Your love so that they can reflect this to those around them, Amen.

Dear God and Father of all,

you know these grandchildren we place in your presence,

you know how much we love them.

They are for us a source of joy and wonderment.

And for this, we give you thanks.

But, at times too,

they are a cause of concern and anguish.

They experience disruptions

that worry and scar them:

ruptures with you, with your Church,

rifts within their family, breakdowns in their commitments.

Without You, we can do nothing.

But we know and we believe

that You master the impossible.

We pray You, Lord,

that You lead them along paths

where You await them

and that You teach us patience,

humility, and love,

just as Your Son taught us.


God of Wonders, every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from You the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. My grandchildren are a precious gift presented by You; I thank You for all of their lives! I pray that as they grow older, You will impart more of You into them so that they may grow to be righteous people; they will be a good gift to those around them. I pray that anyone who encounters my grandchildren will know that they have encountered You use them for Your glory, Amen.

Beautiful One, I rejoice because my grandchildren are my crown! My grandchildren are a blessing unto me, and I pray that You continue to cover them and shine Your countenance upon them. Father, You continually bless me; You have enabled me to live to enjoy my grandchildren! Thank You for giving me this gift and thank You for Your eternal peace. I place all my grandchildren before You right now and I ask that You remain in their hearts for the rest of their days, Amen.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the lives of each of my lovely grandchildren that You have so graciously brought into my life. They all give me such joy and pleasure, for which I praise and thank You.

Lord, You have scheduled every day of their lives, and I pray that as they grow up into adulthood You would continue to lead and guide, to instruct and to correct. Father, I also pray that You would develop in each one a heavenly perspective and a true understanding of the Christian life and spiritual maturity, so that they grow in grace and in a right relationship with You.

Bring the right spouse into the life of each of these dear grandchildren of mine I pray. In Your grace I pray that they be granted the husband or wife of Your choice, so that together they may become a threefold cord with You, which is not easily broken.

Thank You, Lord so much, for every one of my grandchildren. Into Your hands I commit each one. May they sense Your calling on their lives, so that they develop into mighty men and women who love You deeply and trust in You implicitly. In Jesus' name I pray,


Loving Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of my precious children and what a privilege it is to see my grandchildren growing up and learning about You. Thank You, Father, for each little life and I lift each one up to You Lord, and pray that by Your grace and love You would surround them with Your love throughout their lives.

Guard and guide them all I pray, and uphold and protect them. May each one come to know You Lord, as their personal Saviour, and may they all come to a deep understanding of all You are and all that You have done for them. Oh Lord, I pray most earnestly that each one would accept You into their hearts and lives as their Lord and Saviour.

I pray that as they grow into their teens and become young adults, that You would keep their hearts and minds turned to You and trusting in Jesus for their every need. Protect each one from the philosophies and mindset of the world that are so contrary to the truth of Scripture, and may each one grow in grace and become strong in their faith as they develop in wisdom and discernment.

Protect them from the evils of this age, keep them from temptations, and help them to live godly lives and to develop as responsible adults who will teach their own children the wonderful truth of Salvation through Christ Jesus our Lord. In His name I pray,


Dear God,

Another day is ahead, and once again, we want to release our grandchildren and children who we love so incredibly much, straight into your tender care. Because we know that's the best place they could ever be. Thank you in advance for all that you have in store, for this day, for this season, and for their entire lives

We ask for your wisdom and direction over their days, that you would give them understanding beyond what their years say they should even know. We ask that you would remind them again of how very much you love them. We pray that they find security and confidence fully in you, knowing that you are trustworthy and true.

We ask for your peace to cover them. We pray for laughter and joy to fill their day. We ask that you would give them boldness and courage to face the challenges set before them, with the confidence and calmness that can only come from your Holy Spirit.

Dear Lord, we pray that you would teach them your ways, help them to be respectful to others, obedient to your paths, and have a desire to learn your word. Give them a compassionate spirit, and a willingness to look beyond the outward appearance of another to the deeper heart.

On the days that they're struggling, we pray that you would bring wrong to the light, offering your reassurance of grace, restoration, and forgiveness when they mess up and lose their way. We ask for you to protect them from feelings of shame or condemnation, instead covering them with your tender love and hope. Surround them with friends and leaders who will constantly challenge them to press closer to you.

Please keep them safe today. We ask that you would protect them from any harm or evil intent that would lurk close by, or attack them while they're unaware. Cover them in your care and hide them in the safety of your powerful presence. We pray for you to protect their coming and going, and to remind them that you're always with them. Give them alertness, spiritual discernment, and wisdom to avoid temptation and to make the best choices. Give them a heart for your word and for your ways.

We pray that you would direct their steps, that your plans for them would prosper, and that every place you have determined for them to walk would be paved clear. We ask for you to open doors that need to be opened and close every one that needs to be shut tight. Allow every gift and treasure you have placed inside their lives to grow, develop, and flourish, to bring you glory

Lord, we trust you to raise up your greatness in our grandchildren. Build up greatness in this generation, in those who are willing to stand strong and true, passionate for you, believing that you have designed them for your purpose and good works, which you have carefully planned and prepared in advance for them to do.

Be a lamp for their feet. Be a light to their path. Shine over them. Fill them with your Spirit. Bless them with your favor and peace.

We thank you God, that you walk ahead of them, beside them, and behind them too. So we can trust you to always lead the way, be constantly at their side, and to have their back too, all at the same time.

Thank you so much for allowing us, as grandparents, the privilege to praying for and loving our children and grandchildren. We praise you for the work you are continuing to do in their lives. They are a gift to us and to so many others.

We trust you today with these precious ones we love so dearly. We love you Lord and we rely on you fully, for your wisdom and grace.

In Jesus' Name,


Loving Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of my precious children and what a privilege it is to see my grandchildren growing up and learning about You. Thank You, Father, for each little life and I lift each one up to You Lord, and pray that by Your grace and love You would surround them with Your love throughout their lives.
Guard and guide them all I pray, and uphold and protect them. May each one come to know You Lord, as their personal Saviour, and may they all come to a deep understanding of all You are and all that You have done for them. Oh Lord, I pray most earnestly that each one would accept You into their hearts and lives as their Lord and Saviour.
I pray that as they grow into their teens and become young adults, that You would keep their hearts and minds turned to You and trusting in Jesus for their every need. Protect each one from the philosophies and mindset of the world that are so contrary to the truth of Scripture, and may each one grow in grace and become strong in their faith as they develop in wisdom and discernment.
Protect them from the evils of this age, keep them from temptations, and help them to live godly lives and to develop as responsible adults who will teach their own children the wonderful truth of Salvation through Christ Jesus our Lord. In His name I pray,