Prayer For Death Penalty

"Loving God, we lift up our prayers to you, trusting that
you will assist us in building a culture of life.
That the Holy Spirit will guide us as we work to put an
end to abortion and the destruction of innocent human life, we
pray to the Lord.
That God, our generous and loving Father will fill us with the
grace to minister to those who mistakenly believe that suicide
is their only option, we pray to the Lord.
That, as Jesus comforted the afflicted, we may comfort those
victims and their families who have been afflicted by violence
and hatred, we pray to the Lord.
That we and all believers will have the courage to pray for
God's children on death row and for their family members, we
pray to the Lord.
That God will grant us the spirit of wisdom so that our voting
will reflect the faith that we profess, we pray to the Lord.
For those needs and concerns which we now offer in the
silence of our hearts, we pray to the Lord.
Priest: God of mercy and compassion, be our strength and our
guide, that we may boldly proclaim that every human life
is precious and created by you. We ask this through Christ our
Lord. Amen."

That our nation will end the use of the death penalty in
response to violence, and that the merciful love of God will
convert the violent and heal the victims, we pray to the Lord:
For the ______ Family and for all who have lost loved ones
through violent crimes, that they may know God's healing
power and be transformed by it, we pray to the Lord:
That all whose lives have been taken by the State, especially
_____, who was executed _____________. May he be granted Eternal
rest, we pray to the Lord.

Almighty and merciful God,

to whom alone the secrets of the heart lie open,

who recognize the just and make righteous the guilty,

hear our prayers for your servants held in prison,

and grant that through patience and hope

they may find relief in their affliction

and soon return unhindered to their own.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,

who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, for ever and ever.


Leader: Father, source and giver of life, we lift our hearts and voices to you. Help us to build a society that truly chooses life in all situations.

Let our response be: Lord, heal our pain.

For those experiencing pain and anguish because of violence and crime,

Lord, heal our pain.

For perpetrators and victims of atrocities who both struggle with anger and hatred,

Lord, heal our pain.

For our broken world, enchained by the desire for revenge,

Lord, heal our pain.

For our wounded society misled by the illusion that one must take life in order to defend it.

Lord, heal our pain.

Leader: Let us say together: Help us to make peace.

For our country, tempted to accept violent revenge.

Help us to make peace.

For the conviction to recognize and uphold the dignity of all people.

Help us to make peace.

For the wisdom to see poverty, injustice and lack of educational and employment opportunities as likely causes of criminality,

Help us to make peace.

For guidance and compassion in addressing the pain of both victims and perpetrators of wrong-doing,

Help us to make peace.

For the fortitude to find solutions that protect the dignity of all people and bring about true reconciliation.

Help us to make peace.

For the inspiration to renew society on the basis of love and restorative justice.

Help us to make peace.

Leader: Let us pray

Father of compassion,

You let your rain fall on the just and the unjust.

Give us a heart like yours

so that we may love as You love,

even those who have caused us pain.

There is in our land a cry for vengeance and

a move to fill up death rows and kill offenders

but disguised as a call for justice.

Let true and lasting justice spring forth.

Jesus, our brother,

you suffered execution in the hands of the powerful

but you did not let hatred overcome you.

Help us to reach out to victims of violence

so that our enduring love may help heal their wounds.

Holy Spirit, Lord and Giver of Life

You strengthen us in the struggle for justice.

Help us to work tirelessly against state-sanctioned death

and to renew society in truth, justice, love and respect

so that violence will cease and peace may prevail.


O Mary, Mother of Life, protect the Filipino people from the forces of death.

San Lorenzo Ruiz, pray for us.

San Pedro Calungsod, pray for us.

Gracious God, Source of all life, You bestow your life
and love on each of us and call us to be a just and
merciful people.
Guide our efforts to work for justice in our legal system.
Strengthen the resolve we need to abolish the death penalty and continue
the work for more just laws that respect the life and dignity of persons.
? We pray to you, God of Justice and Mercy
For justice that restores right relationships
While we work to address the root causes of violence.
? Inspire our collective efforts to enact laws that safeguard the human rights
of all:
That honor the victims, that protect the community
That hold perpetrators accountable,
that promote restorative justice not vengeance.
? God our redeemer, stir our minds and hearts
To act today to speak out against the death penalty
And to unite in solidarity with others who strive to defend and uphold the
sanctity of all life.
We ask this Source of All Being, Eternal Word and Holy Spirit. Amen

For the men and women who sit on death row,
awaiting the end of their life:
that we might pray for them
with compassion and care;
We pray to the Lord:

For those who have lost hope,
and especially for those condemned to die:
that we might work to save their lives;
We pray to the Lord:

For those condemned to die,
and especially for men and women on death row:
that their plight might move the hearts of the people of this nation;
We pray to the Lord:

For guards on death row,
and all who touch the lives of those condemned to die:
for compassion, respect,
and an appreciation of the dignity of all human life;
We pray to the Lord:

God of Compassion, You let Your rain fall on the just and the unjust. Expand and deepen our hearts So that we may love as You love, Even those among us Who have caused the greatest pain by taking life. For there is in our land a great cry for vengeance As we fill up death rows and kill the killers, In the name of justice, in the name of peace. Jesus our brother, You suffered execution at the hands of the state But you did not let hatred overcome you. Help us to reach out to victims of violence So that your enduring love may help heal. Holy Spirit of God, You strengthen us in the struggle for justice. Help us to work tirelessly For the abolition of state sanctioned death And to renew our society in its very heart So that violence will be no more. Amen

Merciful Father, we ask your blessing on all we do to build a culture of life. Hear our prayers for those impacted by the death penalty.

We pray for all people, that their lives and dignity as children of a loving God may be respected and protected in all stages and circumstances.

We pray for victims of violence and their families, that they may experience our love and support and find comfort in your compassion and in the promise of eternal life.

We pray for those on death row, that their lives may be spared, that the innocent may be freed and that the guilty may come to acknowledge their faults and seek reconciliation with you.

We pray for the families of those who are facing execution, that they may be comforted by your love and compassion.

We pray for civic leaders, that they may commit themselves to respecting every human life and ending the use of the death penalty in our land.

Compassionate Father, give us wisdom and hearts filled with your love. Guide us as we work to end the use of the death penalty and to build a society that truly chooses life in all situations.

We ask this Father through your Son Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever.
