Prayer For Business Deal

Loving Father, thank you that you know my every need. You have promised that I do not need to be anxious about anything, but in every situation, I should present my requests to God. When I am anxious about my business, please give me your peace. Remind me that, although I may make mistakes and fail, my future is secure in you. May you, the God of all grace, who has called me into eternal glory by Christ Jesus, make me holy, strong and filled with peace. To you be glory and honor, forever and ever. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Generous Father, thank you that you are my creator, you know me better than anyone else. The Bible says that you, who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for me, will freely give me all things? Give me assurance that you are constantly working all things for my success. You are the God of peace. May you sanctify me completely, and may my whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. You, who called me, are faithful to the end. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Creator God, thank you that you have plans for me that are for my good and your glory. Your word says that you will make all things work together for my good. Please watch over my business, protect me from danger and lead me on the path to prosperity and success. May Christ dwell in my heart through faith so that I, being rooted and grounded in love, may have the strength to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge. May I be filled with all the fullness of God. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

O Lord my God, thank you that you are infinitely, consistently and perfectly wise. I ask that you open up your hand and give me success in my business. Bless all the work of my hands and cause me to prosper. May my work glorify you. Hear my prayer, O Lord. Let the majesty of the Father be the light that guides me, the compassion of the Son be the love that inspires me and the presence of the Spirit be the strength that empowers me. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Heavenly Father, thank you that your word enlightens my eyes, purifies my soul and preserves me for eternal life. Your word says that I can do all things through you who strengthens me. Please give me the strength I need to succeed in business. Bless my work with prosperity for my good and for your glory. May the love of the Father, the tenderness of the Son, and the presence of the Spirit, gladden my heart and bring peace to my soul, today and for all days. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Heavenly Father, thank you that your word enlightens my eyes, purifies my soul and preserves me for eternal life. Your word says that I can do all things through you who strengthens me. Please give me the strength I need to succeed in business. Bless my work with prosperity for my good and for your glory. May the love of the Father, the tenderness of the Son, and the presence of the Spirit, gladden my heart and bring peace to my soul, today and for all days. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen.

Dear Lord,

I have gone through alot of disappointments in the past. But I still try to be positive all my life. Not for myself alone but more for my love ones. I never asked more than what I need.

I just want a better life for my family and other close friends. I pray that you will grant success to this coming transaction I will have and hope that you bless us with good people to deal with this business. Lord please grant this prayer so that I maybe of help too to others.

Dearest St Jude; me again! Thank you for all of your assistance, we seem to be making headway but please forgive me my doubts when I ask you to once more intercede on my behalf in the matter of GA/SMP deal actually finishing this week and us getting the monies to do the platform with/for VT and VM's company. Also from that we will settle all debts and be able to live a worry free life. As always I promise to be mindful of this great favour that you grant in my time of need when adding your energy to that of our God, Jesus and all the ascended for what we will now achieve. Love, Light and Blessings. As it is spoken it shall be now. Amen

Dear God, Thank you for all of your assistance; please add you love and positive energy to all involved in our deal. May the path be cleared and the very fruitful realisation of what we are able to achieve with your help and guidance come to us now. As it is spoken it shall be now. Amen