Prayer For Adulterous Spouse

Lord Jesus, I have sinned before You and committed adultery. Forgive me Lord for winking at my own sin while I was gratifying my fleshly lusts. I repent of my wrong actions and foolish choices and confess that I have sinned against You.. and have caused deep distress, not only to my spouse but to the wider family as well.

Help me Lord to live a life from this day on that is pleasing to You, for I choose to turn from my fleshly lusts and sexual sin, which has caused so much grief and pain. I pray that with Your help and strength, I may learn to walk in righteousness and purity from this day on.. and in a manner that is pleasing to You.

I pray that not only my actions but the thoughts of my mind may be cleansed and made pure. Help my inner heart to be purified of all lustful imaginings, which could cause me to be led astray.. and may I learn to bring into captivity every thought, in obedience of Christ.

For all the pain that I have caused to others, and especially to my spouse, I pray that You would heal the hurt and lessen the pain I've caused, so that in Your grace we may mend the rift that has come between us and draw closer to each other and to You. This I ask in Jesus name,


Heavenly Father, we come to You to lift up the increasing numbers of couples that are facing adultery in their marriages both the one that is feeling betrayed and let down by an unfaithful spouse.. and the one that has been foolishly led astray, by sexual sins and the gratification of the flesh.

We ask that You would intervene in all marriages where adultery and infidelity are taking place.. and pray for Your healing hand on every life that is touched by the destructive nature of adultery.. and each marriage that has been impacted and devastated by sexual sins and infidelity in their marriages

We ask You to intervene in each situation where infidelity, fornication and adultery has caused such sadness, pain and loss of trust. We also pray that You would revive the marriages of couples that have gone through the painful discovery that their spouse has been unfaithful and the devastating repercussions that are caused through the adultery of ones marriage partners.

We pray that You would disentangle the web of deceit that is woven through an adulterous relationship and ask that in Your goodness and grace You would touch the hearts of both partners, so that godly repentance may be received with godly forgiveness we ask this in Jesus name,


Lord to my shame I have committed adultery, broken my marriage vows.. both to You and to my spouse and caused untold pain and I am so sorry Lord and repent of all my sin and the evil consequences of my fleshy weakness.

Lord I confess that I am weak in this area, but that is no excuse and I ask that in the power of the Holy Spirit You would help me to turn right away from this gross and evil sexual sin. Help me to overcome temptation and not to fall prey to the enticements of flesh lusts.

Help me to run from sexual sin as the Bible says, and to break free from any sexual soul-ties that I have made - and keep me I pray, from being tempted to make any further contact. I ask that You would help me to resist all temptation and to help me make a complete break with this ungodly part of my life.

Purify my heart I pray and enable me to turn away forever from this fleshly weakness which I know must be called for what it is ungodly sexual sin - adultery. Help me to no longer live for my own gratification but rather I pray that I may be enabled to change my whole behaviour towards my spouse - and live in marriage union with my spouse, as You have outlined in Your Word.

Give us both fresh, new love for each other and may this evil that I have done not become a stumbling-block in our marriage but the start of a new closer fellowship with each other - and with You. This I ask in Jesus name,


Father, I have been deeply hurt and grieved because of my spouse's adultery and the pain at times is more than I can bear. It is so hard to come to terms with the fact that the one person in your life that you are closest to.. and have trusted implicitly, is discovered to be an adulterer who has betrayed the loving trust we have between us.

I lay my brokenness before You and pour out my heart to You, for I have no one to turn to Lord but You.. and I need Your comfort and healing touch to get through this tremendous sadness.

Father.. in my heart I know that if I nurse this grief and continue to feel sorry for myself.. that it is likely to turn into sour bitterness and acidic resentment. Prevent me Lord from going down that self-indulgent route, but rather heal me I pray.

Touch the areas deep within that are still raw with pain; bathe my wounds with Your love and peace.. and bring me through this ordeal, stronger and more able to be of service to You.

Help me to forgive too.. I know that in my own strength this would be impossible, but I ask that You would give me the sufficient grace to forgive their unfaithfulness.. and the ability to remember their sin no more this I ask in Jesus name,


Father, I have sinned, for all have sinned (Rom 3:23), and so please forgive me of my sins as I know You will if I confess them to You (1st John 1:9). I know I might have caused my spouse to lose interest in me or perhaps I drove them away from me by the way that I treated them and didn't love them unconditionally, and so now, I pray God, that You would bring my spouse back to me and that the adultery that is now happening will stop and that both of them would repent of this and that my spouse would be reconciled to me. God, I will need Your power to help me forgive my spouse and to move forward in our relationship and to glorify You in our marriage, so bring my spouse conviction from this sin so that they would repent of it and we can be joined together in our fellowship and in our relationship with one another and that You could be praised for Your divine intervention and in the strong name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.

Father God, You are the God of Restoration, redeeming us from the pit which eternally lies below for everyone who rejects You (Rev 20:12-15), but right now, I feel rejected as my spouse is cheating and it feels like a knife to my heart. Please help me oh Father in this great time of heartache and to help me to be able to continue in this marriage in the hopes that we can both be reconciled to one another. I know that my spouse is not really happy inside and that the passing pleasures of sin are fleeting but they cannot suppress their conscience for very long Father, so I pray, please move my spouse to confess their sin, to be convicted of their sin, and to repent of their sin with the passionate desire that we can be reconciled to one another and can give You all the glory for saving our marriage and in the Great Name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.

Father God, You alone can move the human heart to confession of sin, to a conviction of sin, and then bring them to repentance. I know that only You can grant them repentance (2nd Tim 2:25) and so that is what I am praying for because my spouse is committing adultery and they are in great danger of Your holy, righteous indignation. I know that unless they repent, they are going to face such a horrible eternity that it can't even be described (Rev 21:8) and that is something that hurts to even think about, so please Father, grant them repentance so that they might be forgiven and end this adulterous affair so that we can restore our marriage and seek to please You and glorify You in our marriage and in the name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.

Father God, right now, I know that my spouse has been cheating on me and I am asking You to help me deal with this heartbreak. I need Your comfort and strength to endure and not just give up on them. Please help drive my spouse to their need to confess their sin and that they would see the grievous sin that adultery is. Only You can grant them brokenness before You and I pray You would move their heart to confess their sin to You and come to me to confess it to me so that we can begin healing this relationship and glorify You oh God in our marriage and in the precious name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray, amen.