Prayer For Distress

God of Incarnation,
Wedding what is human and what is divine,
Unifying what is spiritual and what is physical,
We pray for all those who are suffering in spiritual distress. You create the
human person to be a unity of body, mind, and spirit. Extend your hand of
healing all who are sick, that they may be returned to physical wholeness,
mental soundness and spiritual wellness. We ask all this in the name of the

We come to you,
O blessed Joseph,
in our distress.
Having sought the aid of your most blessed spouse,
we now confidently implore your assistance also.
We humbly beg that,
mindful of the affection
which bound you to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God,
and of the fatherly love
with which you cherished the Child Jesus,
you will lovingly watch over the heritage
which Jesus Christ purchased with His blood,
and by your powerful intercession
help us in our urgent need.
Prudent guardian of the Holy Family,
protect the chosen people of Jesus Christ;
drive far from us,
most loving father,
all error and corrupting sin.
From your place in heaven,
most powerful protector,
graciously come to our aid
in this conflict with the powers of darkness,
and as of old you delivered the Child Jesus
from danger of death,
so now defend the holy Church
from the snares of the enemy
and from all adversity.
Extend to each one of us your continual protection,
that, led on by your example,
and borne up by your strength,
we may be able to live
and die in holiness
and obtain everlasting happiness in heaven.


Heavenly Father, my child is your greatest gift, and my biggest challenge! I know my child is truly distressed, and yet I am at my wit's end to find a peaceful resolution and to help her overcome her anguish and pain. She is 18 years old and needs God's guidance. She has gone astray, has got into some bad company and is defiant and does not want to obey me. She needs your infinite Love, blessing and protection. Help her to seek your blessing.

She is confused with the boy she is in love with. Both are finding it difficult to understand and respect one another. Help her Lord Jesus. She is emotionally and mentally very weak and is always dependent on her boyfriend. Help her to be more outgoing and mix around with other friends. Help her to be confident, independent, caring and loving child. Help her to concentrate on her upcoming exams. Lord, please give her this wisdowm and understanding. Only you can help us O Lord.

I feel helpless and frustrated. I ask myself, What would my Heavenly Father do in His infinite wisdom and beneficence?

Lord, come into my heart and mind, and share Your loving wisdom with me! Help my child to heal her pain, and help me to become as loving and wise a parent, as You are for us Your children. Thank You Lord, for hearing me and coming to my aid! Bring your loving Peace to me and my child today.


God, I am in so much distres. you know my current situation. Please, listen to my prayer my Lord saviour and hear my cries out to you. My Lord, please dont ignore my prayers for i am your poor servent in so much need and distress. God let this be miracle my Lord saviour. Please pray for me. only a miracle can get me out of this. In your name my Lord, i trust and blieve and take refuge in. Amen

Heal my broken heart, My Lord, Heal my broken soul,
I feel torn apart, My Lord, And You can make me whole.
Take me in Your arms, My Lord, And hold me to Your breast,
I am oh-so weary, Lord, And You can give me rest.
Wipe away my tears, My Lord, With gentle hands of love,
Quiet down my fears, My Lord, With graces from above.
Stay with me awhile, My Lord, For I feel all alone,
I'm like a little child, My Lord, With You I feel at home.
Help me bear this cross, My Lord, Help me with this pain,
Unite me with Your Cross, My Lord, And I'll be strong again.
Tell me how to cope, My Lord, Let me hear Your voice,
Encourage me with hope, My Lord, Your way, my only choice.
Set me on my feet, My Lord, And stay here by my side,
Until I feel Your strength, My Lord, To walk in steady stride.
Nudge me on my way, My Lord, But stay not far behind,
Until I reach that day, My Lord, With renewed peace of mind.
And on that day, I will say: My broken heart is healed, My Lord,
And so's my broken soul, You are all I need, My Lord, And once again, I'm whole.

I shall walk through dark valleys, I fear no harm for you are at my side. Your rod and staff shall give me courage, No evil shall befall me, No weakness in my stride.
God wills not my foot to slip Or my guardian sleep, He guides me from all evil,
The Lord is my guardian; The Lord the shade I keep, By day the sun cannot harm me Or the moon by night.
For the Lord said, "Do not let your hearts be troubled, Have faith in God and also in me. In my Father's house There are many dwelling places. If there were not, Would I have told you That I am going to prepare A place for you?
And if I go And prepare a place for you, I will come back again And take you to myself, So that where I am You also may be."
If the Lord is with us, Who can be against us?

God of mystery, teach me to open my heart to you like the psalmist who persisted in his prayer, confident that the Lord would come to his aid. Incline your ear, O Lord, and answer me, for I am poor and needy. . . . You are my God; be gracious to me, O Lord, for to you do I cry all day long (Psalm 86:1, 2-3).

Merciful God, I am confused, lonely, and sad. I do not feel like talking with people. Emotions drain my strength, leaving me numb and hopeless. Tears well up at unexpected times. What am I to do, O God? I have no control. Give me the strength to bear these bitter tears.