Prayer For Young Adults

Heavenly Father,

I pray for the young men and women who have left their faith behind to indulge in the desires of the flesh. Father, I pray that You would open their eyes to see the decay that is around them. I pray that they would understand their sin fully and repent. Lord, bring them to their knees in sadness and remorse for the terrible things they have done. Until they see the need for Jesus they are doomed for hell. Please, Father, draw them back to You. Use men and women of faith to love on them and show them truth in the midst of the deception they are living in. The devil is crafty, but You are Holy! All things are possible through You! I love You! Amen

Dear God,

I pray for those yet to be born. There are thousands and thousands of little babies waiting to be born from their mommies. I pray that these little ones will hear the truth of the Bible as they grow older. I pray for Your protection on them in the womb. Without new life, we would be extinct and children are a huge blessing. Guide, guard and direct these little ones as they grow in You. They could change the world because of You! I lift them up to You in the name of Your precious Son. Amen

Blessed Lord,

I thank You for the men and women that lead teams of missionaries to help spread the truth of the Gospel of Christ. I pray that as our church is planning its next trip that our young men and women will step up and fill the need. I have seen You move on these trips in mighty ways! Many people who needed clothes, shoes and a roof for their head have come to know and love You because of people willing to go on a missions trip. Lord, I will encourage the young people to go, just as You have told us to go in the great commission. I love You! Amen

O Father in Heaven,

My heart is breaking for the young men and women who are social outcasts. The news tells the same story every single night. Someone is being bullied or shot. Father, this is chaotic! Please, Lord, protect the ones who cannot protect themselves. Some kids are so emotionally traumatized that they have attempted to take their own livessome have succeeded. Father, I pray that You would place men and women of faith in the paths of these kids to show them that they are special and they are loved. Until they see love they will only continue in the spiral of endless chaos. Father, use me to help in any way! I love You! Amen

Dear Lord,

I love my children so much and I know that they are learning to love You more daily. Father, I am scared for them because everything around them says You are a lie. I pray that the Holy Spirit will convict them daily to know what is right and what choices they should make. I know that they are only with me for a brief time and I pray that I would be found faithful in Your sight with how I raise them. I will continue to pray with them and encourage them to read their Bibles daily. Lord, I believe Jesus! He said, I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. (John 14:6) I pray that my children will grow to believe the same way. I put them in Your hands, Father. Amen


You know the hearts of our young kids. I pray that you would grow a desire in them that some would devote a life of service to a ministry. We need honest preachers. We need passionate worship pastors. We need men that will take hold of these desires and run with them. You can do great things, Father, through us and I pray that You will use the Holy Spirit to speak to our adolescent children to grow a passion inside of them that wants to know You more and live for You daily! I love You! Amen

Father in Heaven,

I pray that You would raise up a generation of children that would fear You greatly! Lord, I'm scared about where our country is headed. Many bad decisions are affecting our kids. Abortion is not a scary word anymore. Father, our kids need to know to fight for what's right and I pray that You would use me to help Your cause to raise a generation of young people that will continue to fight for You! I love You! Amen

O God, we pray and beseech you
to guide and protect young people
from the dangers that are ever present in our world today.
Be with them, as they experience both sickness and health,
sorrow and joy,
loneliness and friendship,
success and failure.
Gracious God,
give to them the courage and strength
to make the right decisions
as they journey through life.
Through the power of the Holy Spirit,
may they come to know and experience your loving care.
We make this prayer through Christ Our Lord. Amen.