Prayer For Daily Living

Lord our God, bless us all through your Spirit, that we may find certainty of heart in community with you under your rulership. May we keep this certainty, whatever course our lives may take, whatever battles and suffering may come to us, for we belong to you and you rule and guide us as your children. Watch over all who are still far away from you but who long for you. Watch over all who are good-hearted and sincere, even if they often do not understand you. Protect them, and let your kingdom come so that your will is carried out more and more by the many who feel compelled to seek for you and for the goodness and truth which are your will. May we and many others serve you with our whole lives. Amen.

O Lord,
You are abounding with grace and mercy for me! I praise Your name! I ask that You provide me with necessary things and not only things that I want. My wants can get in the way of You. If there is something that will make me stumble today, I pray that You will keep it from me. My needs are necessary. My wants are not. I can't be effective if my wants are top priority. Lord, I am Your humble servant. Take away all wants that are not good for me, Lord! I love You! Amen

Dear Lord,
I pray for your protection on me today. It is a normal day like always, but still be with me. So many things could be potential hazards: driving, my job, agitated people, those controlled by Satan and my own health. I am thankful for my family, Lord! Please bring us all through our day safely, so that we can be together later. I put my trust in You today! Guide me home safely! I love you! Amen

Father in heaven,
Thank you for another day on earth to live for you! Thank you for watching over me last night and guiding me safely through my sleep to wake up and enjoy another day on earth. What are your plans for me today? Please show me Your will for me and lead me where You wish me to go. Father, your love for me is at a capacity that is impossible for my human mind to comprehend and I am thankful for Your love, Abba! I give You this day and I thank You for it! I love you, Lord! Amen

Dear Father God, Thank You for Your unfailing love for me, Your blessings, and goodness. Thank You for Your faithfulness to guide me and see me through times of uncertainty, for lifting me up, and setting me on high. Thank You for Scripture that comforts and reminds me of Your promises, plan, and provision. Thank you for taking away my fears and worries, the what-ifs, and reminding me that my help comes from You. Help me be a good steward and to sow wisely. In Christ's Name, Amen.

Dear God, Thank you for your amazing power and work in our lives, thank you for your goodness and for your blessings over us. Thank you for your great love and care. Thank you for your sacrifice so that we might have freedom and life. Forgive us for when we don't thank you enough, for who you are, for all that you do, for all that you've given. Help us to set our eyes and our hearts on you afresh. Renew our spirits, fill us with your peace and joy. We love you and we need you, this day and every day. We give you praise and thanks, for You alone are worthy! In Jesus' Name, Amen

ear Lord, as we rise to meet each new day, please let us be filled with Your spirit. Wherever we go, let us spread love, joy, peace, goodness, and faithfulness. Let us desire to become more like you and to worship you in all we do. Help us desire these things so much more than the sin that entices us. Thank you for always going before us. In Jesus' Name, Amen

Lord, may nothing separate me from You today. Teach me how to choose only Your way today so each step will lead me closer to You. Help me walk by the Word and not my feelings. Help me to keep my heart pure and undivided. Protect me from my own careless thoughts, words, and actions. And keep me from being distracted by MY wants, MY desires, MY thoughts on how things should be. Help me to embrace what comes my way as an opportunity... rather than a personal inconvenience. And finally, help me to rest in the truth of Psalm 86:13, 'Great is your love toward me.' You already see the ways I will fall short and mess up. But right now, I consciously tuck Your whisper of absolute love for me into the deepest part of my heart. I recognize Your love for me is not based on my performance. You love me warts and all. That's amazing. But what's most amazing is that the Savior of the world would desire a few minutes with me this morning. Lord, help me to forever remember what a gift it is to sit with You like this. Amen.