Prayer For Deceased Child

Comforting God,

You have promised that you are near to the broken-hearted. We ask that Joy and her family might sense your peaceful presence with them in these days and weeks ahead.

May they find comfort as they remember the happy memories they shared with their son. May they find comfort and glimmers of hope even as they look to the future.

May they sense your arms of love holding them.


Lord God,
ever caring and gentle
we commit to your love this little one,
quickened to life for so short a time.
Enfold him/her in eternal life.
We pray for his/her parents
who are saddened by the loss of their child.
Give them courage
and help them in their pain and grief.
May they all meet one day
in the joy and peace of your kingdom.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Lord God,
from whom human sadness is never hidden,
you know the burden of grief
that we feel at the loss of - - - - - - - - .
As we mourn his/her passing from this life,
comfort us with the knowledge
that - - - - - - - . now lives in your loving embrace.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

God of all mystery, whose ways are beyond understanding,
lead us, who grieve at this untimely death,
to a new and deeper faith in your love,
which brought your only Son Jesus
through death into resurrection life.
We make our prayer in Jesus' name.

Dear Father, Your Spirit carries the softness of eternity. You are the fragrance of comfort, you are the enfolding lullaby. Please encircle my dear friend in her grief. Cocoon her within your arms of love, whisper heavenly truth into her soul and keep each fragment of her broken heart safe. When we are in pieces your presence will keep us. So I lay her in your strong arms Jesus. Come carry her. Watch steadily over her day and night. May she come to know that her beloved child is safe with you. Not lost but found, known and cherished. Amen.

O Lord, I give you my worries and concerns and I ask for your guidance. You see it all, the outer circumstances, the inner turmoil. I know that you understand my life, that sometimes my heart weighs heavy with trouble. Right now I lay all these things before you. I breathe in, safe in the knowledge that I am held by grace. I breathe out, knowing that I am held secure in your arms. And I wait on you. For you are all truth, you are overflowing love, you are a beacon of hope and a fortress of faith. Lord, I choose to be attentive to your voice. May I be alert to your Spirit's guiding as I journey onwards with you. I love you Father. Amen.

Abba Father, We long to be with our dear beloved child, our hearts are heavy with deep sorrow and our breath is shallow. Please carry us, for we are overwhelmed by the pain of our grief. Words can not express the depth of our loss or the heartache we feel. We know you are with our dear beloved son (daughter), your heart is overjoyed by him. His breath is new life in Heaven. Please come and nurture our precious one. Thank you for the hope of eternal life that he has now received. Lord, you will keep him safe until we meet. We entrust him into your care now. Amen.

To You, O Lord,
we humbly entrust this child,
so precious in Your sight.
Take him/her into Your arms
and welcome him/her into paradise,
where there will be no sorrow,
no weeping nor pain,
but the fullness of peace and joy
with Your Son and the Holy Spirit
forever and ever.
