Prayer For Faithfulness In Relationship

Heavenly Father, I profess that I do not understand my partner's needs. I don't know how to fix our problems.

Please open my eyes to my partner so that I can see why he or she acts the way they do. And please help me to understand, too, my own motivations and needs so that I can know when I am in the wrong.

Lord, grant us both a greater understanding of one another, and take away the preconceived notions and assumptions that are keeping us from truly communicating. Bring my partner and I closer together, and closer to you, than ever before.

In Jesus' name I pray, amen.

Father God,
Thank you for my family. It can be messy, it can be wonderful, it can be challenging, and it can be life-giving to be part of my family, and today, I surrender these precious relationships to you. I pray that you would be at work in my family, moving among us and creating deeper bonds between us in a way that gives you glory, honor, and praise. I thank you for the family members who have come to know and love you, and praise you for the ways they encourage and uplift me in my own faith. I also pray for the family members who do not yet know you, Lord, and I ask that you would be moving and working in their lives, opening their eyes and their hearts to who you are and how you love them.

In the places of brokenness in my family, I pray you would bring healing and restoration. In the places of anger, I pray you would bring your peace. In the places of hurt, I pray you would bring comfort. Thank you for the moments of joy, the sweet celebrations, the deep love, and the connections between us. Thank you for the memories we share, and for all the ways you have shown your deep love and endless faithfulness to us.

We pray you would continue to protect, guide, strengthen, and encourage our family, Jesus. We give you the glory today and ask that your plans would be done in each of us.


Dear Lord,

I offer you this prayer, to help me with my current relationship situation. Please take away all the pain and hurt in my heart. Fill it with love, joy, patience, and understanding. Bless me and Sammy, so that we may never surrender to whatever challenges that come our way.

Fill our hearts with love for each other, and may you make each one of us realize each other's worth. Please touch the heart of Sammy,fill it with much love for me. Make our complicated relationship become uncomplicated.

I seek for your mercy and blessing that you may allow us to spend the rest of our lives with each other. Please make this feeling mutual for both of us. Lead us not into temptations. Guide us wherever we go.

Always put us in each other's heart and mind. Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer. I love you. Amen.

Thank you dear friends for praying our prayer requests. We pray for your long life, safety, good health and that you remain in your vocation. God bless.

Lord Jesus,
Thank you for giving me such a vibrant community of friends to do life with. I praise you for the people you have blessed me with, the ones who have come alongside me to love, encourage, support, and uplift me through all the twists and turns of life. I'm so grateful that I do not have to go through life alone, but that you have shown me examples of your love through my dear friends.

I pray that you would be present in my friendships, that you would be drawing us together in deeper community with one another toward greater unity with you. I pray that you would help heal any places of brokenness or discord in my friendships, and that you would restore any friendships that have fallen apart.

Like your Word says in Colossians 3:12-13, may I clothe myself in compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. May I be patient with my friends, and may I forgive freely like you have forgiven me. May I shine your light in my friendships, giving glory to you through all that I do, say, and think.

Thank you for my friends, Jesus. Thank you for the ways they build me up and remind me of your goodness and faithfulness.

In your name I pray,


Dear God,
I struggle in my relationship with ______. I need You to give me wisdom on how to love ____ well. You are my shield and defender. Show me how, when and where to erect boundaries in our relationship. I believe You are my healer and I trust You to guard my heart and mind.
I need Your specific directions on how to interact with ______.
I want to love _____ with a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. (1 Timothy 1:5)
I forgive ______ for hurting me and forgive me for ______. Help me to love ______ courageously. Fill me with Your truth and compel me to fearlessly tell the truth with love. Let Your perfect love cast out all of my fears related to our relationship.
I surrender what I think our relationship should be. Please transform it so that it honors You.
In Jesus, I pray. Amen

Almighty God, maker of Heaven and earth I come before you today and I give You all the praise and glory.

I pray for your forgiveness upon us as we are not always perfect in the things we do every day.
I thank you for the many things You have done in our lives. I thank You for Your mercy and grace, Your teachings, I thank You for Your endless love and I thank You for Your blessings which is poured out everyday upon each and every living soul on this land.
I also thank You for the special gift you have given to us and that is the gift of sharing the love between a man and a woman.
Lord I pray that you keep my girlfriend safe, and most importantly I pray that she stops seeing other men and to be faithful to only me as I love her so much.
Please Lord help her change, and I pray for these other men to also be faithful to their wives and stop seeing my girlfriend anymore.
This my prayer to you Heavenly Father, please help me.
In Jesus mighty name I offer my prayer.

Father, thank You that You are forever faithful. Today I pray You will again prove Your great faithfulness to my husband.

Lord, you promise to preserve the faithful (Ps.31:22) not letting them come to ruin. Today, teach my husband to be faithful. Teach him to be a man of courage,standing for what is good and right in Your eyes. Help him stand against the enemy's schemes. I pray he will be on his guard against anything that would ruin his reputation or the trust of those around him.

Jesus, thank You for Your faithfulness, even to the cross. You have proven to our Rock. All Your ways are perfect and just. You are the faithful God who does no wrong. (Ps.86:15) I pray You would give my husband abundant desire to desire purity and trustworthiness, so that his ways will always prove faithful.

Father, I lift our marriage before You. Remove any temptations that will lead to impurity, adultery, or loss of trust. Make him a man pure in thought and deed, always faithful to Your word. May he lead a life holy and blameless before You and men. Make righteousness be his belt and faithfulness the sash around his waist. (Is.11:5)

Father, you have said anyone who has been trusted with something, must then prove himself faithful. (1Cor.4:2) Father, make my husband a man who proves himself faithful in the small things and the things unseen, so that he can then be trusted with greater things. Help him always hold fast to the ways that are good and right, establishing himself as a man worthy of his calling. Grow his love for You to be greater than his love for me or anything else on this earth. In that way he will become a man faithful in the marriage covenant and faithful in all his ways. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Loving Lord, we desire in this ministry to lift up the lovely name of the Lord Jesus, and to glorify our Father in heaven. Bless our ministry we pray, and may Your Holy Spirit lead and guide all we say and do. May we be changed more and more into the image of Jesus as we seek to follow His command, to love as He has loved us.
Protect us Lord, from the wiles of the enemy who would seek to destroy the good work that You are doing. Build us up in the unity of the Spirit and may we be transformed more and more into the likeness of Christ by the renewing of our mind, day by day.
Keep us Lord, from following our own fleshly pursuits, but rather may we be guided by You in all the areas of this ministry work. Provide for all our needs, knowing that You are One Who has promised to supply all our needs according to Your riches in glory.
Guard us, guide us, keep up and use us as You see fit. In Jesus' name we pray,