Prayer For Enemies Defeat

Holy Ghost, connect me to miracles, signs and wonders, in the name of Jesus.

God, you have given all peoples on common origin.
It is your will that they be gathered together
as one family in yourself.
Fill the hearts of humankind with the fire of your love
and with the desire to ensure justice for all.
By sharing the good things you give us,
may we secure an equality for all
our brothers and sisters throughout the world.
May there be an end to division, strife, and war.
May there be a dawning of a truly human society
built on love and peace.
We ask this in your name.

Lord, I praise you because you are my refuge and hiding place and the enemy cannot get me. Shelter me from the evil plans of my enemies.

May they not succeed in the evil schemes they have against my life and the work you have called me to do.

My enemies run after me but I run to you for shelter for you are my God and Savior. Remove all access points they would use to get into my life and rout them away from me.

When they attack me, let them come face to face with you. I cancel all their evil plans and declare they will never prosper in my life.

In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Lord, you are my God and deliverer. You have delivered me from many troubles in the past and I know you will never leave me.

Deliver me from my enemies and defend me from those who rise up against me. Give them no room to harm me.

Deliver me from the plans and schemes my enemies have set up to make me stumble. May their evil words upon my life fall to the ground and not bear fruit.

Let only your word bear lasting fruit in my life. Contend with those who contend with me.

In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

In the NAME, POWER and AUTHORITY of Jesus Christ,
Holy Ghost destroy every spirit of fear trying to operate in my life,
bind it and rebuke it!
I renounce it,
and I rebuke it in agreement in Jesus name!

Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for giving me power over all the power of the enemy. I exercise that power now.

In the name of Jesus I bind and break the power of every spirit working from the kingdom of darkness against me, against my family (names), against my friends (names) and against people of my city (name your city).

In the name of Jesus I break the power of every word spoken curse against all of us.

I send out warring angels to scramble the plans and the assignments that the enemy has for all of us this day. I bind and break the power of the spirit of death and destruction.

I sever the silver cord of every spirit that is astral projecting to watch us, gather information, eavesdrop, trip me up, block or hinder the works of God.

Father, I ask that you would expose any unholy activity before it has time to take root and bring it to destruction. Give us keen discernment and wisdom that we might be as wise as a serpents and harmless as a doves.

In the name of Jesus I bind every spirit not of the Holy Spirit.
Satan, the Lord rebukes you and renders you powerless over our lives this day.

I assign mighty angels to stand around every person including those in leadership, the shepherds, the sheep, to guard and protect that no evil penetrates.

And I thank you now for turning every curse that would come against us into a blessing for our good and your glory.

Cover us O! Father with the precious blood of Jesus. Amen.

I need lots prayers for my marriage. The enemy is constantly attacking my marriage through my husband's friends. I'm feeling defeated&my husband is feeling weak to temptation of what the friends are doing. We're both struggling. We need healing,Please help us pray. Father God,save our Union,make it rock solid&make the enemy flee from our lives in the mighty, powerful name of Jesus Amen.

Precious Lord Jesus, Wonderful Holy Spirit, all-powerful Father in Heaven, by your Holy Name, uproot the enemies in my life.
In my life are many powers of darkness.
There is illness, sickness, death, disease, threats, fears, doubts, and insecurities.
At times, it seems I am being attacked from every side.
Yet, in you and through you I know by your power all enemies will lose their power over me.
In you, I find victory.
In you, I find a power undermining all the plans of the evil one who comes to destroy.
In whatever way you can and will, bring your peace and your love into my heart as you put down every foe seeking to destroy me.
Because you have such love for me, I know your love will make the knees of the enemy melt.
I know the fear of the enemy turns their boastfulness into nothing more than a whimper.
I know through you all things are possible.
As I proclaim this truth, do what seems impossible and vanquish this darkness by your light of love.
In every dark corner of my life, bring your light.
In every pain, bring the suave of your compassion.
In every trial, bring the power of your love.
In the wonderful name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen