Prayer For A Drug Addict

In the comfort of your love, I lay before you
the memories that haunt me,
the anxieties that perplex me,
the despair that frightens me,
and my frustration at my inability to think clearly.
Help me to discover your forgiveness in my memories and know your peace in my distress.
Touch me, [O Lord], and fill me with your light and your hope.

[God], I offer myself to Thee
to build with me and to do with me as Thou wilt.
Relieve me of the bondage of self,
that I may better do Thy will.
Take away my difficulties,
that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help
of Thy Power, Thy Love, and Thy Way of life.
May I do Thy will always!

[God], grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change
Courage to change the things I can
And wisdom to know the difference

Thank you for keeping me sober another day. I pray only for the knowledge of your will for me, and the power to carry that out. I pray that you keep me sober again tomorrow.

Dear Lord Jesus, our heart is breaking with grief because our precious child has gone down the route of addiction. They have left home and are now living rough in the streets and seem to have become an entirely different personality. Lord, we have not seen them now for many months and we are filled with great sadness. But we are trusting You Lord to work a miracle.

Look down Lord Jesus in pity on our dear child, convict them of their wrongdoing and restore a right mind within them. Protect them Lord, from the dangers that surround them and bring them home Lord we pray.

Lord, there is nothing that we can do but to trust You, and we do trust You Lord to turn our child right round and return them home. Into Your hands we commit this great sadness and pray that the return of our precious prodigal will take place very soon, and we will give You all the praise and glory,


Oh Lord, I come to You to pray for all who are weighed down with some form of addition. Lord, You are the One Who came to set the captives free and to release the sinners from the chains that bind them. So I lift before Your throne of grace all those that have become addicted to drugs.

Lord, I know some personally and others that I know nothing about, but You know everyone that is enchained by the curse of drug-addiction. Look with compassion on all that are ensnared by any form of addiction, and send help and freedom to all who would accept help. Lord, I pray that they may be released from this imprisonment and returned to a life that has dignity and meaning.

Give wisdom to their family members and those that care from them, that they may be given the support and help to put them back on the road to recovery. Endow them with patience, understanding and perseverance, knowing that this can take time to address.

More than anything Lord, I pray for their salvation. You died for every drug addict and it was Your love for them that caused You to die on the cross of shame that they might be lifted up and seated with Christ in heavenly places. Save them Lord, in Jesus' name I pray,


Dear Lord, even though you were fully God, you came on earth and lived a humble life. You persevered through it all because of me. I come to you today asking you to give me the same perseverance that you had as I start this journey of recovery and cleanness. I no longer want to be a slave to drug addiction. May your unfailing mercy cover my body and soul. May I fight the good fight of faith and always remember that I am the righteousness of God through you, Lord Jesus. May my identity in you become my reality and not drugs. In Jesus' name, I believe and pray. Amen.

Lord Jesus, I surrender every drug addict to you today. You know the struggles that they are going through right now. Others think they are living their best life, but that is deception from the enemy. Free them from the prison of drugs. Help them to know that they can find pleasure and happiness in you alone. Save them from their distress and give them supernatural strength to fight any manner of temptation that may come their way. I pray this believing in your holy name. Amen.