Prayer For Anxious Heart

Lord, You know my heart and my innermost thoughts. You see the struggle within me, the battle between mind and heart. I beg of you, O Lord, release me from this anxiety. Let me bask in Your Holiness and remain calm, knowing that You are Lord and Savior. You died for my sins and You will not leave me alone in this dark place. I thank You for Your everlasting love, Amen.

Almighty God, You know what I need before I even ask and You know how ignorant I am. Please release me from these anxious thoughts and help me see Your gifts. Aid me in reaffirming my faith so that I can serve You as You first intended. In Your Name, Amen.

Lord I want to feel joy. I want to feel hope. I don't want to live my days without you, stumbling around all purposeless and broken. I don't want to focus on all that I don't have, rather than what I do. I don't want to put all my passion into people and things that are temporary when you are standing right in front of me, promising me a beautiful life after this one.

I'm so tired of being tired, so sick of wandering around trying to make meaning out of things that I know won't last. Help me to see that true joy is with youI don't have to search anymore.


Father I pray that I will feel your arms around me, your warmth within me, your promises flowing through my every cell and vein. No longer do I want to live without your presence in my life. No longer do I want to feel as if something's missing. No longer do I want to think that I'm facing the world alone.

Please bring security and safety to my being, to my world.
Please show me that I am never alone.


God please take my bruised ego, my shattered heart, my dizzy mind, my empty soul and replace all of me with your love. I don't want to spend my days feeling lonely, feeling exhausted, feeling like I'm forever looking back instead of in the direction I'm headed.

I ask that you will heal me, that you will love me, that you will shine your light into all my darkest places. God, I ask that you please take my emptiness and fill it, take my remains and piece them back together. Please show me that what lies ahead is far better. And remind me that I can, and will overcome all my brokenness with you.


Father I pray that you replace my worry with perseverance, my doubt with boldness, my uncertainty with absolute confidence. Instead of questioning, help me to trust that you are with me. Instead of waking up with yesterday's pain, remind me that the past is the past and I am forever renewed with your love. Instead of a fluttering heartbeat, please help mine to beat steadily as I walk in your ways.

I pray for strength instead of weakness; I pray for more of your presence within me.


God I pray for wisdom of what I do not understand, of what I do not see, of what I cannot make sense of. I pray that you will give me answersperhaps the ones I'm searching for, or perhaps ones I didn't even know I neededbut answers that show me your way and your truth. Show me you've never left, and remind me that all will fall according to your plan.

God, please take my unknowns and show me the world through your eyes. Fill my unsettled spirit with the knowledge of what's to come, and remind me that I do not need to fear. For I am yours.


Lord I pray that you will take my spinning mind and calm it. That you will take each unnecessary thought and cast them away. That you will pull out negativity and replace it with confidence and love. That you will erase the doubt and anxiety, and instead show me the power of your holy name.

I pray that you take my pounding heart, my clammy hands, my brain that's continually over-thinking and give me peace. Peace to understand that there are things I cannot change. Peace to accept your promise rather than the impermanence of this world. Peace to let go of my pain and replace it with faith. Peace to stand firm in you.
