Prayer For Buying A New Home

Worthy Savior, I thank You for giving me the financial stability to be able to buy a house. You have blessed me with money, but it is You who has my heart. Your Word says that I should keep my life free from the love of money, and be content with what I have, for You have said: I will never leave you nor forsake you. Father, I love You because You have kept Your Word and have been faithful to me financially so that I can buy a new home. Please help me desire nothing more than what You have given me, and focus my energy and attention on my love of You and how I can use my new home to be a better Christian. Please keep me from getting wrapped up in all the things I can do to improve or decorate my new home, and instead use me as a vessel for Your work. Amen.

God of Miracles, I pray to You so that I feel safe in my future home. Help my mind be free of fear about someone breaking into my home or any harm that could come to me. Fill my heart with the peace that comes from knowing that You are with me and will protect me from danger. Free my mind from the distressing anxieties that come from worrying about enemies harming me or other dangers or disruptions. I thank You for allowing me to buy my own home. I am so grateful that You have blessed me financially so that I can do so. I pray that You continue to bless me and surround me and my future home. Amen.

Dear Lord, I pray that the house that I buy is built by You. I pray that Your hand is upon my future home, because unless You build the house, the builders will have labored in vain. The success of buying a home depends on the presence and blessing of You. Please be with me all throughout this process so that all goes well and I have a comfortable and safe place to rest my head each night. Father, I am dependent on You in all things. Be with me and make Your presence felt throughout the buying process and, ultimately, in my home. Amen.

Almighty One, thanks be to You for enabling me to purchase a home for myself! I know that this blessing has come from You because You, my God, supply every need of mine according to Your riches in glory in Christ Jesus. It is You who made a way for this miracle to happen. It is You that will help me find the money I will need for maintaining my home and paying all the associated expenses like property taxes and insurance. It is You that will give me the calm confidence that my temporal needs will be met. Thank You for opening this door in my life. Amen.

King of Kings, I ask that You bless my future house and bless me with a home that exceeds my expectations. I know that You are faithful to those who love You. Prayer is the language of the children of God, and as Your child, I ask this in confidence of You. I know that if happiness with my future home is part of Your plan for me, You will answer my prayer. I pray that I do not buy a home that is not meant for me, so please close every door that is not meant for me and open every door that is. Amen.

Heavenly Father, & Saint Joseph I am here asking for your blessing that it has come with great difficultly as I am trying to purchase my first home for my family. I continue to endure roadblocks that are keeping me from this investment for my family.

I pray that you lift and take away and release anymore roadblocks or problems that may keep us from having this home to call my own that lie ahead . For I know this is not my real home but a borrowed home for I hope someday later , I may join Our heavenly Lord in heaven. This has always been a dream of mine And my daughters as well as my spouse to have a home to call our own.

I pray that you bless me and my little family with this house that we are trying to buy and may we close on it by the end of the week. I don't know what else to do but ask this of you for you are all knowing in helping us with Our Lord my God.

That financial we will be well provided for. May there be no more struggles with buying this home or money that you will help me and my spouse see it through with patience and love . I ask to help us once again with this brand new home. Amen. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

Dear Lord, We long for a home that will become a shelter for refreshment and peace. We hope for a dwelling that blesses our family, welcomes our friends and neighbours in need. We search for a building that gives us new space, that provides adventure and change. We trust that you'll guide us and lead us to find the right place for this new chapter in our lives. In the glorious name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Heavenly Father, Thank you for your love, for your guidance and for your protection. We ask that you might bless every aspect of our hopes to buy a new home. Lord please lead us as we search for the right house, cover the negotiations and financial decisions we make and keep our hearts filled with hope and vision. Amen.