Prayer For A Soulmate

Father, my Miracle-Worker, time and time again I have asked, but it seems You do not hear my prayers for a soulmate. Why are You so far from me? Yet, I know You love Your children and want what is best for us. Lord, help restore my faith in You and Your word. Condition my heart to accept my current situation, so that when I do meet someone, my heart is ready to receive them completely and fully. Lord, in Your gracious mercy. Amen.

O Great Lover of Mankind, You care for us so much that You have sent Your Son to redeem us. In this same love, send someone into my life willing to become my soulmate. Send someone to me that can make me a better person, challenging me to become the best version of myself. I ask this according to Your boundless love for all people. Amen.

Lord of Mercy and Love, the long winter is departing, and spring is now arriving. All of the creation flourishes back to life. Yet, the long winter has reminded me of my desolation. I often desire for someone to spend my life with, but as of yet, this has not transpired. I ask that You would bring someone into my life to be my soul-mate. I ask that You end this long winter of love in my life, and flourish with a new relationship. Amen.

Jehovah Rapha, my Healer, my heart is shattered. Once again, I was sure I had found my soulmate, only to be crushed. I truly thought he/she was the one for whom I have waited. But alas, it has proven to be yet another dead end. How long, O Lord, must I wait? Bring a soulmate unto me, Lord. Give me the companionship and the love I so desire. However, give me also the patience to wait and the discernment to understand when I see him/her. Amen.

Heavenly Father, before I even ask, You know the desires of my heart. My soul is like a deep well, yet there is no spring at the bottom. It has all but dried up and I have no water to offer. Therefore, please revive my soul. Pour out Your Spirit into my life so that I can bear the fruit necessary to have a relationship. Prepare my heart to be ready ad worthy of a soulmate. Amen.

Lord God, there is nothing new under the sun. Every day I wake up as lonely as the day before. I feel hopeless like I will never meet the right person. Yet I long for a soulmate. I want to experience love, joy, and companionship. Therefore, I beg You to send them. Bring them to me so that together, we might delight in Your will and walk according to Your statutes. Amen.

Father in Heaven, You deemed that it is not good for man to be alone. And so You created a helper for him. Have mercy upon me, Lord, for I am lost in the depths of loneliness. I so desperately desire a companion a soulmate with whom I can walk through this life. Therefore, I ask that You graciously send this person into my life so that my heart might be fulfilled. I ask this in Your boundless graciousness. Amen.

Dear God, Loving Essence of all there is. Please fill me with your sacred presence.
I ask for your Love and Guidance and for your blessings
As I explore the deep reaches of my heart I ask for you assistance
In releasing that which stands in the way of true love.
My heart is pure; my intentions clear. Please bring to me my most perfect partner.
I seek a partner who enhances me by his/her very being.
who brings more love, joy, peace and prosperity to my life,
Who I can love fully and who can fully receive my love,
Who loves, honors and cherishes me completely, and always.
May my heart be open and my head be clear.
May my life be ready to welcome True love.
May I be embraced in a circle of your love
An uplifted by your grace. And so it is.