Prayer For Winning A Court Case

Father, we lay before you our anxieties and concerns about this court case. You know our journey to this place, the struggles, the heartache and the difficulties. Please cover every aspect of the hearing, from the judgement of the judge and jury, to the details revealed in this session. Holy Spirit please presence yourself with us as we testify. Come calm our troubled hearts and minds with your eternal peace and help us to remember that your hand is upon us. Thank you that you will lead us through this hard time into a new season of hope and rest. We pray all this in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ our Lord and King. Amen.

God of Power, please take up my cause! Please defend me against these ungodly people who are using the law of the land to bind me and break me. Rescue me from these unjust liars! Rescue me from the verdict that intends to trap me, set me free from these accusations and assumptions. Thank You for being my greatest defense. Amen.

Righteous Savior, I trust in You for my protection. It is in You that I take refuge. As I battle in court right now, it is not the lawyers that I put my trust in, nor is it the judge, but my trust is in You. My court victory is in Your hands, and I know that I will have the victory because You have never failed me. I pray that You hear my cries, and I thank You in advance for helping me win this battle. Amen.

Hallelujah to my Mighty Defender! Take up my case, my and my Lord. Declare me not guilty, O Lord my God, for You give justice. I declare justice over my situation, I declare victory in court. I know that You are in control of all things, including this case, so I pray that You have Your divine way over the outcome. I pray that You reveal my innocence to the judge. Amen.

Awesome God, I thank You in advance for my court victory! I praise You because I know that You will restore me to even greater honor and comfort me once again. I pray against anything that is set to ensure that I lose my court case. I proclaim victory in the courtroom. I declare restoration of my reputation and peace in my mind. I will not lose, for You are fighting in my corner. Amen.

Holy One, hear my plea for justice, listen to my cry for help! I pray that You pay attention to my prayer because it comes from an honest heart. Declare me innocent, for You know those who do right. You see my heart and You know the situation. I pray for victory in court right now, I pray for the scales to weigh in my favor. I pray for a divine touch from You in my court case. Amen.

Mighty Warrior, You know the hopes of the helpless. Surely You will listen to my cries and comfort me! I know that You will bring justice to me so that I will no longer be oppressed or terrified. Father, I need You now more than ever. I know that You are with me wherever I go. I know that You are with during this court case and in the courtroom. You will be the reason for my court victory. I humbly come before you, Father, and ask you to lend me Your ear and come to my aid. Amen.

Almighty and Everlasting God, You know my heart. You know I am innocent! Take away my distress. Calm my mind. Have mercy on me and hear my prayer. Grant me victory in the courtroom. Come down and bless my case so that the verdict will be in my favor. Settle my legal disputes so that I can be free from the distress that they bring me. Allow the law of the land to work in my favor at this time. Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness! Amen.