Prayer For A Daughter

God, thank you for my girls and for the relationships you've given them. Lord help them to be attracted to good friendships that will help them to deepen their relationship with You. Protect them from friendships that may steer them in the wrong direction or lead them down a bad path. Keep them safe wherever they go. Lord, help me teach them to be good friends and good stewards over their relationships. Let them always be kind and humble, preferring others over themselves. God I pray that they would be comfortable in who You've created them to be. That they would never feel like they need to perform for others or be someone they are not in order to gain friendships. Let Your light shine through them as they walk closely with You. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Lord, thank you for my precious daughters. Father draw them closer to you. I know that You've given them the mind of Christ, but Lord help them to truly understand what that means for them. Reveal Your Word to them in such a way that they long to know who they are and Whose they are. Protect their hearts and minds as they navigate the teenage years. Let them be attracted to the things of You over the things of this world. Guard their minds against any attack of the enemy.

I rebuke every lie, plot, ploy or scheme that the enemy would try to use against them, in Jesus' name. I thank you that Jesus died on the cross so that they would be free- mind, body, soul and spirit. Guide me and direct me as I teach them about You. Let me be a picture of Your grace in their lives. In Jesus' name, Amen.


I offer a prayer for my daughter that she will hear the small still voice inside. Your voice, the one that brings calm. Her own voice, the one that encourages good choices. And the voice of spirit, the perfect combination of holy and humanity. I pray for my daughter to speak carefully: To raise her voice in defense of the weak. To speak soothingly to those in need. To use words that are productive and kind. Be inside and beside her, dear Lord.

Dear God,

I pray for my daughter to see the beauty in this world and the goodness in people. Show her how to raise her head in confidence, yet lower it with humility before You. Help her to be a life long learner. May she always gain knowledge, grow in understanding, and find wisdom. Please God, help her to close her eyes in restful slumber and open them in appreciation of Your glorious morning light.

Lord, You hold her future in Your hands and You know each detail of her life, including who she will marry (Psalm 139:16). Help her trust You with her single years, staying focused on pleasing You in body and spirit and enjoying that season of life (1 Corinthians 7:34).

Guard her from men who would use and abuse her, and keep her steadfast in You until she finds a godly man who will love her like You love Your Bride (Ephesians 5:25).

May she find joy and satisfaction in loving, honoring, and serving her husband as we are called to serve You (Ephesians 5:24), and may they find great delight in each other (Song of Solomon 5:16). Make their marriage a living metaphor of the beautiful relationship You desire to have with Your Church (Ephesians 5:25), and may all who see them long to have that kind of a relationship with You too.

Almighty God, Your Word says that those who hope in You renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they'll run and not grow weary; and will walk and not be faint (Isaiah 40:31). May my daughter grow in wisdom, in stature, and in favor before You and others (Luke 2:52).

Keep my daughter healthy and strong so that she may labor with all Your energy (Colossians 1:29) to do the good works You prepared for her to walk in before the creation of the world (Ephesians 2:10). Just as Jesus came not to be served but to serve, help her to serve others in Your love and to see the broken and needy through Your eyes (Matthew 20:28).

Lord, I pray Your emotional, physical, and spiritual protection over my daughter. Keep evil far from her, and help her to trust You as her refuge and strength. I pray You will guard her mind from harmful instruction, and grant her discernment to recognize truth. I pray You will make her strong and courageous in the presence of danger, recognizing that You have overcome and will set right all injustice and wrong one day. Help her to find rest in Your shadow, as she lives in the spiritual shelter You provide for her. Let her know that the only safe place is in Jesus, and that her home on earth is only temporary. In Jesus name, amen.

Dear Jesus, we weep with you over the number of our kids who are buying into the lie that sexual pleasure is something to experiment with. We pray that our daughters would treasure their sexuality as a true gift from You, and that they would honor that gift by saving it as a precious treasure to give their future spouse. We ask that you would help them to be strong in the face of their own desires and that they would choose purity in the face of temptation.
Lord we also ask that you'd protect our daughters from the idea that they must do anything and everything (including abusing their bodies through eating disorders, drug abuse, or other harmful behaviors) in order to attaining a preferred shape or figure. We pray you'd protect our sons from that kind of destructive thinking, and that if they're tempted to take these kind of drastic measures, that you'd send someone in their lives to stop them. Help them to remember over and over that their identity is not in how they look on the outside but what you see as their potential and worth on the inside.
We pray that our daughters would treasure their health as a gift from God and that they would have a passion to eat nutritious food and to stay active in order to do their part to take care of this treasure. In Jesus name, Amen.