Prayer For First Birthday Girl

My beloved daughter, on your birthday, I pray that the Heavens bless you with the most important thing in this world true happiness. May this great blessing follow you until the end of time.

My sweet daughter, as you commemorate the day God made you a part of the human race, I pray that you will rise above human expectation in all spheres of your life and shine as bright as a star in space. Have a wonderful birthday.

Thank You, Father, for this precious little lady. We praise You for the love that she has brought to so many, in her young life. Lord, I ask that You would be close to this little one, as we celebrate another year, another birthday, and may today be a very special day that she will remember for many years to come.

Thank You for her life and the joy that she has brought to so many people. Lord, it is strange how quickly time seems to pass and I pray that as she grows up and matures into womanhood, that You would be close to her and draw her into true saving faith in Christ Jesus. Give her grace and wisdom, and may she be filled with the love and joy of knowing You. And guide her into all truth I pray.

As she embarks on the next step of her journey through life, I pray that You would guard her and guide her, and keep her from all dangers and evils. Draw her ever closer into Your heart of love I pray. In Jesus' name,


Dear Lord, please bless this little girl with good health, beauty and many talents. May she grow up as a good Christian girl and may she bring much joy to her parent and grandparents. And please make her first birthday party special and memorable. I ask this in the Name of Jesus. Amen


You entrusted me with Gabby, and you know her inside and out. There was no mystery hidden from you when you wove her inside of me, fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps. 139).

For all the strength and empowerment I've found through being this girl's mamaeven during her birthI praise you, God.
Thank you for Gabby. Thank you for all that she has already been to usa daughter, a sister, a friend. Thank you for her sweet disposition, her goofy laugh, and her determination to go places as of yet uncharted by babies (probably for good reasons). Thank you for using my relationship with her for my sanctification and your glory in my life.

Thank you for the moments we've shared already. For ever hour I've worked from home while snuggling her, for all the firsts we've witnessed (words, crawling, standing, steps, and more!). For even the many sleepless nights we've soldiered through this year, holding our precious child, I am so thankful.

There are so many things I want for my daughter, God. It seems like a lot to ask, especially considering that Gabby is, by virtue of her birth, more privileged than many children of the world. But these are, I think, the things that all children, all people, need and deserve. And I believe no request is too big or small for you.

Gabby and Mommy pic

Let her know her strength, God. As her name, Gabrielle, implies, the source of all her strength is you, and so, even when her mortal flesh is failing, she can fall upon the Rock that is Christ and let his arms hold her. Let her know that, regardless of size or social status or office, she is great through the power that raised Jesus from the dead (Rom. 8:11).

Let her know her beauty, God. It's more than clear to me that my daughter is beautiful on the inside and the outside, too, but sometimes distortions can start to feel like reality . Let her know that she is created in your image, and that any messages contrary to that are flat-out lies (Gen. 1:27).

Let her find family, God. I believe that one of the worst things we can do is walk through life aloneor believe that we are alone. I trust that our family, our immediate family, will always be there for her, but I want her also to find chosen familythe people she can call at 3 AM on a Thursday night just because she needs a chat.

Help her be brave, God. Let her be a person who sits by the one everyone else is leaving out. Let her be a person who speaks out of principle, not popularity. Let her fearlessly tell of who she is and why her story matters.

Gabby happy scream

Let her be heard and seen, God, for who she really is. Remove the sicknesses of racism and sexism that have poisoned so many and kept them from witnessing the truth of those who are like my child.

And while she's doing all that, being strong and beautiful and known and brave and heard and seen, just keep her safe, God. We do not live in a safe country for children, especially not ones like Gabby. I worry for her with a mother's heart, and yet I trust you, God.

Gabby pretty picture

In your powerful, strong namewhich Gabby carries in her own name, in the fabric of her beingI pray.


Dear daughter, I pray that God will bestow favor upon your life so that you may enjoy victory in whatever you do. Have a beautiful birthday celebration, my dear.

Happy birthday to you, my sweet daughter! It is my prayer that you live long on this earth to see all the desires of your heart materialize. May the divine light of God always shine on you wherever you may go.

Lord, I thank you again for my Virgie and all the joy she brings to my life. She is a wonderful addition to my earthly family, and I cannot tell you how YOUR plan for my life and now hers AMAZES me. AMAZES ME. Thank you for all you have taught me this year about love and relationships. Be with Virginia. Grow her up in your loving arms.

It is the precious name of your Son that I can come to you in prayer today,
