Prayer For A Husband And Wife

Father, I am very grateful that You are so ready to give us the wisdom we need. You tell us in your Word that If we need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to us. He will not rebuke us for asking.

Thank you Lord that we can bring every request to you, including the request for more wisdom. As we face our trials and challenges and choices, give us you fresh perspective. Help us see life through your lens, through the lens of the gospel. Help us have confidence in our minds, and in the Spirit, who is always with us and helps us know and discern your will.

Help us, Father, to see all of our trials as opportunities to rejoice and trust in you. In your Word we read, "Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy." That sounds so hard! Lord, help us see what that might look like in our lives. Help us have your perspective when trials come to know that our suffering is an opportunity to depend on you and for you to show up in our lives.

Dear God,

We praise you for your love and faithfulness. We thank you for huge grace. We thank you that you give us the power to love well. Thank you for my spouse. Thank you for the gift of marriage. Thank you that you're for us; that you fight for us. Thank you that you are Redeemer, and you have good in store. We confess, some days, marriage gets tough, and we blow it again. We ask that you would make us more like you. Please fill our marriage and lives with truth and cover it with blessing.


Father, I am very grateful that You are so ready to give us the wisdom we need. You tell us in your Word that If we need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to us. He will not rebuke us for asking.

Thank you Lord that we can bring every request to you, including the request for more wisdom. As we face our trials and challenges and choices, give us you fresh perspective. Help us see life through your lens, through the lens of the gospel. Help us have confidence in our minds, and in the Spirit, who is always with us and helps us know and discern your will.

Help us Father, to patiently endure tests of our faith and resist temptations that could hurt our marriage. God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. (James 1:12) Give us your Spirit to protect and persevere us through temptations. Help us keep you and your will for us always in our hearts and minds.

Lord, help us to remember when we first met and the strong love that grew between us. Help us love in practical ways so that nothing can divide us. May our words be kind and our thoughts gracious. May we remain humble enough to ask for forgiveness and wise enough to freely give.

Lord, I pray for your peace to rule richly in my marriage and in my home. You said in your Word that the peace you give passes all understanding. I receive that peace right now. I choose to let the peace of Christ rest in my heart. As the peace of Christ rest in my heart, it will extend to my marriage.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Please teach us how to forgive. Your word tells us to forgive others as You have also forgiven us.

We need to let go of our anger, our hurt, and our pain so that we can move forward, Lord. Please help us to do that.

Help us to let go of resentment, and soften our hearts to choose love. Give us the wisdom to handle our pain wisely and to draw boundaries where they need to be drawn.

If we are angry, may we harness that anger so we don't sin against You. And when we are hurt, please help us heal. In the name of Jesus we pray.