Prayer For Your Haters

You tell me, Father, that if I submit to You, the Devil must flee (James 4:7) but sometimes I know I don't submit to You and I realized that this leaves a door open for the enemy. When I am not submitting to You Father, I am submitting to my own flesh, the world, or to the Devil or his demons. I know it's Your will to have me resist temptation and that by doing so, I can avoid giving in to that temptation and so please, I pray, protect me from the evil influences today that will most certainly come my way today and to understand that anything that doesn't feel right might be a lie from the father of lies, Satan and so I am praying to help me resist temptation so that I might not sin and live a life that glorifies You and in Jesus beloved and most precious name I pray, amen.

Lord, my Father, it seems that Satan and his demons are turning up the heat these days. When things start to fall apart, please remind me to persevere and to have persistence in resisting the devil so that he and his minions will flee from me (James 4:7) but I know that he can use other people to do his dirty work. They don't even know that he does this, God (2nd Cor 4:3-4) but You have revealed this dangerous, invisible enemy so I ask You to help me persist in doing what is pleasing to You and to resist in doing anything contrary to Your will and in Jesus' mighty name I pray, amen.

Lord God, please hear my prayer and my prayer is this; I want to have a close, personal relationship with You throughout the day so that I can remember that it is You that I really work for and not my employer (Col 3:23-24) and to help me resist the temptation from my own flesh and from the enemy to not do the work I am paid to do and so help me to focus on doing the best that I can during my day today so that my work can reflect what You desire in me and that is to whatever I do, give it all that I can (Eccl 9:10), even when no one's looking, I know You are and for the glory of the name in which I pray, Jesus Christ, amen.

Righteous Father in heaven, I know that there is a dark force out there that is opposed to You and to me. It is an invisible enemy who make try to discourage us or use others to do the same. Please help me to recognize when I'm under spiritual attacks so that I can be prepared to use the armor that You have provided for me and I also ask for Your protection for my family and from those in the local body of Christ. It seems that the world is growing more wicked every day and is a lot like Noah's day when all they thought about was doing evil (Gen 6:5). It is getting harder every day Lord to live for You so help me to resist the temptation to compromise and to stand firm on what I know is true and in the glorious name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.

Great God, my Father, I need to learn to trust in You and rely on You in everything, including when the fiery darts of the enemy come flying my way. I know that you never forsake us (Heb 13:5) and that I can confidently say that You are my helper and so I will not fear what any man can do to me (Heb 13:6) but the invisible enemy is much harder to deal with God. Please help me to be grounded in Your Word and don't rely on my own strength but rely on You, the Solid Rock of my salvation through Jesus Christ my Lord in whose name I pray, amen.

Lord Jesus, following Your example and command, we pray for our enemies today. We ask first that You would saturate our lives with the Holy Spirit's power and might. Send Your love flowing through us, and forgive us for holding on to anything that could hinder our prayers. We release any unforgiveness, thoughts of revenge, or hateful emotions that can quench Your Spirit in our hearts. Then give us wisdom as we seek how to bless, to love, and to pray for our enemies.

We pray for you to bless our enemies and to orchestrate events in their lives that will leave their hearts exposed before you. As You characterized blessing in the Beatitudes, we pray that You would give them a poverty of spirit that recognizes their deep need for You. We pray they will discover Your comfort in times of mourning, and they would be humbled before Youin Your way and Your time. We pray You would show them mercy before it is too lateknowing we were all God's enemies before You extended mercy to usand that they would, in turn, be merciful to others.

Lord, we pray that instead of lusting for pure evil, they would hunger and thirst for Your purity and righteousness, become advocates of Your justice and that their warring spirits would be changed into peacemaking. Remove the faade of well-being; tear down the lies that have deceived them; and hedge their ways until they can see no way out but up. We pray You would show them the futility of what they are doing because in opposing God's kingdom and in their darkness, they are often oblivious about the true reasons for their behavior and resulting consequences. Reveal to them any deep hurts or traumas in their own lives that may be contributing to their destructive actions.

Knowing how you sometimes use pain and difficulty to bring blessing to our lives, we pray the same for our enemies. Use whatever means You need to soften stony hearts, open blind eyes, and to help them realize their ultimate neediness for You. If necessary, allow persecution in their own lives so they can experience Your blessing. Speak to them in miraculous, supernatural ways if necessary, through a dream, a movie, another believer, Your Wordor even through our own lives if we are ever confronted. In some way, let them witness Your power and recognize that You are the source. We pray for conviction, for an honest evaluation of their own destiny, and for a sense of desperation if that's what it takes for them to consider Your claims and to discover Who You really are. Pursue them, even allowing goodness to lead them to repentance. And give us patience and a deep trust in You, Lord, even when we can't see any change in our enemies. When we waver, not wanting to pray for our enemies, help us to remember Your grace in our own lives, and what we would be without You.

Lord, thank you for all you do in my life. Thank you for all you provide for me and the direction you give. Thank you for protecting me and being my strength every day. Lord, today I lift up my heart to you because it is filling with hatred that I can't seem to control. There are times when I know I should let go of it, but it just keeps grabbing onto me. Every time I think about this thing, I just get angry all over again. I can feel the rage inside me build, and I just know the hatred is doing something to me.

I ask, Lord, that you intervene in my life to help me overcome this hatred. I know you warn against letting it fester. I know you ask us to love rather than hate. You forgive us all for our sins rather than letting us be angry. Your son died on a cross for our sins rather than you allowing yourself to hate us. He couldn't even hate his captors. No, you are the ultimate in forgiveness and overcoming even the potential for hate. The only thing you hate is sin, but it is a thing, and you still offer up your grace when we fail.

Yet, Lord, I'm struggling with this situation, and I need you to help me. I am not sure I have the strength right now to let this hatred go. I am hurt. It is distasteful. I get distracted by it sometimes. I know it is taking hold, and I know you are the only one strong enough to get me beyond this. Help me go from hatred to forgiveness. Help me walk away from my hatred and temper it down so I can see the situation clearly. I no longer want to be clouded. I no longer want my decisions to be biased. Lord, I want to move on from this heaviness in my heart.

Lord, I know hate is much stronger than just a dislike of things. I see the difference now. I know this is hate because it is strangling me. It is keeping me from a freedom that I've seen others experience when they've overcome hatred. It draws me into dark thoughts, and it keeps me from moving forward. It's a dark thing, this hatred. Lord, help me let the light back in. Help me come to an understanding and acceptance that this hatred isn't worth the weight it has placed on my shoulders.

I am struggling right now, Lord, and you are my savior and my support. Lord, please let your spirit into my heart so that I can move forward. Fill me with your light and let me see clear enough to come out of this fog of hatred and anger. Lord, be my everything at this moment so I can be the person you desire for me.

Thank you, Lord. In your name, Amen.

Thank you , Lord, for allowing me to experience your very presence this day. Give me a portion of your enabling ability that will prevent me from being sensitive to the negative influences of other people. Show me how to walk and show me how to talk when I am in the midst of haters. I will not pay attention to their faces , nor will I be moved by their negative comments. I WILL lift up mine eyes unto YOU. I WILL keep my mind stayed on thee. In the name of Jesus, Amen.