Prayer For Youth Mission Trip

O God, the life of all who live, the light of the faithful, and the strength of those who labor. We thank you for the blessing of the day and humbly ask for your protection through the coming night. Bring them in safety to the morning hours, through him who died and rose for us, your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ Amen

We Thank you Lord:

For all his gifts so freely bestowed on us,

For the beauty and wonder of your creation, in earth and sea and sky,

For all that is gracious in the lives of men and women, revealing the image of Christ,

For our daily food and drink, our homes and families, and our friends, and all the families in Hollywood, S. Carolina,

For minds to think, and hearts to love, and hands to serve,

For health and strength to love and hands to serve,

For the brave and courageous, who are patient in suffering and faithful in adversity,

For the mission team to bring comfort, care and strength to those they serve, by their being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ,

Above all, we give you thanks for the great mercies and promises given to us in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen

Holy Father,We come to you asking your protection and care for the youth and adults serving in Your name.Help them remember that in new and foreign circumstances, You are there; when connecting and working with those they don't know, that You know them; and when working in difficult conditions, if they tire and are tempted to quit, that You never do.Lord, we ask that you give them clarity of thought for their minds, wisdom of discernment for their words, and sustenance for their souls, all of which only You can provide.We pray this time serving together opens doors leading to new knowledge and love, and that you return them safely to the arms of those who love them.In the name of Jesus, Amen

Almighty God, You have created us, redeemed us, and sustain us, for which we are humbly grateful. You created a world for us to inhabit, magnificent in mountains, delicate in dandelions. And you created us in Your image, asking that we love one another as You have loved us. How wonderful is your bounty.

We ask Your care and protection for our young people and adults on this mission trip to Hollywood, South Carolina Each of them heard you call their name and answered, Here I am, Lord. Theirs are the eyes with which You look out in compassion on the world. We bless You for directing these ambassadors of your love to this place.

We pray that you guide and direct them as they work by day, and grant them renewal in peaceful sleep. Give them strength and courage as they confront unexpected challenges in a wounded community. Let them show through Your love and power that New Beginnings are possible and through You, faith, hope, and love can conquer everything.

Heavenly Father, we send our brothers and sisters on this mission, entrusting them to your care. We ask for their safe travel, and that You bring them home enriched in their relationships with You, and ever more aware of Your presence everywhere.

All of these we ask in the precious name of Your son and our Savior, Christ Jesus. Amen

Dear Father, enable me to understand and appreciate the situations I am walking into at worksites this week. Give me humility, wisdom and respect as I interact with others so that I will not offend anyone involved. Empower me to work with all my heart for you, Lord. Guard me against laziness, inattention, frustration, unrealistic expectations and other attitudes that can get me off course.

Lord, I praise you that you do not sleep as you watch over me. Keep me and my group physically safe and healthy as we travel. Please provide me with patience and flexibility if things do not go according to the plan.

Jesus, grant me a renewed joy in knowing you this week. Strengthen me to speak God's Word boldly and to be prepared to explain my hope in Christ. Speak to me during devotions, through my small group and at the evening worship. Help me to grow in the fruits of the spirit during this week and carry these lessons home so that my faith would continue to grow and strengthen in the months to come.

Lord, I pray that during this experience you would fill me with compassion, generosity, kindness and respect as I interact with the people I encounter. Teach me to look at the heart of people the way you do instead of judging by outward appearances. Give me sympathetic ears and observant eyes to be sensitive to the needs of those around me. Lastly, help me to remember this is a temporary community, cherishing the time I have with others while holding the knowledge that we will all go our separate ways soon.