Prayer For A Troubled Son

Dear God,You know our hearts, you hear our prayers, and care about all that concerns us. You understand the burden we carry and how we want, more than anything, to see our loved ones come to you. Help us to remember that you love them more than we ever could. And you desire to extend your great love and forgiveness, your mercy and hope. Thank you that nothing is too difficult for you. Thank you that your power is unlimited and you came to set the captives free. Thank you that you wait, arms open, for the prodigal to return, that you look for his arrival to lavishly celebrate that he's come home. We praise you for you are Redeemer and Rescuer, Savior and Lord. We know and believe that there's no pit so deep that your love can't reach us still. We understand that your mercies are new every morning, and your faithfulness is great.

Lord, we ask that you would halt the plans of the enemy over these we love as we bring them before you right now. We pray that his schemes be demolished and that your plans for good, for a future and hope, would prevail. Would you open blind eyes that they might see your Truth. Would you rescue those walking in darkness and heal the deep wounds of those who've been hurt.

We pray for the miraculous intervention of your Spirit to draw them to yourself, to work strong on behalf of our loved ones who are lost and wandering. For you came with good news, to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for captives and release for the prisoners. Though we deserved penalty for our wrong, you stood in our place and took the blows on our behalf. You choose to die, so that we can live. Forever and free.

Lord, forgive our unbelief. Forgive the times we've doubted that you could ever change a distant heart. Forgive our hard-heartedness, our weariness, or forgetfulness to pray continually. Thank you that you never give up on us. Remind us of how you've changed our own hearts. How your miracle of life and hope has sprung up deep within our souls. We love you Lord, we need you, and we thank you that you hear our prayers and are at work even now. Powerfully. Faithfully. Miraculously. Thank you for the gift of our Savior, God with us. Thank you for your goodness and love. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Lord, I pray that my son will develop an eternal perspective and purpose, not an earthly one. Help him to see lifeand every challengethrough Your eyes, eager and unafraid to share with others the good news of Jesus wherever he goes. I pray that they will set his minds on things above, not just what's going on here, and that he will be rooted and grounded in Your love. I pray that he will come to understand the extent of Your own love for himthat it surpasses all the head knowledge they will acquire in school. I pray he will be filled up with You from morning 'til night.

We pray for this new generation, the young men and women of today.
Shine your truth into their hearts. May they hear you in music, see you in art and experience you through the love and care of family, friends and teachers.
Build your hope into their lives. May they sense this hope rise in their hearts as they encounter the power of nature, the majesty of the oceans and the beauty in creation.

Come sow your wisdom into their minds. May they discover wisdom as they read their bibles, discuss deeper issues of life or encounter hardships or difficulties.
Come weave your love into their dreams. May they find vision in their interests, opportunities for their talents and aspirations for their abilities.
May this new generation of your men and women know you.


There was a time Lord when I could cradle him as he cried, and devote myself to the nurture and care of my treasured son.
There was a time Lord when I could fill his days with joyful play, new adventures and provide warmth and love for my treasured son.
There was a time Lord, when I could cuddle up, and listen to his cares, sift and solve the problems, make him feel secure and safe.

At this new time Lord, I can't erase the sadness, I can't provide joy, or cuddle away the worries of my treasured son.
He has grown, beyond my simple care, adrift from the joys I can bring him, apart from the sanctuary of a mother's arms, yet he will always be my treasured son.

He needs you Father God, your spirit to comfort his mind, your strength and hope to bring joy, your truth and peace to ease his worries.

So I give him to you. I sit at the foot of the cross and ask you to move in the mind, heart and life of my treasured son.


Dear Almighty God, I lift my son to you, high above me, like I used to when he was small. I am concerned for him. I carry him moment by moment in my heart yet I can no longer physically lift him. However, I know that you can, that your love for him is deeper than mine. For you are Lord over all, you breathe life into all of creation, you are holy ground and our resting place. So here I wait, holding my dear son. I wait knowing that I have sometimes failed him but that your grace is enough to hold us. I ask for your wisdom each day to keep loving and watching over him. Father, I ask for healing in every area of his mind, body and soul. In Jesus name. Amen.

Dear Lord, Help me to love, without expecting anything in return. Help me to engage, even when I don't fully understand him. Help me to provide, quietly and gently to give good gifts. Help me to speak, not to sow criticism but encouragement. Help me to say sorry, to own up when I mess up. Help me to forgive, even when I feel hurt or ignored. Help me to hope, to breathe out joy and vision for the future. Help me to carry my son, through the patchwork of hopes, dreams, hurts, worries, anger and the joy of teenage years. Help me to remain open and soft To understand and not to judge My brilliant son. Amen.

Almighty God, Thank you for journeying with us as we have loved, cared for and nurtured our son. He is so full of your promise and life, and we are excited for him as he moves into new adventures. We ask for your strong arm of protection to be around him, wherever he goes, whatever he does, whoever he is with. Lord, you are always beside him in a way that we can not fathom. Keep him from harm, be ahead of him in new places and behind him watching his back. Hold him high when he faces hardship and close when he is afraid. Run with him in his joys and weave your kingdom truths through his mind. Thank you for loving him. Amen.

Lord, I reach out to you for your guidance.
Please show me which way to turn.
Calm my anxious thoughts, come speak into my mind.
Strengthen me as I falter and feel weary.
May I feel strength rising up within my heart.
Bring clarity into my visions and dreams.
I trust that you are with me, no matter where I go,
Or what I decide to do.
You journey with me always.
