Prayer For Cheating Wife

Lord to my shame I have committed adultery, broken my marriage vows.. both to You and to my spouse and caused untold pain and I am so sorry Lord and repent of all my sin and the evil consequences of my fleshy weakness.

Lord I confess that I am weak in this area, but that is no excuse and I ask that in the power of the Holy Spirit You would help me to turn right away from this gross and evil sexual sin. Help me to overcome temptation and not to fall prey to the enticements of flesh lusts.

Help me to run from sexual sin as the Bible says, and to break free from any sexual soul-ties that I have made - and keep me I pray, from being tempted to make any further contact. I ask that You would help me to resist all temptation and to help me make a complete break with this ungodly part of my life.

Purify my heart I pray and enable me to turn away forever from this fleshly weakness which I know must be called for what it is ungodly sexual sin - adultery. Help me to no longer live for my own gratification but rather I pray that I may be enabled to change my whole behaviour towards my spouse - and live in marriage union with my spouse, as You have outlined in Your Word.

Give us both fresh, new love for each other and may this evil that I have done not become a stumbling-block in our marriage but the start of a new closer fellowship with each other - and with You. This I ask in Jesus name,


Heavenly Father, I have wandered far away from You and become deeply embroiled in an extra-marital affair from which I want to break free.. so that I may get my life back on track. Deliver me I pray from this life of lies and deception.. Deliver me from the guilt and shame that is overwhelming me .. and I pray that in Your grace You would help me to flee every kind of sexual immorality, or of any impurity, or fleshly lust, from this day forward..

I have been weak-willed and careless in my Christian life and utterly foolish and selfish in my own marriage and my adultery has adversely affected the lives of too many people deliver me from the shame I feel, for I know that I am guilty on all counts.. and my sin is constantly on my mind -

Lord I confess my fault to You. I pray for Your forgiveness and repent of all my adulterous sins, but I need to ask forgiveness of my spouse.. and all the other people whom I have hurt due to this affair.. and I ask that in Your grace You would help me to do what is right. Oh Lord help and deliver me from the guilt and pain I feel and from the dark cloud of shame that is hanging over me like a shroud. Return to me the joy that I once knew in You.. and lead me in the way of righteousness in His name sake,


Heavenly Father, we lift up this dear man to You who has been so devastated by his wife's betrayal and her adulterous affair. Lord this is a dear brother in Christ who has been heart-broken by his wife's betrayal, and we pray that You would touch him at his very point of need and fill his heart with Your special comfort and peace so that he may know that You are His heavenly Comforter, Who can heal his deepest pain - and that You are his ever present Helper, in this time of deep suffering.

We lift up his straying wife to You too.. and pray that You would touch her conscience, soften her heart bring her to the point of true repentance. We pray that she may recognize her sin and ask his forgiveness, (and for Yours Lord, too) and we pray that she may return her to her marriage relationship, with a better understanding of the unique bond between a man and his wife, which is so precious in Your sight and which can never be replaced or duplicated.

We pray that You would work in both their hearts so that they may not only be reconciled back together, but that they may discover a closeness in their marriage that they had not experienced before. This we ask in Jesus name to Your praise and glory,


Lord, my wife is cheating on me and it is so painful, and so I come to You in the name of Jesus to not only lay my marriage but my entire life at Your feet. I pray that in Your grace,. the bond between the wife that I love, and this other man will be shattered completely.. and that You would remove the attraction they have for one another - and break any hold that he may have over her.

Lord I pray that You would do a miracle in the heart of my wife and help her to see how wrong she is to jeopardise our marriage in this way. Convict her of her sin.. and bring her to Your throne of grace in godly repentance, and with a total change of heart. But I also pray that You would do a work in my own heart because my intense anger and jealousy is boiling within, because the pain is so acute.

Lord I know that marriages today are being attacked by the enemy, but I never thought that I would be affected in this way, with my own wife cheating on me.. but I ask that You would do something to terminate this extra-marital affair and return the wife of my youth into my arms once more this I ask in Jesus name,


Forgive me Lord.., I have sinned against You and followed after my own selfish way. I been drawn away from my husband's side, who loves me - and whom I love dearly, into the arms of another man, due to my own lustful desires and foolish pride.

I know adultery is so wrong and yet I refused to listen to the warning promptings from within.. even through I knew that out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies and of course adultery.

I confess my infidelity before You Lord and my sin is ever before me.. and yet I know that You are a gracious God.. Who forgives the sins of Your truly repentant children. Cleanse me from this evil behaviour, which has caused so much heartache and pain for so many different people.

Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow, and in Your grace and mercy, I pray that I may not have destroyed our marriage forever.. but that in Your pity and mercy You would help us to renew our wedding vows, so that we may step out into the future together, strengthened by this painful period but trusting in You to guide us into deeper communion with each other.. and with You.. this I ask in Jesus name,


Father, we praise You, we worship You, we love You Who first loved us. We thank You for our blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We thank You that You welcome us to come BOLDLY before Your presence.

Father, we pray that hurting spouses be encouraged that You are on their side, Jesus is on their side, all the host of heaven and cloud of witnesses are on their side: You are against adultery and it is Your will to heal each spouse and their marriage.

A broken and a contrite spirit, and the one that repents You will not reject. You love and care for each spouse. Help them to come to You and trust You for forgiveness and restoration of their soul and their marriage. Thank You, Father, in Jesus Name, Amen.

I plead the Blood of Jesus over her as I command her spirit and mind to be healed of every affliction of the enemy and be cleansed from every strange and unrighteous and lustful desire.

Lord teach me wisdom on what to say and do with my wife to win her back. Remove from me the spirit of bitterness, malice, argument and rancor. Grant me patience, love, maturity and forgiveness in dealing with my wife. Lord, bless me with divine strength so as not to faint or be discouraged in seeking the healing of my marriage.