Prayer For Aunt

Great Spirit, Creator, Dear Lord Jesus

Happy Wampanoag New Year Day.

We thank you for giving us the strength to bring us together today.

Without your daily blessings we ask, how can we continue as a people?

Give us the strength to understand the winds of tragedy.

Wrap your blessings around our children

As we look out the window from the Old Indian Church this day

Ancestors and family have held us together

And still do.

We carry their spirits with us.

We feel sad and cry sometimes. That's k

We heal each other and pass it on.

This day we see the Sun

Many nights you bless us with Grandmother Moon.

Sending light to the People of the First Light Mashpee Wampanoag's

Are blessings of life energy. We will not forget.

Many of us are now in mourning, with light we pray together.

Many of us are ill, with light we stay together.

Today we serve with honor, caring and recognition of our Wampanoag New Year Day.

Heavenly Father, I thank You for this day and for the freedom to pray with others for the needs of the faithful. I pray today for my aunt Betty, who has been fighting lung cancer for several years. The latest test shows the cancer has spread to her brain. Lord, I pray for Your healing touch upon her - heal her as only You can. I pray for my uncle Al and cousins Laura, Ann and Steven as they deal with this latest set-back. I pray for my other aunts and uncle who are naturally worried about their sibling. And I pray Lord for my mom - for she is Betty's older sister, and You already know what my mom is going through. Please help this family Lord. In Your Son's holy and precious name I pray. Amen.

Hail Mary,
Full of grace,
The Lord is with Thee.
Blessed art Thou amongst women,
and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb,
Holy Mary,
Mother of God,
Pray for us sinners,
Now and at the hour of death,

Lord Jesus, lead all souls to heaven
especially those most in need of thy mercy.
Our FatherHail Mary x10
Glory BeFatima PrayerAmen!

I humbly ask for prayers for my Aunt, who is going through a severe disability called brain aneurysm. I ask the Lord, Jesus Christ to help her fight through this, and live to be with her family another day

Dear Father

I pray for strength to get through this rough time my family is facing; strength for my cousin who has to carry my Aunt through this time; wisdom to decide the difficult decisions in this time of need. Please bless my Aunt who just recently was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer that has spread to her spine, brain and bone.

May God willing bless her that she may live in God's Will. I know that this journey is rough and very difficult but I pray for clarity and peace to receive God's message.


Lord i come before you today and ask you to please help my dear aunt overcome the trials she is currently facing. She has a servants heart and soul and has always done for others And she has come to a time in her life where she is in a deep depression feeling worthless hopeless and alone.

She needs her famiys love and they are failing to give it to her i pray that you will remind her that no matter what shes going through she is never alone because she has you and you will never forsake her nor leave her. You will love her no matter what. Sometimes its hard to remember that when in such a dark and lonely place. I am asking you to allow her to feel your love stronger than ever before. Strengthen her faith and please give her some peace of mind and comfort knowing that you have a plan for her life. That she will overcome this. Help her seek you when life is feeling hopeless and worthless. Help her to see all the good she has done for others. Please lord remind her that all things are possible through you and if she can just believe that and have faith in that even if thats the only thing she is capable of doing that it will save her life. Lord i know in my heart that you are hearing my prayer and working feverently to answer it. I thank you for the blessing of my aunt. she has played a huge role in my life one she didnt have to play. I love her dearly.

I ask this one last thing lord and that is to put a hedge of protection over her ..from the top of her head to the soles of her feet lord. Protect her from satan as he is trying with all his might to destroy her. I ask all this in the might name of jesus. Amen

Thank you, God, for giving me
my loving aunts and uncles.

I pray that you watch over them
and always keep them safe.

The time we spend together
brings me happiness and joy.

I feel so many blessings from
their love and kind embrace.

I pray that they will always know
they are ever in my heart.

And I will always hold them close,
even when we are apart.