Prayer For Dreams To Come True

Precious Heavenly Parent,

You had a large dream when creating heaven and earth, You had hope when the first human ancestors were born. Because of the Human Fall You had to guide history through the providence of restoration, even though it was something You didn't want. We deeply feel the sorrow this has caused You.

Despite that, God, You never changed Your heart and continually worked to save humanity through the providence of restoration. Finally, after four thousand years, You could send Jesus Christ as Your only begotten son. But because the people and other leading figures could not fulfill their responsibility, Jesus had to be crucified and promise that he would return. Heavenly Parent, how much did that hurt You?

Then, based on the two thousand years of Christian providential history, Father revealed the birth of the True Parents in front of all humankind. The last responsibility of Christianity was to attend the True Parent in the United States, but they could not fulfill that responsibility.

However, Father is the True Parent, so he had to embrace all of humankind around the world. Father, You had a big dream for Las Vegas. You wanted to build the Peace Palace to embrace and educate all of Your children from around the world. But we are lacking as leaders, so we could not have that day during Father's lifetime. Please forgive our lack of filial piety.

Father, You desperately want to save all of humankind. I sincerely hope this palace can be used to make Your dream come true. Please work directly through this place. Father, I'm sorry. Nevertheless, please remember the people here who are working hard for Your will and work through them.

Father, please bless this palace today to be the place in which people not only from this country but also from around the world can live together with Heavenly Parent and True Parents, as well as feel and experience You working here. We dedicate this palace for that purpose. I sincerely pray that Your dreams will come true. Let everything here be done according to Your will. I pray all this in the name of True Parents. Aju.

My God, My Lord and personal Savior, thank You for the way You father me. Thank You for giving us Your Only Son, Jesus Christ and thank You for the forgiveness of my sins.

Thank You, Heavenly Father, for the person I have become. I used to be many things that were not pleasing in Your eyes. But now I have made you my God and my only reliable strong tower. Therefore, I can proudly boast, in Your wonderful, victorious and everlasting name, that I am a child of God.

Lord, we want to live the dreams that you put in our hearts. God, help us to understand which of our dreams align with your will for us. Lord, help us to focus on you and to devote the time, determination and hard work needed to grow in Christ and live according to your plan. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

God, thank You that Your will and Your plan is always perfect. It might not be easy or always feel good, but I know You see the big picture and know what's best for me. You are always good. You are always faithful. You always have steadfast love for your children. These are truths that will never be untrue- so help me live in light of those truths today. Help me have peace as I meditate on what it means that You are always good, faithful and full of steadfast love for me. Help me face today with confidence knowing that Your plan is greater than all of my dreams. Lord, I love You, thank You for the life I have in You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

I am praying that all your dreams come true,

And that your world is full of happiness, too!

With all my best thoughts for all that you do,

May our good Lord richly bless and care for you.

Yes, all of your dreams certainly can come true,

When you uphold them up to God, all the day through!

Lord, we want to live the dreams that you put in our hearts. God, help us to understand which of our dreams align with your will for us. Lord, help us to focus on you and to devote the time, determination and hard work needed to grow in Christ and live according to your plan. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.