Prayer For Cpa Board Exam

When I look up at your heavens, the work of your fingers, at the moon and the stars you have set in place, what is a frail mortal, that you should be mindful of him, a human being, that you should take notice of him? Psalm 8: 3,4 (REB)

Wondrous God, we look at Creation when we study, and see so much. We see the works of Thy fingers in the majesty of science and the arts, telling us that these are the implements by which we build Thy Kingdom.

We are in awe of the infinity of Thy universe, and seek to know as much as we are able. May the combination of all our minds open to us an understanding of the meaning of it all.Armed with this vision, may we explore the knowledge we have and use it wisely. In our examinations, may we display our knowledge with reverence and duty,

Lord our Sovereign, how glorious is your Name throughout the world! (Psalm 8: 9 (REB)) Amen.

O wise God, I pray that my mind might be rested, my body energized, and my spirit inspired for the exam I must write.

Grant me peace and assurance so that I might do the best I am able, regardless of what that might be.

Be with my fellow students that I might be a good example to them of faithfulness, offering reassurance and confidence regardless of how I feel.

May I be honest and insightful, able to give a true record of what I have learned this past term. In the end, may any disappointment be born with grace and any joy accompanied with humility.

I write this examination with Thee, O God. Amen.

O loving and merciful God, My whole existence depends on you, I ask you to send your Holy Spirit into my heart and mind. Fill me with your grace, beyond my own personal strength, So that I can dedicate the time and energy I need, to study. Give me the strength to resist the distractions from studying. When I am studying by myself, help me to remember that You are my companion, and that I am never alone. Help my teachers to explain things clearly. Help me to respect them. Help me to pay attention and to listen well in class. Give me the courage to ask questions when I don't understand. Give me the humility to ask for help when I need it. Help me to accept my results After I have done all I can do. Give me a spirit of gratitude For the privilege of learning at this school, While many people in the world do not get such a good opportunity. Help me to make the most of the wonderful gifts you have given me, And to return them to you with generosity. You have been with me through rough times in the past. Help me to trust that you are here with me now. Give me hope for the future, And help me to trust that, whatever the future brings, You are already there waiting for me With your loving embrace. I Offer you this prayer through your Son, My Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Who lives and reigns with you, forever and ever. Amen

O wise God, I pray that my mind might be rested, my body energized, and my spirit inspired for the exam I must write.

Grant me peace and assurance so that I might do the best I am able, regardless of what that might be.

Be with my fellow students and may I be a good example to them, offering reassurance and confidence regardless of how I feel.

May I be honest and insightful, and able to give a true record of what I have learned. In the end, may any disappointment be born with grace, and any joy accompanied with humility.

I write this exam with Thee, O Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Grant me peace, O God, as I open my books and notes. Open my mind to Thy will, and may I dedicate these hours to Thy Son, Jesus Christ.

Offer me insight, O Lord, that I might understand these things, and see them as a part of Thy Kingdom.

May I offer Thee my best in reading and learning that it may be a part of my discipleship.

O Jesus Christ, may this be a worthy time that is faithful to Thee and bring me closer to the goals I have in order to serve Thee.

I offer this time and prayer in Thy holy Name. Amen.

Dear God,

Today I will take my examination which is so important to me though I am nervous. I'm not afraid because I know that as I write my answers it is your hands that work

And now, as I take this examination please enlighten my mind to able to answer correctly and to recall everything that I have studied. I will do my best in this exam and to you God I will entrust my fate I know that whatever will be the result, it is according to your will.

You have watched me as I worked hard to study for this exam although don't feel very confident and that I don't know if I am prepared I truly believe that you would give me what o deserve I deserve to pass this exam, God.

I am happy that today you are with me for with you I will win this battle and as I close my eyes and feel presence in this examination room you out confidence to my heart. Amen.

Dear God,

Make it happen, let me pass the board exam. I surrender everything to you Lord. I know only YOU can make impossible possible. Guide us when we are reviewing our subjects, that everything we have studied are understood and will retain until the actual board exam.

Give us good health Lord, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually so that we will be equip to take the board exam. I pray also Lord, that all who deserve to pass the board will pass. And this is I pray throught Jesus Christ, your son, our Lord. Amen.

Thank you so much.

Dear God,

Make it happen, let me pass the board exam. I surrender everything to you Lord. I know only YOU can make impossible possible. Guide us when we are reviewing our subjects, that everything we have studied are understood and will retain until the actual board exam.

Give us good health Lord, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually so that we will be equip to take the board exam. I pray also Lord, that all who deserve to pass the board will pass. And this is I pray throught Jesus Christ, your son, our Lord. Amen.

Thank you so much.