Prayer For Family Issues

Oh Lord, We have had many disagreements among ourselves as a family. Lord, none of us is ready to admit their mistake; we only want to blame others. Holy Spirit, remind us of the great sacrifice that our heavenly Father made for us through his Son Jesus that we may be humbled in our hearts. Please help us to stop looking at each other's weaknesses and faults. May we forgive one another and be the family that brings glory to your name. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Dear God, in your infinite wisdom, you started the institution of marriage and family. I believe that my family is a gift from you and the first ministry that you have given to me. But, God, the enemy has waged war against my family. Peace has been replaced with conflict and manipulation. We used to love and respect each other, and now everyone is self-centered. Lord, I repent on behalf of everyone. All of us have wronged you and each other with our selfishness. Forgive us, give us patience so that we can resolve our differences in an amicable way. In Jesus' name, we pray, Amen.

King of Glory, have mercy on my family. I repent on behalf of every family member for allowing conflict to come between us. Touch our hearts, remove painful memories and help us to be merciful to each other. Please help us to shun evil and to honor you with our relationships. Show us your great power that we may revere you and walk in your ways individually and as a family. In Jesus' name, we believe and pray, Amen.

King of Glory, have mercy on my family. I repent on behalf of every family member for allowing conflict to come between us. Touch our hearts, remove painful memories and help us to be merciful to each other. Please help us to shun evil and to honor you with our relationships. Show us your great power that we may revere you and walk in your ways individually and as a family. In Jesus' name, we believe and pray, Amen.

Lord Jesus, you loved us while we were still sinners and you continue to shower us with your love even when we fail. We have lost track as a family because of pain and pride. We have hurt each other through our actions and words. Lord, let your love take control of our thoughts, actions, and words as we interact with each other. Please help us to value each other the same way you value us and give us the grace to treat each other right. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.

Yeshua, reach out and touch. Pass through each and every home today that is struggling. Restore the peace, love and tranquility that they once knew.

Allow the tears of distress that fall to be transformed into tears of joy. And I pray that You will be praised in every household during the raging storms.

Even as they await their victory, to overcome these situations and problems within their home, may your name be lifted high. In Jesus' mighty and powerful name I pray, Amen and Amen!

Heavenly Father, I bring our family before your throne. Lord, it has been from one conflict to another, and every time we try to resolve our differences, things keep getting worse. The enemy is determined to separate us, but you are the one who brought us together. I stand firm in the authority that you've given me as your child, and I command the devil to leave our family alone. We are covered with the blood of Jesus, and nothing will, by any means, hurt us. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray, Amen.

Oh Lord my God, I praise Your Holy name. I bow down at the essence of the Holy Spirit. Heavenly Father, my family is struggling, fighting and bickering at each other. They are drifting further apart and away from You. Father, draw them near and bring them back to You.

Peace in the family

Help them to be at peace with one another. Manifest Your divine love within their hearts. Let Your tranquility be bestowed upon their lives.

In Jesus' name, I rebuke every thought of hatred, malice and pride towards one another. I rebuke every dispute, situation and argument in our home today, Lord.