Prayer For Deliverance From Sin

You sent the Messiah to us to teach of the errors that we make and the repercussions thereof. So, I pray for protection from sin; the ability to avoid being judgmental, while also cultivating a cautious nature. Give me the wisdom to know what it is right from wrong so that my actions won't get me in trouble. Thank You for hearing my prayers, Lord, Amen.

Spirit of God, search me, know me, reveal to me the agreements I have been making in this area. I renounce those agreements now. [Be very specific.] I renounce the agreement that [What is it? I'll never get free?" "Rage is just a part of me?" "It's too late?] I break these agreements in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ. I renounce them. I renounce every claim they have given the enemy in my life. Jesus, my Deliverer, come and break these strongholds. Set me free in this very place.?

Lord Jesus, show me every companion agreement operating here. I renounce the agreement that I'm alone, that no one will protect me. I renounce the agreement that I am dirty and disgusting. I renounce every agreement with shame. I renounce the agreement that I can never be forgiven. Spirit, show me what to pray, reveal these agreements.?

Lord Jesus, I also renounce the sins of my fathers here [or my mother, my grandmother, what have you]. I renounce their sins of [be specific, as in, their rage, their sexual sins, their alcoholism.] I utterly renounce and break with the sins of my family line. I plead the blood of Christ over those sins, so that they may not have a hold on me. I renounce them and break with them utterly.

Lord Jesus, forgive me. I confess I have been offering myself over to sin, and now I am its slave. I renounce it; I renounce my sins. [Be very specific here. For example, I renounce the ways I have presented my sexuality to sin; I renounce my sexual sins. I present my sexuality to Jesus Christ. I sanctify my sexuality to Jesus Christ. I present the members of my body and my sexuality as instruments of righteousness. I renounce the ways I have presented my appetite and my drinking to sin; I renounce my sins with alcohol. I present my appetite and my drinking to Jesus Christ. I sanctify my body to Jesus Christ.] I renounce every way I have given myself over to sin. I dedicate and I consecrate my life [and this specific area] once more to the rule of Jesus Christ, to be his and his alone. May your atoning blood cover my sins and cleanse me. May your holiness possess me totally and completely.

Father, I thank You for sending me the Holy Spirit to teach me how to live right in Jesus name.

Father, thank You for your saving grace and Eternal Salvation that you have blessed me with In Jesus name.

You sent the Messiah to us to teach of the errors that we make and the repercussions thereof. So, I pray for protection from sin; the ability to avoid being judgmental, while also cultivating a cautious nature. Give me the wisdom to know what it is right from wrong so that my actions won't get me in trouble. Thank You for hearing my prayers, Lord, Amen.

Dear God, I am a sinner and I know that I have broken many of Your laws. Forgive me I pray. I did not realise how sin separated me from You, but I do now and I am so sorry that I have been so sinful and rebellious towards You. Thank You for sending Jesus to die for my sins and for taking the punishment that I justly deserve. Thank You, that Jesus delivered me from the punishment I deserve and thank You, that He rose again which means that He has broken the power of sin and death in my life, so that I too may not face eternal separation from You but live with You in heaven forever.
Thank You, Lord, that You have given this to me as a free gift of Your grace and all You asked of me was simply to believe that You died for my sins. I am overwhelmed to realise how much You love me, enough to die for me. Thank You for delivering me from sin and saving me. Thank You with all my heart. Help me not sin anymore, but to live a life that is pleasing to You. In Jesus' name,